I Love New York!

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August 9th 2006
Published: August 9th 2006
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My NY experience was like a dream sequence. I never recalled the names of the restaurants where I ate, the stores that I went, and even the streets that I walked.
We arrived at NY at night time, and drove around Manhattan area to look for some place to eat. We went to Rockefeller Center (after getting lost in the streets for an hour) and ate at the resto there. (Geez, I don't know what place that was, the one beside the ice skating rink). Then we had dessert at Dean and Deluca. Then we drove going to Times Square where we parked and strolled. It was night time fight night, and there was a huge TV projector showing Dela Hoya's fight (he lost by the way). Then we strolled through the busy streets filled with lights and sounds. Then we drove again just to check out and bookmark places, so as not to get lost the next day. It was a picturesque night, and all I deed was really to just take pictures (it was my first time going to NY for crying out loud!). We checked out NY must-see places like St. Patrick's Church, The Trump Tower, Chrysler Tower,
Rockefeller CenterRockefeller CenterRockefeller Center

I don't know it's cold in NY even during summer nights. So shoot me.
Ground Zero, Broadway Street.
Then the next day, we woke up early to catch an early Ferry going to Ellise Island and the Statue of Liberty. We spent almost the entire morning going to the statue. Then we ate lunch again at the Manhattan area. Then in the afternoon, we went to Little China so buy stuff, and eat again! I was so craving for dimsums and salty-oily chinese food (thanks to being relocated in Israel). So there I was pouring my heart out on all the dishes. And a NY experience can never be complete without your car being broken in. 😊 But nothing can burst my bubble, the good part here is that the car is still there!
We went back again at the Manhattan area for dinner (I had steak for dinner.) Then got some dessert, and then called it a night. Marriot is soooo neat!
Then for my last day, we went to Central Park in the morning, then strolled again for window shopping at NY's Soho Area (prices are bloated, I'd just do my shopping in VA. hehe). After lunch, we were then headed back again to VA.
NY is such a wonderful place, reminds me of my 'ol Manila with the busy streets, and the traffic. 😊

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Manhattan Skyline Manhattan Skyline
Manhattan Skyline

Daytime manhattan skyline.

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