Blogs from North, Jordan, Middle East - page 32


Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman September 21st 2007

Jordaania kohta ei oskagi midagi kirjutada, kuna kogu oma siin oldud aja veetsin ainult kõrbes (mitte midagi tehes). Kodutöö oli siia tulles tegemata, kuid üldjuhul vastas minu ettekujutusele. Suurt vaadata siin ei ole ja erinevalt Liibanoni ja Süüriaga on tunda, et "tänu" koostööle läänemaailmaga, ei ole negatiivse meedia propaganaga turistide horde siit eemale hoidnud. Kohalikud üritavad igal võimalusel petta ja kedagi usaldada sellepärast siin ei saa. Esimesel katsel Iisrealisse sisenedes saatis juba Jordaania piir mind jutule võtmata tagasi. Järgmisel päeval uuesti proovides õnnestus siiski piirivalvurid ära rääkida ja Jordaaniast väljumistemplit mulle passi ei löödud. Iisreali pool hoidis mind hiljem selleparast 6 (kuus) tundi kinni, kusjuures piir suleti 2h ennem minu vabaks laskmist. Juudid lubasid passi märgistamata labi lasta ainult tingimusel,et sama piiripunkti kaudu näda... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman September 18th 2007

Al-Salam Alaykum from Jordan everyone! I have been here for a week now and I thought that it was about time to fill you in the happenings here as I sit in my apartment awaiting the first day of classes tomorrow. Starting from the beginning... My flight was great as flights go. I was one of the nine of so white people on the plane, the rest were Arabs and most from Jordan. I got to sit next to a sweet little lady going to Damascus and we chatted in Arabic on and off the whole flight which was a great warm up for getting into Jordan itself. After a 10 hour flight, fitful sleep and two meals, we landed in Amman. The majority of the young English speakers on the plane quickly grouped up and ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 25th 2007

Apologies - currently unable to restore. If you have a backup please edit this entry and save/publish... read more
Me covered in Dead Sea Mud 2
Downtown Amman
Dead Sea - Israel on the other side

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 24th 2007

Well I was up early again for the 5:30 bus to Amman, I arrived in the capital around lunchtime entering through New Amman, very much a contemporary Arab city, I suppose it had the potential to feel refreshingly modern, but for me it was more disappointingly new age. Amman has never really rivaled the Middle East's great cities of Cairo and Damascus as a grand Islamic metropolis, but downtown does have its moments, and it is a central transport hub for other Jordanian areas. Slightly disillusioned, I headed for the old city centre and the Roman Theatre. The Roman Theatre in Amman encompass some of the last remnant of the outer reaches of the Empire and still stand as a solid testimony to a great Philadelphian era. It is cut directly into the Northern side ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash July 18th 2007

So today, after handing out food packages, we made a quick stop by Jerash. The ancient ruins are very well preserved by the desert climate and are quite impressive. With two large amphitheatres, the place serves as the accomadation for the famous Jerash festivals. Unfortunatly these lively festivals happen just as we leave. We saw evidence of preparation for the crowds to come though as small tents were set up and stages built in the amphitheaters. If you're ever in Jordan at the end of July don't miss the festivals... they're supposed to be incredible. The actual ruins themselves are really quite Roman... they say if you've seen one great Roman ruin, you've seen them all. But for me, I really enjoyed our quick walk around the area seeing as they were my first Roman ruin ... read more
In a niche
Sun shot

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash July 17th 2007

Yesterday and the day before we spent the days in a Palestinian Refugee camp near Jerash about an hour and half from Amman. Yesterday we spent several hours distributing packages that contained food items enough to last a family for three weeks... or so we were told. They looked pretty small to me. The camp has 32,000 refugees living nearly on top of one another. I was actually more impressed at their living conditions then I expected I would be. Although they do live in extreme conditions by any western standard I felt it could be much much worse. I know there are much worse camps near here but clearence into those places is difficult to get. Anyway, yesterday, the houses we went into were well furbished and clean and the people all looked well ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 16th 2007

We finished the house and guiltyly left a happy, waving family behind in the desert heat. The next day was one of "rest and recreation" but, of course, being the good travelers we are, we couldn't stand the thought of a day of nothing. Due to some program complications we were sent out of the way while the arabs fixed our complicated schedule. We stuffed ourselves into taxis and set out for a real cultural experience... Mecca Mall. Yep, a mall, fully equipped with every American and European big name you can think of. Riding up the escalator behind two completely, though very styleishly, covered women in hijabs and extremely high heels I was again touched by the extremes in this place. Wealth and a lack of and all of it under the headlines of ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 9th 2007

Back at NYIT again, we finished our final presentation yesterday to a very enthusiastic group of students. I spent two hours talking to two guys from Iraq who go to school here in Jordan. It was incredibly interesting. They were really open about it all and really confirmed my belief that we're really just all the same. They were really adament about the fact that not all Iraqis hate Americans just like I tried to get across how many Americans knew what they were going through and felt terrible. We were just trying to tell each other the same thing. Today we're not doing our actual presentaions but a form of them for a TV talkshow. Should be interesting. THe TV channel is an Arabic/Spanish channel that explores different cultures. They're bringing in different students ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 5th 2007

Moving on Jordanian time has dominated my mentality. Everything that is planned could easily change at absolutely any moment. It's a wonderful lesson in patience. The presentations have been good although the turn out has been questionable. Already we have much intrest in students here who want to start a branch of Amnesty International. Great! As long as we change one perspective we've made a difference. We've also met some incredible people. Last night we celebrated Jude (my Jordanian coyear)'s birthday at her house. Her mother made a traditional Jordanian sweet whose name I can't remember. It was made of orange cheese and cream cheese and combined savory and sweet in a weird way. It was very good though. Tomorrow we hopefully go to the dead sea. It hasn't been hot at all yet but ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 3rd 2007

Hey all! I am currently sitting in the computer lab at the New York Institute of Technology. Not in New York though... the "posh" school here in Amman must be a branch... I've yet to figure that out. This uni will be the basis for our presentations here in Amman. Five other University students are scheduled to bring around 50 students each day here. My flight was very good considering how long it was. I met up with three of my friends in Istanbul and we all arrived together in Amman Airport at 2am. Customs was smooth and all my luggage made it safely. Above the customs desks was a large sign announcing the presence of the "Tourist Police" in both Arabic and English. We met up immediatly with Bashar who is our organizer here ... read more
Planning the presentations
A typical meal
A common view of Amman

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