Blogs from Mexico, North America - page 16


North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal September 19th 2019

Unfortunately today we say goodbye to Benjamin and Wilko stays with us. After the usual 1/2 hour of arguing we finally agreed to do a walk from Roma up to near Centro. Mexicans are not only short, but there are more dogs than Mexicans (and they aren’t for eating). Any walk in the city is like an encyclopaedic excursion through different dog breeds. Today we even saw a blue cattle dog! We walked through the redlight district (pretty tame) checked out some lovely plazas and Art Deco and colonial style buildings. At the Plaza de la Independencia they had a publicdance thing which was fun and most of the streets are blocked off for the independence celebrations. The winged statue of liberty has been defaced by feminist protestors, I'm pretty sure they been deal with appropriately. ... read more
Independence Celebrations

North America » Mexico » Puebla » Puebla City September 19th 2019

The next morning we were woken at 8 am for the Independence day parade. Almost everyone had a uniform although no guns. All the school kids marched and they were all smiling and super happy as if they remembered getting rid of the Spanish. A woman gave Catherine a flyer for joining the military service which she was very excited about and it's possible she won't be back by the 27th as she may not have finished basic training. You get your own machine gun and nightstick so it's really worthwhile. Given everything is still shut we decided to head to Choloula which is about an hour out of Puebla. We booked the Cafe de Frida which sounded promising with a fantastic view overlooking the Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de los Remedios, a view of the ... read more
Rodeo escapee
Wilko the camera's here!

North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal » Mexico City September 18th 2019

Guest bloggers Catherine and Louise Benjamin Schliemann had put together a rather ambitious touring program of which we almost managed to tick everything off aided by Marco our competent driver First stop barrio of Coyoacán - home to Leon Trotsky, Frieda Kahlo and Cortes. Clashing opinions over the optimal route ensured Wilko with his trusty map and Chris ‘never been here before but know the way’ Never quitefound Cottes house, then came across a very colourful building with hundreds of people waiting around the outside. Much ‘discussion’ as to what it was but the bright cobalt blue colour should have given it away it was Frida Kahlo’s Casa Azul ( blue house in Spanish) a must see in Mexico but a 1 1/2 hour wait in the... read more
Beer Me!
Bald Dogs

North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal » Mexico City September 15th 2019

Today we decided to walk up to the Archeological museum, Catherine's sister Louise and her husband Benjamin are arriving from New York. Breakfast was something I can't remember the name of with beans and ham and cheese in a hollowed out bread role with a hot salsa on top. Wilko took over directing with his trusty map and before you knew it we were confronted with an 8 lane expressway with a 6 foot wall that needed to be scaled in the middle. Wilko and I made it across in a daring run leaving the girls on the side of the road. While we waited a Mexican guy came up them and told them it was really dangerous to cross here (no shit Sherlock) and showed them where the crossing was. We were on the perimeter ... read more
Indiana Jones
Chiles de Nogado
Awful Beer

North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal » Mexico City September 14th 2019

Carlos' call woke me this morning, apparently Steve Smith failed to get the 200 runs required. Let us down again. I forgot to mention that Carlos actually has a wife although he never introduced her. She is at Coca Cola, she is Fillipino, but doesn't speak Spanish. I asked her whether the office spoke Spanish and she said "they do now" so I guess she is senior. At breakfast an older American lady sat with us she arrived in a fit of coughing and I told her she'd better not make us sick. She did give us a recommendation for good coffee so at least we were able to cross that one off the list. Today we are driving out to Teotihuacan to look at the Pyramids. Our driver Aryton did the 1.5 hour trip in ... read more
Buying Juice

North America » Mexico » Mexico City » San Ignacio September 11th 2019

I woke in a cold sweat realising that I had lost my visitor card and dreamt about being confined to a Mexican jail. I was greatly relieved to discover that Becs has deliberately thrown hers out! Apparently you can't leave the country without them and you should keep them with you at all times. Victor at our hotel advised against going to the Immigration office due to the "I don't mean to be racist" queues of Africans we'd encounter. Haven't seen any African yet so presumably they are routinely unsuccessful or still in the queue. Empanadas for breakfast and then we met our guide Santiago who was a massive disappointment for the girls who had specially booked the tour guide based on the photo on the website. Either Santiago had aged unkindly or the photo was ... read more
Wilko's Green Backpack
Capitalists exploiting workers (I think)

