Blogs from Saint George, Utah, United States, North America


North America » United States » Utah » Saint George May 14th 2022

OK. Only 2 days before we leave. I am testing to make sure this blog is going to everyone. Let me know if you get this and want to receive this blog... read more

North America » United States » Utah » Saint George May 12th 2022

Only 4 days left before Dave and the girls plus Darrin depart to invade Paris and Italy. This trip has been in the planning stage for the past two years now we are finally going. I will try to keep the blog updated each day with pictures. No guarantees after a day with the girls, but I will try. Get ready for another adventure. Back to you in a few.... read more

North America » United States » Utah » Saint George June 2nd 2019

Getting ready for our trip to Whidbey Island.... read more

North America » United States » Utah » Saint George September 24th 2016

Efter en god nattesøvn, vågnede vi her til morgen op til is på bilen! Det har tilsyneladende frosset, der var et pæt lag is på ruderne, vi slap dog for at skulle skrabe is af, da det var tøet inden vi kom afsted. Før morgenmaden var jeg lige i receptionen og spørge, om der lå en besked (det vidste jeg der gjorde, Solvejg og Preben havde været forbi i går og lagt en besked), mens jeg stod der kom der én og spurgte receptionisten, om de havde en isskraber! Hvad de ikke havde, men et kreditkort er en fortrinlig isskraber, sagde jeg så til ham. Inden vi forlod motellet, fik vi bestilt overnatning i Saint George og så drog vi eller mod Zion National Park. Der lå sne på de højeste bjergtoppe mens vi drog sydpå. ... read more

North America » United States » Utah » Saint George September 22nd 2016

Jeg vågnede flere gange i nat ved at det regnede voldsomt. Vi kom op ved syvtiden og her på stedet er morgenmaden inkluderet i prisen. Det småregnede, men ikke meget og på et tidspunkt så det ud til at lysne mod syd. Vi skulle gennem Red canyon for at komme til Bryce Canyon, ca. 15 miles fro motellet. Der var meget flot i Red Canyon rustrøde klipper i smukke formationer og i den lille bæk, der løb bag vigepladsen, løb der faktisk vand eller rettet en tynd opslemning af fint sediment. I dalen kørte vi også gennem et par korte tunneller. Det gik opad til over 7777 fod (ca. 2500 moh) – det stod der på et skilt. Her endte vi oppe på et plateau, hvorfra vi drejede mod Bryce Canyon. Årskortet kom i sving endnu ... read more

North America » United States » Utah » Saint George June 22nd 2016

Bonjour à tous, Une journée encore exceptionnelle: de beauté. Hier au soir comme, je couchais à Las Vegas, je suis allé manger en terrasse sur le Strip. Pendant une heure et ½, j'ai vu défiler du monde de façon intensive, et bien je ne suis pas sure d'avoir vu 10 personnes de "classes", je ne parle pas de tenue de soirée. La plupart des hommes ça passe encore, mais alors les femmes, c'est en grandes majorité un déballage de poitrail, de tripaille, car pour beaucoup, il y a longtemps que l'indice de masse corporel à explosé. Et pour parfaire le tout, les tatouages à l'excès. Par contre je me suis régalé, à regarder au Bellagio, le spectacle des jets d'eau synchronisés avec différentes musiques. J'ai du rester au moins une heure, tellement c'était beau à voir ... read more
quelle beauté!!!!!!
lake Mead
Red Montains

North America » United States » Utah » Saint George October 2nd 2013

Mardi 24 septembre 2013 Au réveil, nous frappons le 0°C pour une première fois dans ce voyage; c’est frais mais curieusement nous sommes très confortables car ce n’est pas plus humide que lorsqu’il fait chaud et ça se supporte bien. Nous escaladerons les degrés à 25°C juste en déjeunant! Curieuse température quand même! Avant de quitter Kodachrome Basin State Park où nous sommes depuis hier, nous décidons de faire le plus beau sentier réputé pour ses panoramas et les belles photos : « The Angel’s Palace Trail ». Classé semi-désert, cet endroit a la caractéristique de changer de couleur et de perspective selon la clarté et le moment de la journée. Nous prenons donc un chemin dans la vallée et nous nous engageons dans un étroit canyon, passages sinueux et fort jolis entre les rouges falaises ... read more
24 sept. Kodachrome Basin St.Pk, Angel's Palace Tr., camping
24 sept. Kodachrome Basin St.Pk, Angel's Palace Tr._6
24 sept. Kodachrome Basin St.Pk, Angel's Palace Tr.,Village Schtroumpfs

North America » United States » Utah » Saint George May 17th 2013

There are subtle differences between the states, it appears more managed, more tamed than wild. But as ever the roads are breathtaking and diverse. One moment being desert and then Disneyesque mountains, climbing thousands of feet without really realising, apart from going deaf with ears popping. I had booked a camping spot, via the internet. I could only book the one night as it was all booked up. They have 2 sights there, one for reservations and one for first come first served. Every spot has its own table and fire pit, and Zion has the luxury of toilets and running water (as did the Grand Canyon site). After the Grand canyon, you feel as though you've seen all that nature can do, but driving into Zion does it all over again! Its just different. After ... read more
grand and zion canyons 060
grand and zion canyons 046
grand and zion canyons 045

North America » United States » Utah » Saint George October 5th 2011

RoaDi Trip #4 Utah to … Getting There Lots of driving. Only one incident where Ross thought I was going to hit the car in front but I was manoeuvring to go into the passing lane. His yell made me brake and jerk the car right instead of left where I was going. Scared everyone especially Ebby who was spun around on the floor. Scenery has been interesting and we’re listening to an audio book which is not so interesting but helps with the long hours of driving. Started at 1:30 on Fri and stopped at 7 pm at Blue Sky RV camp not far from Seattle. Sat was from 9 to 9 driving with about a total of 2 hours for food and dog breaks. Fell into bed at 10:30 without bothering with dinner. Sunday, ... read more

North America » United States » Utah » Saint George October 1st 2011

Two weeks is not enough recovery time between marathons. Thankfully, it's over and I can take a whole week off before heading out to Boston to run the BAA half. Today is also the day I finished the Grand Slam, having finally completed St. George, which was the 4th marathon in the series, so I actually left St. George with two medals today. The St. George Marathon is one of the most well organized races I've ever run. Everything, except the scorching weather, was flawless and every aid station was fully stocked with food/water/sports drinks and first aid items. I've never run a race before where there was so much food offered on the course. It seemed as if every aid station had bananas, oranges and energy bars, which was awesome since I started the race ... read more
Marathon Scenery
Runners snaking along the canyon
The St. George Marathon 2011

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