Blogs from North, Jordan, Middle East - page 33


Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 1st 2007

HI! Just a quick email to say that I made it and I'm alive. Everything is really good it's really nice being with all these people again. The hotel is not a hostel and is really nice. I think we're there the whole time except a night or two in the desert at the end ot the three weeks. We work on presentations tomorrow. I'll try to write more later. It's late now and I'm tired. -Malia... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Jerash June 19th 2007

Heute hat es mich nach Jerash verschlagen. Dieser schnucklige (naja, der Ort ist eigentlich stockhaesslich) Ort liegt ca. 50 km noerdlich von Amman und hat eine der groessten Ausgrabungsstaetten zu bieten: das alte roemische Gerasa. Hier konnte man in relativer (wenig Verkaeufer, wenig Touris) Ruhe durch alte Tempel wandern. War ganz nett, umgehauen hats mich jetzt aber nicht. Lustiger war da, wieder mal, die Anfahrt. Hinwaerts ging es noch verhaeltnismaessig einfach: Am Abdali-Busbahnhof stand ein Bus, und der fuhr dann auch dorthin :) Rueckzu gab es jedoch gerade keinen Bus, sondern nur Mikrobusse und Servicetaxis. Ich entschied mich fuer letzteres. Ein Servicetaxi ist ein weissbepinseltes Taxi, dass dann auf seiner Route losfaehrt, wenn es voll ist. Das ist dann etwas teurer (wir reden ueber 10-20 cent) als der Bus, geht aber auch schneller. Man sollte ... read more
Am Artemis-Tempel

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman June 18th 2007

Today we went to Amman the capital of Jordan. We visited the main mosque and a bunch of desert castles. ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman June 18th 2007

Ich bin zurueck in der Zivilisation! Ja, wirklich. Ich hab einen Supermarkt gesehen - und einen McDonalds. Beides doch sichere Anzeichen fuer eine zivilisierte Welt :) Naja, fangen wir mal wieder morgens an: Viel zu frueh klingelt mein bloeder Wecker (genaugenommen 2 Wecker... better safe than sorry) und ich mach mich halte mein letztes syrisches Taxi an. Ich habe genau noch 500 Lira uebrig, davon brauch ich allerdings 200 fuer "Flughafengebuehren", ein Taxi sollte maximal 300 kosten, aber eigentlich will ich nochn Kaffee trinken, also muss ich den Fahrer auf 250 runterhandeln. Ich schrei ihm also myaten we khamsin ins Taxi, nachdem er 300 wollte, und er nickt. So einfach kanns gehen... die 15 km zum Flughafen schafft er in 10 Minuten, wie immer ohne seines defekten Tachos oder den roten Ampeln eines Blickes zu ... read more
Und die Moschee...

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman April 28th 2007

Jordan Middle East » Jordan » Amman By JBandSandyApril 28th 2007text coming someday... maybe... As always, pictures and movies are available at ... read more
King's Highway
Bedouin and his flock

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman April 15th 2007

Aqaba - Amman - Jerash - Petra - Wadi Rum - Dead Sea - Amman We're heading north on Jordan's Desert Highway. Dusty tracks disappear off into the endless desert on either side. Road signs point right to Iraq & Saudi Arabia and ahead to Syria & Lebanon. A few hours behind us lays Egypt & although the signs make no mention of it, Israel & Palestine are just a few miles to the left. We're heading north from the tropical port city of Aqaba to the capital Amman & with signs like these you really get a feel for where you are in the world. We'd arrived in Aqaba by ferry from Nuweiba, Egypt. It had been a long day. Although the ferry is supposed leave every day, nobody knows if or when it really ... read more
Mosque at night
The Siq

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman April 9th 2007

We had quite an interesting day following Petra. We head north and stopped first at the ruins of an old Crusader castle called Shobak, built high up on a hilltop, one of several in the Jordanian countryside. The road leading up to it was very steep, single lane with a sheer drop 1 foot off the edge of the road. Amazing views from the top though, of course! The knights used these views to effect, as it's positioned in one of the three main routes running north-south through Jordan, and it allowed them to see anyone moving through the corridor and thus control trade routes. The castle was once captured by Saladin after a 2 year siege. Following some more twisty turny narrow mountainside roads, we proceeded to a little village on the edge of a ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman March 13th 2007

We arrived in Amman, Jordan by mid-afternoon. Stepping out of baggage claim we walked to the taxi stand. Along the way an eight year old boy walked past us and when he was only three feet away used his fingers as a toy gun and pretended to shoot us in the head. Welcome to Jordan. After negotiating with the cabbies to takes us to our hostel we ventured out into the rain. Unlike Egypt, the weather in Jordan was cold, rainy and windy. It was quite a shock after the incredible weather in Cairo. Once we checked in we arranged a car to take us on the three hour drive to Petra, wait for us and drive us back for only $100USD. There is a public bus that can take you there for considerably less but ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman March 12th 2007

Well not exactly walking but floating more to be exact. Today I went and visited the very salty Dead Sea which is the lowest point in the world at 1300 feet beolw sea level. It is such a weird feeling when entering the water you naturally expect to sink but instead your flapping your arms around for no point and just floating there. It took some getting used to but was very nice to just lay back and watch the day pass floating around. And yes it is very salty as I found out when I had a eye itch and decided to give it a rub, stupid me! The water when wading through looks like oil kinda around your legs like a mirky look it is that salty. I had to do the mud thing ... read more
Roman Therter
Dead Sea
Donkey At Petra

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman December 15th 2006

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