Blogs from Zion National Park, Utah, United States, North America - page 15


North America » United States » Utah » Zion National Park September 21st 2008

This morning was our last morning here in Zion. With nothing really planned today, we just slept in and took our time dismantling our campsite. Prior to leaving, we decided to do one last hike. Since we didn't want to get a late start on the road, we picked a rather easy trail. We picked Weeping Rock Trail which is a very short trail making it quite a popular trail. The trail wasn't very steep however 2 days of relatively strenuous hiking had caught up to us. This trail was nothing compared to The Virgin Narrows and Angel's Landing. However, we just weren't able to muster the energy for this. It was at this moment that I realized that I was on hiking overkill and was so done with Zion. But I held on, eventually making ... read more
Hiking The Weeping Rock Trail
Hiking The Weeping Rock Trail
Hiking The Weeping Rock Trail

North America » United States » Utah » Zion National Park September 20th 2008

Thanks to the old fart in the next campsite abruptly putting an end to our night, I was able to get a full night's rest in my tent. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for Kevin. Unable to sleep, he apparently got out of his tent in the middle of the night and was spinning around. That morning when we went to the bathroom, he went into a stall and proceeded to vomit the contents of his entire stomach. I had never in my life, heard so much vomit hit the toilet water! The effects of too much tequila rears it's ugly head again. I tried to control my laughter as much as possible knowing that he would start to feel better once all of that was out of his system. That morning, we ... read more
Early morning in Zion
Angel's Landing
Zion Canyon

North America » United States » Utah » Zion National Park September 19th 2008

After a long day at work and a 3 hour class afterwards, Kevin and I set off at around 11pm Thursday night for a long drive to Utah. For the past few weeks, we had been planning out a long weekend trip up to Utah's Zion National Park. Our goal was to do 2 of Zion's famous hikes, up the Virgin Narrows as well as to the top of Angel's Landing. Throughout the night, we drove across California's Mojave Desert before finally arriving in Las Vegas around 5am. Unable to get any substantial sleep along the drive, I was surprisingly still in a good mood as we pulled into the Venetian Hotel. Kevin had never been to Las Vegas and wanted to stop to try his luck on some gambling. We walked around The Venetian's ... read more
Zion National Park
The fattest squirrel ever!
Along Riverside Trail

North America » United States » Utah » Zion National Park September 4th 2008

After getting some rest, we had brunch at the Bellagio and met up with our friend Tim. Then it was time to hit the open road again. We left Vegas around noon for Zion National Park. This place is incredible, the pictures give it no justice. If your travels ever lead you to Utah you should definitely check this place out. 163 Miles of travel in the Day, 454 miles Total. 15N to 9E. ... read more
Pics from the road
Pics from the road

North America » United States » Utah » Zion National Park August 11th 2008

It's taken us two weeks, but we've finally found a schedule that works for visiting the national parks. We stay two nights at each place, using the arrival day to orient ourselves and watch the introductory video, and the second day to do all of our hiking and geological expeditions. Also, for those of you following along with our route, we took Highway 12 out of Bryce, down 89, and finally followed 9 through a 1.1 mile long tunnel into Zion Canyon, where we ended up camping at South Campground on the nights of August 10 and 11. Without further ado, Zion Canyon. Mukuntuweap, the original name of Zion Canyon, was named a National Monument in 1909 by President Taft. Mukuntuweap is a Paiute Indian word for "narrow canyon," out of which there is only one ... read more
Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail
Emerald Pools Trail

North America » United States » Utah » Zion National Park August 3rd 2008

Up at 6am on the road by 7am heading to Zion National Park ($25 but we had our pass). Had breakfast from the food we had in the chilli bin in the car, sunscreened everything and took the shuttle bus from the visitors centre at just after 10am to the end stop 'Temple of Sinawava'. The trip there was dreadful because they were doing roadworks and what should have been 45 minutes took 2 hours, was about 34 deg and hotter on the bus. We drank a bottle of water, so glad to leave that vechile. Did the 'Riverside Walk' following the Virgin River alng the bottom of Narrow Canyon. Which is 1 mile long - nice walk. Changed into my jandals and headed up stream in the river. Was about calf deep and lovely and ... read more

North America » United States » Utah » Zion National Park August 3rd 2008

2nd Aug. Today we followed the south rim of the Grand Canyon through the National Park and then north back into Utah. We stopped to see the Dam at Glen Canyon and night stopped at Kanab. The temp a little cooler than yesterday though still touched 103F. Tomorrow we head for Zion and Bryce Canyons. Pam and George... read more
Photo 2

We left Arizona in June of 2008 to return to the Northwest for the summer. Zion National Park was a must see spot! We stayed four days, hiking each day. This park is our favorite national park. It's scenic and so easy to access. Most canyons you view from the rim looking down such as the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Crater Lake. However, at Zion you are in the canyon looking up and hiking in the canyon itself. The best and most uniquie hike was The Narrows. This hike is 16 miles long. The correct way is to start from outside the park, above the rim and hike down thru the Virgin River Canyon into the park. The best way to do this is over a two day span. 80% of the hike is in the water ... read more
Zion Park
Emerald Pool Trail
Mary on Angels rest trail

After our tiring 3 hour hike to Angel's Landing, we decided to take the shuttle to the lodge for lunch. After some souvenier shopping and refilling the water bottles, we talked the boys into one more short hike to the Emerald Pools. After we finished that hike it was about 3:30 and HOT, so we went back to camp and went swimming. This was the first day we used the air conditioning in the RV. Saturday morning we got up at 6:30 to get a couple last short hikes in before leaving for Salt Lake City. We hiked to Weeping Rock and did a short trail around Watchman Campground. Tomorrow we go to Flagg Ranch at Grand Teton National Park.... read more
Emerald Pool
Where's your cup?
At the shuttle stop

We chose the hike up to Angel's Landing as our first hike of the day. It was a steep and winding 2 miles up the side of a cliff, then through a cool narrow ravine before going higher up to a plateau. There was an additional half mile of treacherous rock climbing with chain railings for support, that took you to the tippy top of the mountain ridge. Nothing for the faint of heart or for anyone with fear of heights. Amy and Drew made it a quarter of the way before turning back. Bob and Ben went the entire route, which took well over a half hour to complete. We were proud of both the boys, as the hiking was strenuous and the tempuratures were rising toward 100. Thanks everyone for the comments and messages ... read more
Zion NP
Zion NP
Angel's Landing

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