Blogs from Portland, Oregon, United States, North America - page 32


North America » United States » Oregon » Portland May 21st 2008

Ruth and Judy drove this morning from Olympia, where we had stayed since Sunday night with Ruth's warm and generous cousin Margie Taylor and family, to Aurora airport to link up with the other pilots. We dropped off Geoff Hornseth at the airport shuttle for Seattle -- he had been traveling with the group since May 4th -- has to get home and can't wait for the uncertain arrival of C2C. Irregular low ragged rolls of maritime scud slurp up the hilltops on the left as we drive south. Bright yellow broom -- flowers -- pop out low along the road edge amidst the lush green forest and ground cover. For a while the air smelled of evergreen Sap, incredibly fresh in the cool humidity. Now we're smelling downwind aromas of pulp and paper. Scud is ... read more
The Planning Never Stops
Everyone Helps Plan
Back to Aurora Airport

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland May 18th 2008

Editor's Note Once Judy arrived in Olympia, she began to collect post-action reports from Ruth and Geoff to catch up the entries. Right now, weather's not bad, but a front's headed in. Whether we try to get out ahead of it and let it chase us across the country, or wait for it to pass and hope for a big fat high driving some happy prevailing westerlies remains to be seen. In the meantime, here's the Sunday report. "You'd better tell people to pay attention to the blog again," intones Geoff, who's dictating to Judy, "or the club will think we left Gaithersburg and spent three weeks in a bar...") Sunday 19 May The day began at Willows, CA, in the Sacramento Valley. We breakfasted at the hotel and began our trip's two-week anniversary with extensive ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland May 18th 2008

Sunday, we breakfasted at the hotel and began our trip's two-week anniversary with the news that Alex had decided to return home commercial from Seattle, and Gashaw had decided not to come west after all. Extensive route planning followed, as whatever plans we THOUGHT we'd laid for our final northbound leg had been totally scrapped by this point. After much peering at the sectional charts, we plotted a northbound route to Portland through some significant mountain passes in the Trinity Mountains of northern California. The weather, fortunately, wasn't a factor this far inland --unlike the coast, which remained socked in. ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland May 12th 2008

“Hello Passengers, we have now come to a complete stop. Sorry for the short delay. The train has hit a boulder and a hose has detached from the front engine. Once we reattach the hose in about 10 minutes, we should be on our way.” The wait was a little longer than 10 minutes and after about an hour and no success, the driver called ahead and asked that a spare carriage from a nearby freight train be sent to help us with the rest of our journey. About 15 minutes later the driver informed us that the onboard engineer had managed to fix the problem, the train now had brakes again (yay!) and that we would be on our way again shortly. The 18 hour train trip from San Francisco to Portland was significant for ... read more
42 Ounce Soda
Hillary's Portland Campaign Office

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland April 28th 2008

Ginger looked around nervously. She didn't like this darkness constantly, so she continued chirping in protest. It would nothing for his plight quite yet, as he and his 4 sisters sharing the little depressing cardboard box in the basement. These last two weeks had been trying, with their box being moved to new parts of the house on an almost daily basis. Such changes are quite hard to deal with when all you want to is food and water and a bright place..... Being a chicken, that is a chick, Ginger spent her day running around her box doing various things to bide time. Nibbling on the feed left by their curious owner was one of her favorite pastimes, though sometimes things got out of hand and Kibi, the largest sister, began pecking at her she ... read more
My host's face once more, Kathy

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland April 28th 2008

If you aren't interested in reading a boating trip report, don't bother to read any further. I'm actually posting this on the paddling website. I figure I will put it here as well because well, I can. Anyway today I got back in MY boat. YAY. It felt good to be back in the EZ. It was nice to be in a boat that I knew and was "comfortable" in. I don't understand why the PFD, dry top, dry pants and spray skirt all felt so tight when I put them on. I mean I do weigh less now than when I left. Oh well. And getting that spray skirt on the boat was maybe the hardest thing I did all day. Oh yeah, and to top it off, we had decided to just park N ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland April 27th 2008

Though Newport and Charleston (previous blog) are two nearby ports on Oregon's central coast, they are quite different. Charleston is an earthy fishing town, but there was great fear that the salmon fishery was to be closed this year. We got the impression that quite a few people were unemployed. One of our neighbors was a veteran of the Kuwait and the Iraq wars and was living full time in his trailer (an older Airstream). He sounded like it wasn’t the post-service experience that he had planned for. In both towns, we were camping at RV facilities adjacent to the town marinas. Newport was very upscale in comparison to Charleston. But Newport's fishing fleet was large, and we were aware of quite a few worried fishermen there as well. In Newport Bay there is a large ... read more
Newport Harbor Mouth
Hatfield Marine Science Center
Research Vessels in the Bay

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland April 23rd 2008

Oh my, how the time just goes! We arrived in Portland on Saturday night after a wonderful scenic drive through the Columbia Gorge. We didn't have any lodging booked so we drove to the Northwest Portland hostel and bad news! They were full. We sat in the car outside of a coffee shop and searched the internet for suitable lodging at an affordable rate. The Ace Hotel fit the bill. We got $140 room for $95. It was out of our usual price range but at that point we were willing to splurge for a hot shower and a cozy bed. The room had an owl painted on the wall, quite fitting for this gal, wouldn't ya say? The next day we checked out Powell's Books. It is the largest bookstore in the world, so ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland April 22nd 2008

Wow, so this weekend I moved all of my stuff from storage in Seattle to storage in Portland. I'm getting good at loading my stuff from one box, into another box/trailer moving it and then putting it back in a 3rd box. I have to say that loading the trailer this time was a lot less work than the last time. I guess that is the practice of the jigsaw puzzle. Of course fitting it all into storage was another good game of tetris. It seems that the dimensions are always just a few inches shorter than I need. My 5x5 unit, isn't quite 5' in the one dimension that would be most useful. I'm sure there are lots of ways to skin a cat and I'm finding lots of them as I try and repack ... read more
Krispy Kreme and racing

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland April 14th 2008

So I'm at Kells in downtown Portland on Friday night. I sit down to talk to these girls. We get to talking about where we are from (nobody in Portland is from Portland... sort of like Atlanta in that aspect) anyway the one girl says she is from Atlanta now but Indiana actually. (interesting) For some reason I respond with “Go Hoosiers.” To which I find out that she is a Boilermaker fan. She continues to tell me that she went to “Rose.” I find it interesting that she just says “Rose.” I find myself saying the full name most of the time because nobody knows the school so it makes more sense. Anyway I just smiled at her and sang the fight song... just pure randomness. So yes, I'm now living in Portland, OR. I ... read more
The Arch, St. Louis
WY Highway
CO Highway

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