Blogs from New York, United States, North America - page 441


North America » United States » New York » New York August 15th 2006

What do you do in a day in New York? Woke up around 7.00 am. Excellent - adjusted already to the time difference. Had a superb breakfast including hot waffles with syrup. Went swimming. Then took a bus into New York. $2.85 for the adults - incredible really. We then bought a 1 day metro card so we could get around on all the buses and subways. Took a subway downtown and then walked past the World Trade Centre site. Took the Staten Island ferry - great views particulalry as the sun was coming out. Then as we were feeling a little peckish we headed to Little Italy for some Italianon the bendy bus. Not much Little Italy left these days, most of it seems to have been swallowed by a huge and growing Chinatown. ... read more
Waiting for the subway
Staten Island Ferry
Manhatten Skyline

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan August 15th 2006

While Galileo Galilei may have gone before the church in Rome (1612) and professed that the earth was not the center of the universe (according to the Copernican theory) and for such heresy he was put under house arrest for the remainder of his life. Well Galileo Galilei obviously has never been to New York City (especially Times Square), if he had, he may have made an small exception before ratifying this theory. I was born to live in this city, its simply incredible. I know that it maybe a concrete jungle, but the cosmopolitan make up of the people makes it’s so incredibly interesting. I believe that London is the only other city that comes close to NYC. Well, I landed in NYC, a day after the arrests in England of the terrorists involved in ... read more
Manhattan Skyline from Central Park
Boat House in Central Park
Felicia and I at the Boat House

North America » United States » New York » New York » Brooklyn August 15th 2006

Five Reasons I'm Most Excited to Visit India By M.R.A.M. 1. It's our first stop and therefore the only one I've given much thought. When you're traveling for six months, you either need to quit your job well in advance to research and prepare, or you need to wing it. Initially, I attempted to research a few of the countries we'll visit throughout our trip, but I wound up stuck in the safety section of the travel message boards, reciting phrases like, "In order to increase your chance of survival in a bus accident, sit in an aisle seat toward the back of the bus," over and over again, attempting to engrain the valuable information into my notoriously short-term memory. Eventually, I gave up and decided to focus on the first stop, using my 1999 Lonely ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York August 14th 2006

The Longest Day After Catherine managed to get us booked on a flight the day after we had been cancelled we waited with some trepidation for the morning as we would know reasonably accurately whether our flight had been cancelled. Luckily for us and not for others it was VS26 that was cancelled this time. So it was another trip to the airport. We left at 12:45 and arrived about 13:30 just as it was time for our flight to go into the terminal. We joined a queue - a BIG queue… by 15:30 we had checked in…. how could the flight possibly leave by 16:00? Answer it couldn’t - we got through the first body search and then queued for the second to get on the plane. The second search was on everyone including ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York August 13th 2006

Heathrow and back again and again Got up excessively early this morning to go to Heathrow to catch our flight to New York. Arriving at the airport at 06:40 we were politely informed that nobody was allowed into the terminal until 2 hours befor the flight. About 7.15 I asked again and they let us into the terminal. Straight to the Zone A check-in only to see that our flight had been cancelled! Great! We immediately phoned up to re-book and after being bounced around for a bit Catherine got us onto the 16:00 VS9 on the 14th. Catherine then went to have this validated and pick-up our tickets for tomorrow. The whole situations is becoming a farce as it doesn't appear to be the airlines fault. According to Virgin BAA told them they needed ... read more

North America » United States » New York » Westchester August 12th 2006

Four elephants fuckingThe huge red statue near Ein Karem, Jerusalem, has always attracted the attention of Jerusalem's locals, who tried to explain the meaning of this strange monument. Hot air architects claimed that when looking at the statue from a certain angle, it exactly reflects the spectacular view of Jerusalem Mountains behind it; most of the natives, however, claimed that the anonymous artist merely tried to immitate four elephants fucking. Anyway, I was happy to see a mini-model of the statue near Brooklin Bridge, in Manhattan (see pic below). Finally I found out something, in which Jerusalem is bigger than NY. BTW, transferring pieces from Jerusalem - and not only model, but the real things - is a very good idea. Many of Jerusalem's residents would be very happy to transfer The Western Wall to Tel-Aviv, ... read more
The Red Statue, Manhattan
Manhattan - an Urban Paradise
The Statue of Liberty

North America » United States » New York August 11th 2006

Quelques images de nos vacances de l'été 2006... read more
Valcourt Isand 02
Essex 01
Essex 02

North America » United States » New York » Rockland August 10th 2006

We live in NY and decided to take a trip across the Tappan Zee Bridge and do some tourist type stuff in our own "backyard" (we are about 15 minutes from Piermont). I decided to post these pictures on Travel Blog because I wanted all of the international readers to see that there is more to New York then New York City. There are beautiful places, not even an hour from NYC, that are not covered in concrete. So with that said here are our pictures from Piermont in Rockland County New York.... read more
Piermont on the Hudson
Piermont on the Hudson
Piermont on the Hudson

North America » United States » New York » New York August 10th 2006

OK, firstly apologies to those of you that were hoping to read about what we've been up to but not seen anything yet. We realised that we'd saved the entry but not published it - d'oh! Now hopefully we'll be able to keep you more up to date/provide a welcome distraction at work. :-) We moved on from Adam and Kat's to stay with Fred Myers another old member from Univ. We made our way across to the Upper west side on the subway, not so easy when you're backpacking and found the awesome guest apartment we were staying in. View of the river and empire state building, rather sweet. The guys we were staying with were fab, took great care of us and threw a cool dinner party, where we were somewhat of a novelty. ... read more
The Met
Times Sq at night
Nice little bridge

North America » United States » New York August 9th 2006

My NY experience was like a dream sequence. I never recalled the names of the restaurants where I ate, the stores that I went, and even the streets that I walked. We arrived at NY at night time, and drove around Manhattan area to look for some place to eat. We went to Rockefeller Center (after getting lost in the streets for an hour) and ate at the resto there. (Geez, I don't know what place that was, the one beside the ice skating rink). Then we had dessert at Dean and Deluca. Then we drove going to Times Square where we parked and strolled. It was night time fight night, and there was a huge TV projector showing Dela Hoya's fight (he lost by the way). Then we strolled through the busy streets filled with ... read more
Rockefeller Center
NY Times Square
Manhattan Skyline

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