Blogs from Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, United States, North America - page 13


Sorry for the missed post, but we stayed at Fishing Bridge Campground in Yellowstone last night and had no cell phone, no Internet, no connectivity of any kind. Totally unplugged. Really missed being able to post at night, too! The drive from Cody to Yellowstone National Park was filled with twists and turns through valleys and gorges lined with enormous mountains of varying composition, from rock and clay to evergreen forests. As we weaved our way through them, I couldn’t help seeing them as sleeping giants, completely oblivious and undisturbed by the temporary and pesky existence of humans. Despite only having one day here, Yellowstone completely lived up to its reputation. We began with Old Faithful, watching the geyser from the balcony of the Inn, which in itself was a sight to see. The towering lobby, ... read more
Four story chimney
Inn Lobby
Inn Balcony

Spent the whole day exploring Yellowstone. We saw Old Faithful erupt twice while we were there (really fortunate because it happens every 90 minutes or so). We walked around many pathways to see other geysers and "pools" of boiling water. Really an incredible sight and amazing to think that magma 5 miles below the surface is causing it. We posed for a picture at the Old Faithful sign (a repeat of us from about 10 years ago when we last visited Yellowstone). As we looped around and headed south again it was just the right time to see the Bison moving toward the river. Wow, the first one was strolling down the side of the road and then many dozens more were either at the waters edge, swimming across the river, or lounging in the meadows ... read more
Old Faithful
One of the Pools
Mineral Bacteria from one of the Geyser Pools

We’re not sure whether it was the Mexican food or some sort of violent reaction to having our core body temperatures severely reduced for an extended period of time, but boy were we gassy this morning! It’s a good thing we really love each other - unlucky for the people sitting next to us at the Thermopolis Cafe. We opted to order two breakfasts and “share”. Sharing... this is a newer concept for Jon. Luckily, we get to continue to learn things about each other now that we’re happily married. I’m currently embarking on a 12 step sharing programme with him. Before leaving Thermopolis, we popped into the Dinosaur Museum. As Dorothy might say to Toto, Pre-Mesozoic fossils, Devonian fish and an Archaeopteryx specimen - oh my. What a surprise of a place. Completely unassuming from ... read more
The JonJon
A petroglyph
Cowboy chocolates

Da ja an der Grenze alles so lief, wir wir uns das vorgestellt hatten, waren wir guter Dinge und auf ging es in den Glacier National Park in Montana (nicht zu verwechseln mit dem gleichnamigen Nationalpark in Kanada). Am Besucherzentrum konnten wir uns einen Audio-Guide auf den iPod laden und uns an bestimmten Stellen der "Going-to-the-Sun Road" interessante Infos anhoeren. Allerdings hatten wir uns von dem Nationalpark etwas mehr erwartet. Vielleicht einen Gletscher. Aber nichts da. Eine drei-stuendige Wanderung auf den Piegan Pass war aber recht idyllisch. Und wir verewigten uns in der Form eines riesen Steinmandls. Unseren Hunger stillten wir am Lake McDonald mit Pellkartoffeln und nach einer Runde Schwimmen am traumhaft ruhigen und sonnigen Ufer des Sees waren wir auch wieder sauber. Auf der Suche nach einem Wild-Campingplatz wurden wir auf Anhieb durch ein ... read more
Rehkuh im Glacier National Park
auf dem Weg zu Piegan's Pass
Blick zurück im Glacier National Park

7/10/13 - Briar, Shelby T, and Jack got up this morning and drove down to Bridge Bay Marina, got fishing permits, and then drove over to Gull Point to try our luck at fishing. It appears, from talking to park workers; that we are about two weeks late for the trout spawning run. We walked out to the point and fished for about 2 to 2.5 hours with no luck except some beautiful scenery. Still had fun, though. Aleta fixed Dakota eggs and spam which Dakota had been asking for. Later, we drove back up to Canyon Village to visit with Joyce. Joyce went with us for a little shopping, then rode back to Fishing Bridge with us. Along the way Joyce directed us down an unmarked road which led to the Yellowstone River. Dakota and ... read more

7/9/13 - Woke up to a beautiful day, went to see Old Faithful and many other geysers and geothermal features. Old Faithful erupts on a pretty consistent schedule within like 10 minutes either way. I think it is like every 70 minutes. Did a lot of walking around geyser basin on the boardwalks. All the features were very interesting and brought home the realization that we were walking in the caldera of a volcano right under our feet. Had lunch at the small store right by Old Faithful Inn. All had burgers and they were really good. For supper Aleta fixed porkchops, turnip greens, rice and gravy, and a salad. Jack fried his cornbread cakes.... read more

Hello to all my friends and family. I am fortunate enough to be taking a trip this summer to the national parks in the northwest. I am a week into the trip now and seen some amazing sights. I am posting pictures. Luck was with me and I took some wonderful pictures of wildlife and the scenery is quite majestic. My friend Brenda Clapper has joined me on this trip along with my little dog Twyla. The company and help has been greatly appreciated because we are camping most of the time. It is quite work intensive to set up a camp site and break it down every few days. However, we are managing very well and we rent a motel room occasionally when we have enough of camping. Today we are in a unique motel ... read more
Mt Rushmore
George Washington
Chief Crazy Horse

7/8/13 - Today we moved from Canyon Village to Fishing Bridge. Fishing Bridge is the ONLY public campground in Yellowstone with full hookups. We will stay here for the remainder of our visit to Yellowstone. Sites here are $52.00 per night, full hookups, but pretty tight. Not the tightest we have stayed, sites were acceptable. After getting parked, we rode to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. We have now completed the northern loop and will focus on the south loop.... read more

7/7/13 - Got up early and rode all the northern loop of the Yellowstone figure 8. Saw more buffalo, black bear and cub, ground squirrels, pronghorn, grizzly bear, elk, deer, ducks diving, marmots, and osprey in it's nest. Stopped for a picnic along Soda Creek. Had plans to take a stagecoach ride, but they were cancelled due to the trails being wet and treacherous. Stopped at some of the geysers around the northern loop - Steamboat (the largest), whirligig, hurricane, vent, constant, this is just a few. Also saw Emerald Lake, Mammoth Hot Springs, The Mammoth was huge. Waterfalls, mountains and valleys, were beautiful. After supper we rode around the Virginia Cascade - waterfall was great.... read more

7/6/13 - Left Livingston RV Resort and Campground headed into Yellowstone. Had directions to the Canyon Village employees campground, but took a wrong turn. Thank you Lord that we could manage to get the motorhome through the tight campground we found ourselves in. Got through that and arrived at the correct campground with no problems. Joyce had gotten us a site in the employees campground, but had remembered Jack and Barbara to late to get them a site for all seven days. Aleta and Shelby decided to continue with Jack and Barbara when they had to leave the employee campground and we all went to the original plan of staying at Fishing Bridge Campground. Arrived and took a ride back up toward the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, north and south rim, some very pretty waterfalls. ... read more

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