Blogs from Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, North America - page 13


North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler July 13th 2011

Spent our last day in Victoria doing some sightseeing and then swimming at the Saanich Commonwealth pool. It is a great facility and only $13 for the family! Lots of fun except for the big double flip off the high board by Graysen which ended in a face plant and broken goggles! Yikes! Packed up and headed up to Departure Bay for our ferry to Horseshoe Bay. The ferry ride was really nice with spectacular views of Vancouver and the mountains on the way in. We then headed up the Sea to Sky highway which is much improved sicne our last trek over 10 years ago! Stopped at Brandywine Park to take a break from the car and have a little hike and were rewarded with an amazing waterfall. Arrived in Whistler for dinner at a ... read more
View of Vancouver from ferry
Brandywine Park

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler June 29th 2011

Time has really become a man-made construction from this past week of non-wwoofing / camping. Half of my preparation time or reflection was trying to put our past events in chronological order, which is hard when your only source of clock time is from a phone that rarely has service or is turned on. Already babbling.. Canmore BC was our first real representation of a ‘rocky mountain town’. Picture massive snow-capped mountains surrounding the friendliest looking town i’ve seen yet. We were lucky enough to crash at our new friend Hannah’s house with her friend Marissa in Canmore. After going for a walk and seeing what Hannah meant by Canmore having a rabbit problem we settled down with some drinks and watched Easy Rider. If it has been a while, Easy Rider starred Dennis Hopper, ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler June 19th 2011

Well it sure feels like it has been! The weather has been raining and cold and not like summer from anywhere. Kind of like the Aussie winter around the Sydney area. The tradeoff is the snow is sticking around which is good I thing, seeing I'm missing Skiing already. With the weather and the way the world is with money at the moment, things have been super slow at the Golf Course and I have had lots of opportunities to get out and play, seeing I keep getting called off from work. So I decided to go out job hunting to test the waters of whats out there. Over the past week I have been doing trials at 2 local bakeries near to Whistler which even my Golf Course boss (has encourage me to do). Mon, ... read more
Yep thats right
Hockey Stadium
Bear being sneeky

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler June 1st 2011

I hope everyone is doing really well!? So I'm back in Whistler after the most amazing 26 days in the USA. We managed on many occassions to go off the touristy path and see, do, eat and live like an American. We were rewarded with meeting some amazing people and getting in amongest the culture and not just seeing it from a Bus window. Some of what we sore was very shocking and some was just inspirational but we got to see the real USA. We went to: New Orleans, Memphis, Myrtle beach, Charleston, Wilmington, Washington DC, Atlantic City, New York. We went threw: Lousiana, Mississippi, Tennassee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We sore and done some amazing things and here are just a few: - A night out ... read more
Road Trip 075
Road Trip 507
Road Trip 143

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler April 15th 2011

Hi Everyone, I've had so much going on I've not had the chance to do a Blog last month, but never fear I'm back. It's been snowing like crazy all season and currently we have over 1400cm's of accumilated snow, with a base sitting at 3.6m. I've never skied so much powder in all my life. The feeling of floating and getting snow sprayed all over you is something that just can't be discribed' it needs to be experienced first hand!' I don't remember so many cold snaps in past seasons as this season's La-Nina cycle has brought us. Cold snaps I mean -15 and below. From memory the coldest it got this season while working was -26 (before windchill) and -36 at the peak one day which topped out at -50 with windchill which (I ... read more
Medals Plaza
Those kids :)

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler March 24th 2011

Whistler is affectionately known as 'Whistralia' by seasonnaires for good reason. 60% of the people who live here in winter are Australian. Pretty close to 100% of the lifties are Australian. The Whistler accent (adopted if you live here for a few years) is somewhere between Canadian and Australian...erring towards the Australian side! ...and so when a day has been dedicated purely to being Australian, Whistler goes off! The whole day is a bit of a blur but effectively from 8am to 3am the next day, there was a lot of Australian import (VB, not fosters as every Brit was reminded multiple times throughout the day), a lot of meat pies, and a lot of general merriment. The temperature was about -6 and people were skiing down in just a dress made from an australian flag, ... read more
Tie me kangaroo down...
Meat pie
Victoria Bitter, Australias actual lager

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler March 24th 2011

I started my new job a few weeks ago and since then I have been either working, snowboarding, out or sleeping which is the reason that I havent written about it yet! Basically, most of the time I am working in a cafe in a hotel called Nita Lake Lodge. I get a few shifts in the restaurant but they tend to give most of the shifts to people who have worked there for a bit longer than I have. I have discovered a bit of a talent for coffee making and have learnt to use an espresso machine which should be a good skill to have. It is a bit of an art and can be very satisfying when you make a good pattern in the milk! I quite like working in a coffee shop. ... read more
The fireplace
Comfy seats
The deli and my new boss!

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler February 20th 2011

Hi Everyone, I hope everyone is going well! With snow during the nights and clear and sunny days over the past week we have had the most amazing snow conditions. The temps have been cold and the snow has just kept coming with it maxing out at just over 2metres in 7 days on Fri. Seeing Whistler is on the Pacific North West coast we get alot of wet snow but on Thursday night we got "Champagne powder" for friday. Champagne powder is snow that had fallen that is under -6 degress, seeing with being so cold has very little water content and it's impossible to make a snowball with being so dry. It was so light and cold and fluffy, it was just a privilege to be able to ski with my class. It all ... read more
Late fall was in the air
Snowline coming down
Downtown Vancouver

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler January 22nd 2011

More random photos that dont really have a place in a blog! x... read more
A nice sticker on the chairlift
Creekside market
Me with my housemates

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler January 22nd 2011

Hi all, Here are some photos of my new house for those of you who are interested! If you would like the new address email me and I can give it to you. I moved here a few weeks ago with two friends from snowschool and so far it is going really well! The apartments are a short bus ride from town and we live very near to Creekside which is a pokey little village just outside of Whistler. It is really nice and feels a lot more cosy and european than Whistler itself which is quite big and north american feeling! There is a gondola in Creekside which goes up to the top of Whistler so we usually go straight up there in the morning to save time and get the most riding done! I ... read more
Dining table

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