Blogs from Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia, Oceania - page 48


Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs April 26th 2007

Alice Springs was the first place I saw predominant Aboriginal population in the streets. I must say it gave me an uneasy feeling. They just look so out of place. Like nothing in town really fits them. Most of them just aimlessly wander the streets, or sit/lie somewhere in the shade, which would probably seemed reasonable in the desert but not in a city, where people always has a purpose. Some of them live right in the dried up bed of the river Todd that passes through the city. They wear western clothing, as if it was superimposed on them, like in a funny dress-up game, only it's not funny. They even seem a little lifeless, with no smiles, laughs or any other emotions. On second thought, maybe it's the other way around. Alice has ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs April 26th 2007

Eight days, 2500km, Adelide to Alice Springs on a guided tour, you would expect this to be a long one. Lot's of nice pics, too. Day one: Big group, eccentric guide, lousy cold lunch but nice fish and chips for dinner. In the evening our group turned out to be quite pleasant, and heavy with Swiss and German. Interesting. Also, some beer appeared in the evening. Europeans drink a lot. Camped under the stars. Cool. Day two: Walked some today in Wilpena pound. Very arid, reminded me of home. Burgers for lunch and BBQ for dinner. The Australian have gas BBQs like every park and campsite, a good idea to import. The beer started at lunch and pretty much stayed till we went to sleep (everybody bought beer when we stopped on the way). Not ... read more
Small lizard
Sunset over the north Flinders Ranges
Grey Kangaroo

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs April 20th 2007

Hey Everyone, sorry for not writting for so long. Well I managed to find my flight to Darwin from singapore. The plane looked,and flew like an old tin baked bean can. I almost thought it would never get off the ground! I got into Darwin at about 5am only to be stopped as you had to declare all the food that your bringing in. I had known about this and had spent my time at singapore eatting the contense of my rucksack, so I was wondering why I had been stopped. well it turned out that the book I was using as a journal was made of banana paper, and therefore appently food. So they promptly ripped that up much to my deversation, and yes I did cause a big scene and I was totally unimpressed. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs April 20th 2007

We spent the morning having a look around the town Alice Springs, and looking at the various Aboriginal craft shops. Then we made our way towards the amazing kangaroo Rescue Centre - where orphan Joey's have been rescued from their mother's pouches mainly from car accidents. If there has been a car accident and a kangaroo has been injured or died, it is important to check the mother's pouch in case she has any offspring that may have survived the incident. In summer a Joey can survive in the mother's pouch for a period of up to 3 days! The centre has rescued numerous breeds including the blue, red and rock kangaroos and also wallabies and is always looking out for volunteer fosterers. There is a huge need for these charity-funded organisations in Oz, as lots ... read more
Feeding Baby Roo
The Champion Boxer
Baby in a Bag

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs April 17th 2007

Hello everyone, hope everyone is well. Man is Darwin ever hot, we went to Kakadu Park in the Northern Territories and man is it ever huge. It was interesting to learn about the Flood plains and the different seasons. There is lots of aboriginal rock art and signs of times thousands of years ago. Walking around you almost expect to see a dinosaur walk We camped in a permanent camp right in Kakadu, well I should say we shared it with the spiders, are they ever big. Then back to Darwin to stay for a night before heading off to Alice Springs, NO trip would be complete with me not losing my wallet….this time it got nicked with my bag….so here I am stuck in Darwin without even 5 cents….i just cant do things ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs April 17th 2007

After a late start - we nearly missed the bus due to the time difference -fortunately they came back for us at 6.15am! On our journey approx 3 hour drive, crossing the Erldunda point (central point of Oz), to the magnificent Kings Canyon in the George Gill Range, south-west of Alice Springs. The hardest part of the 3 hour trek (6km) was the first uphill stage, but it was definitely worth the effort as we reached the top we had fantastic views of the gorge and Kings Canyon. The rock formations are contrasting colours of orange-red. There is also lots of desert Oaks, River Red Gums, Bottle Brushes, Wattles, Fig trees, ferns and Eucalyptus trees - which can act as sunblock (if you rub the white powder from the bark on your skin), a diverse wildlife ... read more
Kings Canyon
Wild Camels Foraging
The Garden of Eden

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs April 13th 2007

Well guys, it's friday the 13th here in Oz, although you still have a couple of hours until little old Blighty reaches that dreaded date. At least, i think you have but i'm a little bit confused about the time difference due to us finally leaving queensland and entering a new time zone. This combined with your clocks changing has left me ever so befuddled as to what time it really is. Well, as i said we've left Queensland - Yay, no more identical east coast towns, or tropical humid weather. In a moment of cash-flow related madness we decided that it was a fabulous idea to drive from Cairns to Alice Springs - well it's only 2,500 kms so why not! You may be wondering how we managed this as we don't actually have ... read more
Devils Marbles
The first three dates!

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Alice Springs April 10th 2007

Hi! Happy Easter! The next leg of our "Worldtour" was the Australien "Outback". We started on Wednesday, the 4th of April with 19 other "adventure seekers" with Adventure Tours from Adelaide. Our group consists of 6 Irish, 2 British (one of which is Welsh), Canadians, French, Germans, a Spanish and a Columbian girl, a Chinese girl and 2 Suisse. Vicky, our guide, steered with a strong hand to our first stop, the Alligator Gorge in the Flinders Ranges. We had some nice Wraps for lunch and some gorgeous views of the Gorge. After seing Aboriginal Paintings at Yourambulla Caves, we stayed overnight in the famous Prairie Hotel in the Metropolis of Parachilna (5 inhabitants), from where we also could see the main attraction of this village, the daily 2,8 km long train, loaded with coal, ... read more
sugar or salt?
another large spider

I just had the most unbelievable 10 days of my life!! The Outback trip was more then I ever imagined it would be. I could probably write 5 pages on this trip, but I think I will save my stories for when I see you in person. I left Adelaide on the 29th of March to embark on the best 10 days of my trip to Australia thus far. On tour there were 11 of us including our Guide, Hugh. I was a little worried when I saw who my travel companions were - nine girls and one boy (not including our guide) and I can’t forget Spike the dog. I thought uh oh this is going to be a lot of estrogen!! We all got along so well and became really great friends, my ... read more
Where am I?

Well this sure isn’t Kansas people. Welcome to the land of Oz and we’ve already had quite an adventure and so this’ll be quite a long entry. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin. We had a bit of a stress landing as we had to collect our bags at Sydney airport, get through customs and then re-check in to Alice Springs. We had to do some queue jumping but we made it and had breakfast at Hungry Jacks which is the name for burger king here (I think and I’ve no idea why it’s different). Anyway we got to Alice Springs and were picked up to go to our hostel. You notice the heat straight away (around 30 degrees C) though it’s not uncomfortable. We had only one day in Alice Springs so ... read more
Deb, Reptile Centre, Alice Springs
Mike and Python
Baby Kangaroo Rescue Centre, Alice Springs

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