North America » Mexico » Distrito Federal » Mexico City September 9th 2019

It's a beautiful day in Sydney as we wait for the Wilkinsons to arrive at the airport. Predictably the train from Roseville was running late and Wilko had to wait 10 minutes for the guy beside him to finish his SMH. I believe they are currently just trying to find how to get to the Business check in from the railway station. Becs and I are having a leisurely breakfast and a champagne. The flight was uneventful with a 4 hour break in LA for our flight to Mexico City. AeroMexico Business was surprisingly good, kind of like Emirates but better, the only disappointment being that they didn't serve Mexican food. First impressions of Mexico are very positive. Firstly everyone is very short, including our party (except Wilko) which means I can tower above most of ... read more
Bikini Girls
Dwarf Throwing

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo August 12th 2019

Le 12 août 2019, Ouf, pas facile l'après Xcaret... Mélie se réveille avec une légère poussée de fièvre. On la recouche pour deux petites heures avec papa (au grand bonheur de celui-ci) puis nous sommes prêts à affronter notre petite journée. Nous avons jeté notre dévolu sur le site maya de Coba, enfoui dans la jungle et à une heure de route de notre hébergement. Ça permettra aux filles de relaxer dans la voiture, et en prime, le site se visite en vélo-taxi, ça devrait plaire à nos trois monstres. Le trajet en voiture n'est cependant pas idyllique... on vide notre stock de collations pour préserver le mieux possible notre santé mentale. On arrive bientôt dans la petite ville de Coba, c'est touristique mais bon-enfant. On achète nos billets pour une bouchée de pain: 5$ cad ... read more
Course de vélo-taxi
Coba, au milieu de la jungle
Fait chaud à Coba

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Riviera Maya August 11th 2019

Le 11 août 2019, Aujourd'hui, c'est ZE journée du voyage, la journée qu'on vante depuis des mois aux filles, la journée pour laquelle nous sommes vraiment emballés car on sait que ce sera un hit pour nous et pour les enfants. Aujourd'hui, c'est notre journée à Xcaret, un parc à thématique maya où l'on peut prendre connaissance du mode de vie traditionnel mexicain et maya, faire plusieurs activités aquatiques et voir plein plein d'animaux. Sans parler des spectacles haut en couleur tout au long de la journée... Ça promet! On décolle de bon matin et quand on arrive à la voiture, surprise... une sauterelle sur la portière... Gigantesque comme ma main, rien de moins... On dérange l'intruse, qui saute en direction de Mélie... On gère le baby-break-down qui s'ensuit puis c'est le vrai départ. En à ... read more
Cimetière mexicain, ou un parc d'amusement selon Maé
Joli chat!
Volière plus grande que nature

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cancun August 8th 2019

Le 8 août 2019, Lorsque l'on choisit de prendre ses vacances au Mexique, c'est souvent parce qu'on veut profiter un peu, ou beaucoup, des jolies plages de la région. Cependant, avec les sargasses présentes cette année, ce n'est pas gagné d'avance. Heureusement, il y a les réseaux sociaux pour nous tenir informés en temps et en heure de l'évolution du phénomène. Parce que les sargasses, ce n'est jamais une certitude. Ça dépend du vent, des marées, des arrivages d'algues, de la situation géographique, de l'orientation de la plage, alouette. Bref, un coup de dés. Une journée, l'eau peut être claire et limpide et le lendemain, avoir l'air d'une soupe brunâtre malodorante... On consulte donc les zinternet qui nous disent qu'aujourd'hui, à Cancun, tout est beau. Et comme c'est à peine à 30 minutes de voiture, c'est ... read more
Le bronzage, ça se travaille
Adieu, vilaines sargasses
Playa Delfines

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