Blogs from Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel, Middle East - page 22


Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem March 2nd 2011

Today I went to Jerusalem. I saw people of all different cultures and religions. I wrote a little wish on a sticky note for peace and happiness for the world and I put it into the Wailing Wall. The Wailing Wall is all that is left of the second temple. It was destroyed by the Romans 2000 years ago. At the Wailing Wall everyone was praying and making wishes. It was very moving and spiritual. The women and men are separated into two sections. The men’s side is bigger than the women’s side. Above the wall is the Temple Mount where there is the Dome of the Rock and a giant mosque. A mosque is a place were Muslims pray. They are called to pray 5 times a day from a tall tower called a minarets ... read more
The Dome of the Rock
Riuns in the Old City
The Western Wall

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem March 1st 2011

The other day, my family and I went to Soreq Cave. It was fantastic, because of the stalactites and stalagmites and their varieties in shape, size, and color. Stalactites/stalagmites are created when water starts dripping from a crack in a cave wall. A chemical reaction occurs between the water and the rock and a tiny ring of calcite is deposited by the falling water droplets. If the stalactite or stalagmite is white, than it has stopped growing. If it is orange, it is still growing a little. If it is red, it is growing a lot! There were a lot of crazy ones and the tour guide made up stories to go with them such as these… Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is a stalagmite and Juliet is a stalactite. They are exactly one centimeter from ... read more
Cave 2
Cave 3
Cave 4

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem March 1st 2011

Today was our free day in Yerushalayim to do anything we wanted. So what did we do? We shopped of course! After breakfast, we walked from our hotel through the neighborhoods of the City to Ben Yehuda Street. It is one of the shopping districts of the City, and there were many interesting things to see and to buy. From there, it was only a short walk up Agrippa Street to the Mahane Yehuda Market, and since we hadn't been able to see the whole market on our previous visits, we decided to go back to see more. We also had lunch while we were there. What did we eat? Falafel of course! As I mentioned before, there is a falafel stand on every corner here like there is a Starbucks on every corner in the ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem February 28th 2011

We began today in remembrance. We arrived at Yad Vashem under skies of cloudless blue, and we walked down the Avenue of the Righteous Among the Nations. Every tree planted here represents someone who risked their life and the lives of their family to rescue Jews during the Shoah (This is the Hebrew term for what most people call the Holocaust, and it used because the meaning of the word “holocaust”, which is “a burnt offering or sacrifice”, is considered to be an inappropriate way to describe the tragedy suffered by Jews during World War II). There are many names listed here. Some you will be familiar with like Oskar Shindler and Irena Sendler, and others you will have never heard of like Raoul Wallendorf. All of them did something heroic in time when barbarity was ... read more
Entrance to the Children's Memorial
National Menorah

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem February 27th 2011

The other day, my family and I went to Jerusalem. It was crowded, with lots of people every which way! We went to the Wailing Wall. When we looked up, we saw the magnificent golden dome of the Islamic mosque - the Dome of the Rock. The city was stunning, and it was like walking back in time. My favorite part was the Wailing Wall. The stone was cool, even though it was a hot day. It was peaceful there. I put my wish in (making three other wishes fall out in the process - I put them back in). We went to the Yad Vashem Museum. It made me extremely sad, but gave me a deeper knowledge about the Holocaust. ... read more
Dome of the Rock
The Western Wall
The Western Wall

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem February 27th 2011

We started the day at the Jerusalem Archeological Park. We entered the park through the Davidson Center, where we were able to see some of the artifacts discovered in the area. We were also able to look at on overall model of the City. We watched a movie presentation about what the Temple may have looked like in the time of Y-shua. Then we entered into the park near the southwest corner of the Temple Mount. We were able to see the remains of the street and some of the buildings from the time of the Second Temple period. We were also able to see the corner piece that archeologists believe may once have been where the Levites stood to blow their silver horns based on a fragment of an inscription that was found on these ... read more
The Tunnels
Jewish Quarter

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem February 26th 2011

We woke to a bright and beautiful morning here in Yerushalayim on Friday. After breakfast, we drove to the Mount of Olives. From our vantage point, we had an amazing view of the City and the Kidron Valley that lies between it and the Mount of Olives. Directly before us was the Temple Mount, and on top sits the Dome of the Rock where once sat the Holy of Holies in the days of the Temple. We recited the Shema as we gazed at the Temple Mount, and many of us experienced mixed emotions. It is a great pleasure to know that we are once again able to worship in the City, but the sweet is mixed with the bitter because the Restoration of the City is not yet complete. We could also clearly see the ... read more
Gate of Mercy
Get Shemin
Zion Gate

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem February 8th 2011

Got up early this morning about 6:30, had breakfast with Neill, Noa & the kids.then off to Jerusalem with Neill. Less than an hours drive from tel Aviv and rural scenery between the 2 cities; Tel aviv the main lively cosmopolitan contemporary city and Jerusalem the spiritual and political Israeli capital. We arrived in Jerusalem around 9 and parked just at edge of the old fortified city and entered through the Jaffa gate by david's citadel. We walked straight through the bazars towards the temple mount as we had an arrangement to meet up with Neill's conserator employee Rami's father kallareb sahalmi. Kallareb just 'happens' to be the director of museum of Islamic foundation and library on the temple mount which are both located right beside the Dome on the Rock. I couldn't imagine a better ... read more

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem February 7th 2011

Hi Everybody! Walt and I thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Israel. If you enjoy traveling, you should consider visiting the Holy Land. It truly makes the Bible come alive! Most of you know that we prefer to travel on our own and mix with the locals, but on this trip we were very glad that we had a knowledgeable guide. We spent time in Bethlehem, Nazareth, Tiberias, Jerusalem, following in the steps of Jesus. We saw a baptism at the River Jordan, dipped in the cool waters of the Dead Sea, ate fish from the Sea of Galilee, and walked on the Mount of the Beatitudes where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount. We saw the Dead Sea Scrolls in Jordan at the Amman Citadel Archaeological Museum and at the Israel Museum (Shrine of the ... read more
The Upper Room
Statue of King David
Young Jewish Boy

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem February 4th 2011

Today is our last day. Following breakfast, packing the bus, and checking out of the hotel, we left for our final activities around Jerusalem. Our tour host surprised us with a visit to the Israeli Holocaust Museum which was something many in our group wanted to do. But first off to the Garden Tomb. The Garden Tomb is the place where Jesus' body was laid and the stone rolled over the entrance. Some believe the location is inside the church of the Holy Sepulechre which in in the Temple and inside the walls of Old Jerusalem. Others believe that the site is outside the walls of the city and this site was uncovered in the late 1800's. Now we aren't 100% certian that this is the place but it is surely near here and many signs ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

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