Blogs from Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California, United States, North America - page 2


Notre détour pour voir les séquoias géants nous permettait aussi de voir le Parc National de Yosemite reconnu pour ses montagnes et ses chutes. La journée de notre visite, le ciel était nuageux et vers l'heure du midi la pluie est tombée rendant le haut des montagnes caché par la brûme. Cet endroit reçoit près de 4 millions de visiteurs par année, nous étions surpris de voir le nombre d'autos circuler sur les routes étroites et sinueuses. A chaque endroit intéressant il y avait un manque de stationnement. De longues files d'attente aux endroits de travaux routiers, en bref, une longue journée de zigzags très épuisante! Quelques belles photos montrant les montagnes imposantes et les chutes pleines d'eau. Bonne visite!... read more

Spencer's Mum, Sue, died on 16 May 2017. We are returning a week earlier than planned, but won't be blogging any more. Sue had a real zest for life and had been all over the world. We think she would be pleased that we were in this beautiful place, remembering her with love.... read more

Nasz trzeci i ostatni wieczór przed namioto-bungalowem w Yosemite. Pijemy winko, jemy humus i przeganiamy szopy, które jakoś za bardzo się spoufaliły i dziś nawet jeden wskoczył nam do torby. Około 22 chodzą panowie rangerzy i sprawdzają, czy wszyscy mają zamknięte miśko-pojemniki. Przed każdym domkiem stoi metalowa skrzynka ze specjalnym sprytnym anty-miśkowym (ale też antyszopowym i czasami antyludzkim, bo ci ostatni miewają z nim duże problemy) zamknięciem, gdzie przed nocą trzeba zdeponować całe swoje jedzenie i kosmetyki. Podobno miśki maja super hiper czuły węch i chętnie włamuja się do samochodów, gdy tylko poczują coś jakby jedzenie - np stara kanapkę, ale też zużytą pieluchę-generalnie ludzkie z zapachy kojarzą im się ze smakołykami. Dziś rano na parkingu pojawiły się dodatkowo informacje, że trzeba przestawić samochody, bo dojrzały jabłka i trzeba je zebrać, bo to miśkowy przys... read more
Tanaya Lake
Olmstead Point

Cesta do Yosemitů byla první dlouhá štreka na našem programu. Celková vzdálenost byla kolem 200 mil (320 km). Ráno jsme ještě přejeli před Golden Gate, abychom si ho nafotili z několika vyhlídek. Kupodivu, tenhle originální nápad napadl ještě několik stovek dalších lidí, takže tam byla docela tlačenice. Další zastávka byla Silicon Valley, ale odtud už jsme jeli nejkratší cestou do Yosemitů. Poprvé jsem řídil, a v pravidlech silničního provozu je dost rozdílů mezi Evropou a Amerikou.Pokud je víc pruhů na silnici, tak se dá předjíždět zprava. To dává smysl, protože tu mají klidně 8 pruhů v jednom směru a v tomhle chaosu řešit jestli někoho předjíždím zprava nedává smysl. Navíc občas se tu z dálnice sjíždí vlevo, takže pak už v levém pruhu můžou být nejpomalejší vozidla a nikdo to neřeší. Na semaforech je možné odbočovat ... read more
Vrchný vodopád
Masivy kolem
Horní Vodopád z blízka

My second trip to Yosemite. This time I went with Christine's family and family friends. I really enjoyed this trip. It started raining at night and I could feel the cold flowing beneath my tent floor.... read more

I took the Yart bus from Mariposa to Yosemite. At 6:15 a.m.. So I arrived arround 8 a.m. in the Park. The sun was shining, but it was still cold. I decided to hike to the lower Yosemite Fall. It is an easy trail. Before I reached the Fall, I saw several deers. One was such two meters away. The others 100 meters away. If you want to take a photo of the Fall, you stand in water mist. There was a rainbow beyond the Fall. After that I walked throgh the valley and took the Visitor shuttle bus to stop 16 and started another trail. Now it got warmer. I hiked to Vernal Fall (1538 m). Directly to Vernal Fall the trail is called Mist trail and you get a lot of water from the ... read more
Yosemite Fall

When we embarked on a year of travelling, we expected to have some unusual accommodation. We were fully prepared for sleeping in tents and caravans, hotels and youth hostels. We expected some really comfortable places and some places less so. We were grateful for all of the friends, family and friends of friends and family who had offered us a place to stay. What we didn't expect was to stay in a retirement community. However, we were profoundly grateful when Mike and Kathy, who we had first met in San Francisco, offered us their late mother's home in Mariposa for a few nights. We didn't really know what to expect but we though it would be sedate and gentle. You can imagine our surprise when we were woken in the early morning by loud punk music ... read more
Half Dome and the Merced River
Bridal Veil Falls
Sentinel Beach

Geo: 37.7163, -119.665I woke up the next morning around our usual time in the 7 o'clock hour. Arya sleeps like clockwork- in bed at night about 6pm and up by 8am at the latest. Even on vacation. First things first, I made my coffee. They had a coffee pot but I stuck to my Via since it was faster. I walked outside on the icy porch with my mug- the sun was coming out and it was a beautiful day. =D Lucky us- earlier in the week it was snow storming. We all ate breakfast and then packed up in the car for a day trip to Yosemite Valley.As we pulled up to the park entrance (only about fifteen minutes up the road) we saw people putting chains on their tires already. Looks like chain control ... read more
Morning Coffee
Chain Control at the Park Entrance
Very Icy Road

We came to this place & it was Beautiful. Only problem was the million other people that came too! I would hate to see what's it's like during their peak period. Never never take for granted the uncrowded conditions of our Australia. We climbed up the top of the falls which took about 4 hours. Difficult climb but worth the view at the top. Coming down was tough on the knees. Bit proppy at the end! I will let the pics tell the story........... read more

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