Blogs from Quintana Roo, Mexico, North America - page 58


North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen January 30th 2012

A sure cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree.~ Well after a week here in Playa, we went on our first big adventure. Off we went to Paradise Beach on Cozumel Island today. Cozumel is about a half hour ferry ride across the sea. We took the 8 a.m. ferry which is huge. Double decker, and holds 450 passengers, with tables, comfy seats, bathroom, bar, TVs and even a guitarist playing playing Santana! The sea was rough. HOW rough was it you ask? Well there was this poor woman that was pretty green, and ended up vomiting all over herself till they brought her a plastic bag. Lord she looked terrible & felt worse. This lasted the whole ride with this unfortunate woman tossing her cookies most of the way. You could tell her ... read more
Take off on boat
Water bounces

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen January 29th 2012

Unfortunately for me I head to head back north to Mexico to get ready for my flight home from Cancun which meant a long day of ravel from Coban to Playa Del Carmen ( an hours drive to Cancun airport). This involved a a 16 hour journey in the form of a shuttle from Coban to Chetumal over the Mexico border and then a 4 hour bus to Playa del Carmen in the fantastic ADO Mexican buses. I say fantastic as they are on time, however they are iceberg cold because of the AC and they only show the same film (in Mexican) which is some gushy chick flick. I’ve now entered Mexico o two occasions and each time I’ve hit red on the random customs check button. Basically you press a button and if it ... read more
Rural life in Belize
River crossing

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen January 29th 2012

"Como es tu dia" (how is your day?) Well, where did we leave off? OH, Martha. Well Marth had quite the deep sea fishing expedition! She was taking out by Captain and the skipper (Gilligan)....OK, it wasn't Gilligan (hee hee) but there were two of these professionals and they worked hard to get Marth her big catch! They have a line with a big lure with a single hook on it. Then they drop it down to the bottom of the ocean (around 300 feet) and then they JIG. No, that doesn't mean Irish dancing on a boat ;), it means pulling up the line sharply about 20-30 times by reeling in the line. Those guys were sweating up a storm. This is to attract the fish's attention. Then if you're lucky, it lunges at the ... read more
Marth on the boat
Martha and the captain
The group at dinner

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen January 28th 2012

"On the beach, you can live in bliss". Dennis Wilson Buenos dias friends! Have you missed me? :) All's great here in this part of the world. It's almost like time stops here. I guess when you get up around 7 am, by 11 am you're thinking it's got to be at least 1 or so. (So you can have that first big drink of the day!!) We haven't been too motivated to do much. We thought Sat. would be the day to take the ferry to Cozumel and to Paradise Beach. But due to Rory having a sunburn (see later) we decided to move it to another day. So we'll just take it easy (AGAIN). If we were paid to do nothing, we'd be darn rich now! We toured around Playa yesterday, checking out more ... read more
Ava with a fancy hat
Beach by the ferry
Rory and her smoothie

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen January 27th 2012

It was another glorious day in paradise...for those of you at home suffering through freezing rain and snow, well gosh that just sucks. I won't tell you how warm it is here, but I will tell you someone had the dang nerve to say it was too hot last night when we were out listening to live music. I'll have you know we beat them with a big palm tree leaf...the nerve of it all ;) We woke a little later yesterday morning (must have been that last margarita at the fire show that did us in!). We enjoyed coffee on the patio while watching the girls swim in the pool. At 7 am Nanna and Rory were out walking the beach collecting seashells. (We're going to need our own plane to get all those dang ... read more
Sand time
pool time
art gallery

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen January 26th 2012

Hola amigos! We put in a great "first official day" here yesterday. I rang the cow bell around 7:30 am to wake those that said they wanted to take a walk on the beach. Ava found a big coconut and carried it all the way down the beach. Her new friend; Cokie! We headed down towards the ferry, to see those fruit ladies I had written about on my last trip. Being only 8 a.m. they were just setting up their stands. But one of the ladies offered to make us some fresh fruit cups. She sliced up THE sweetest pineapple and watermelon we've ever tasted. We then strolled up 5th which at that time of the day is very quiet, not its usual bustling self. We enjoyed breakfast by the pool, and had Adin our ... read more
Girls on bar swings
Buying fruit cups
Freshly squeezed o.j.

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen January 26th 2012

Just a quick note to say I just got an email saying that an article I wrote for the Work and Family Foundation of Canada was being published today. I wrote an article on what I think is the "recipe" for my parent's long marriage. Will send you an update on our day yesterday! Sal & the clan!... read more

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen January 24th 2012

"There is nothing more miserable in the world than to arrive in paradise and look like your passport photo." Well Al & I didn't even bother with going to sleep Monday night, with having to wake at 2:30 am as our taxi was taking us to the airport for 3:45 am. Peter our neighbor kindly got up and came and helped us load all our bags into the taxi...with 7 of us going, there was no shortage of luggage. (Thank you Peter...) Ava marveled at the traffic at 4 in the morning; I told her that doctors and nurses, and firemen all go to work or are at work at that time of the morning. She said, "huh, I thought the doctors would be home at night counting their money!"...That gave us a good chuckle! SO ... read more
Al & Marth

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cancun January 24th 2012

Just before leaving Tulum I visited the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, not far from where I am staying. The Reserve covers 1.5 million acres and is a protected UNESCO World Heritage site. I went with an organisation called Cesiak who do eco-tourism and environmental education, for the afternoon canal tour . We went through the mangroves, floated down the canals looking at bird life and flora and fauna, and enjoyed a delicious dinner afterwards. My birdwatching days from Ecuador came back! I loved it. It was highly educational, and sadly not all that I've learned is good news. Our guide, Hugo, is passionate about people and the environment learning to live together in a sustainable way, and he was scathing about the all-inclusive resorts in Cancun and Playa del Carmen and how they are impacting the ... read more
Tulum beach
View from Sian Ka'an viewpoint up the coast
After floating down the canal

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Playa del Carmen January 24th 2012

As many of you know I started learning Spanish at evening school in 2010 but by Easter 2011 had given up! I've still really wanted to learn but 3 hours of Spanish after the first day back at work after the weekend, and all weekend tainted with my guilty conscience telling me I should be doing my homework, just wasn't working for me. So something I really want to gain from travelling central and south America is a better knowledge of Spanish. So off to Playa del Carmen we head for a week of intensive Spanish school! We were at school from 9am till 2pm everyday and had homework to complete each day on top of that. It was a great opportunity to learn and thankfully my previous lessons paid off as I suddenly understood all ... read more

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