Blogs from Greater London, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 17


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Highgate March 26th 2021

Mark took a day off on 24th March. We recently walked on the Parkland Walk Northside between Muswell Hill and Highgate Wood whilst making a complete journey between home and Highgate Wood/Queen’s Wood via Alexandra Park. On 24th March, we decided to take a bus from Hornsey to Muswell Hill and tube back from Finsbury Park so that we could do a complete journey on Parkland Walk via Highgate Wood. Parkland Walk is a disused railway route that used to run between Finsbury Park and Alexandra Palace and is currently known as Parkland Walk Local Nature Reserve and supports a remarkable range of habitats and wildlife. After getting off the bus, we started the course from Muswell Hill. It was great to see surrounding residential areas and London’s skyscrapers beyond; we were able to see skyscrapers ... read more
crocuses in Priory Park
Highgate Wood on 30th December 2020
Sensational graffiti

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Greenwich March 1st 2021 28th February - A ride on a London No. 11 Bus & Greenwich Meantime. The very first bus route opened on 4 July 1829. The horse-drawn service carried paying passengers between the Yorkshire Stingo pub in Paddington and the Bank of England in the City. The full trip cost one shilling, and took about 40 minutes. Ever wondered why the buses we see today are painted red? London General Omnibus Company (or L.G.O.C.) owned most of the buses and in 1907 painted its entire fleet red to stand out from competitors. Since 1933, the colour was adopted by London Transport and it has remained ever since. There are 8,600 buses in the whole fleet, operating on 700 routes, serving 19,000 bus stops. Yesterday I hadn’t planned to do a tour in the morning but just ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » St. James February 15th 2021 14th February - A royal walk in London. It was 4pm at Horse Guards the official ceremonial entrance to St James's and Buckingham Palace and headquarters to the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment who provide troops for The Queen's Life Guard. I thought I would take a video from the screen of the Horseguards whilst multitasking with the postcard option LOL A royal guard has been kept here since 1660 when the original Guard House of the old Palace of Whitehall was on this site. The Palace of Whitehall, the largest palace in Europe at that time, was destroyed by fire in 1698 and replaced by the present Horse Guards building in 1753. Horse Guards, design by William Kent in the Palladian style is now a Grade I listed building. Only members of the Royal Family ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London February 7th 2021 7th February - London Borough Market in Southwark is one of the largest and oldest food markets in London, dating back to at least the 12th century. The present buildings were built in the 1850s with additions in the 1860s and an entrance designed in the Art Deco added on Southwark Street in 1932. Significant changes to the buildings have been made over the years as a result of successive expansions to the nearby railway infrastructure. The Act of Parliament from 1754 that helped establish Borough Market in its current form was very clear about the period of time this important institution would be expected to operate. The Market would, it was written, remain “an estate for the use and benefit” of the local community “for ever”. Not for weeks or months or even centuries, ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Tottenham January 25th 2021

London saw quite a few hours of snow from early morning to midday on 24th January and snow remained on the grounds on 25th January. I had planned walking on Wood Side Park, N22 in the morning on 25th January. As soon as I had finished my daily cleaning duties at home, I headed for Wood Side Park. Quite a few amount of grit had been laid on the pavements and roads on Wood Green High Road, but snow had remained on the minor residential lanes and green spaces in the residential areas. I reached Wood Side Park before 10 o’clock; found the brick gate and a beautiful historic Italianate style mansion, George Meehah House, which is currently known as Earlham Grove House. Quite a few amount of snow remained on the grounds of Wood Side ... read more
Plants covered with frost
Round House
Flowerbeds covered with snow

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London January 24th 2021 21st January Our tour with Charley started at 3pm just as the Bells of St.Martin were chiming. The site around Trafalgar Square had been a significant landmark since the 1200s. For centuries, distances measured from Charing Cross have served as location markers. The market is at the Statue of Charles 1? Nelson's Column is flanked by fountains designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens between 1937 and 1939 and guarded by four monumental bronze lions sculpted by Sir Edwin Landseer. The empty plinth in the north-west corner of the square, the "Fourth Plinth", was initiated by the Royal Society of Arts in 1988. The current artwork complete with a cherry, a drone and a fly - “The End” by British artist Heather Phillipson, will stay in place until spring 2022. Passers-by will are able to use their ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London January 22nd 2021

2nd January London An enjoyable walk with our guide Charley walking from London Bridge to Tower Bridge along Queen’s Walk. Surprised to see so many people without face masks when on most other tours around the world people do wear masks outside. I guess they are not mandatory here YET! We started at London Bridge Several bridges named London Bridge have spanned the River Thames. The current crossing, which opened to traffic in 1973, is built from concrete and steel. It replaced a 19th-century stone-arched bridge, which in turn superseded a 600-year-old stone-built medieval structure. This was preceded by a succession of timber bridges, the first of which was built by the Roman founders of London. In 1967, the Council of the City of London placed the bridge on the market and began to look for ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London January 20th 2021

23rd November 2020 Westminster A trip closer to home today and an early start. Anthony was our guide and at 8am the London streets around Westminster were busy with people going to work by bus, cycle or walking. We are all familiar with seeing Big Ben shrouded in what Anthony called it’s ‘Metal Jacket’ and now we also have the Houses of Parliament under a massive refurbishment. The refurbishment due to cost £4bn & estimated to be completed by the 2030s. We crossed the road into Parliament Square, the square is home to 12 statues of British, Commonwealth and foreign political figures. Anthony’s knowledge of the history of these statues and the surrounding buildings was excellent. Our route to Whitehall we pass so many red telephone boxes which are mostly used by tourists for taking selfie ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Tottenham January 2nd 2021

We continued having a lovely time together in London. On 29th December we went to Highgate Wood for a walk. There were a lot of families with children and dogs on the woodland. The café was doing takeaway and serving refreshments for walkers; the toilet was open as well. We also found the Queen’s Wood opposite to Highgate Wood and entered there after finishing the circular course on the Highgate Wood. Queen’s Wood Café was shut on 29th December, but saw loads of walkers. In contrast to Highgate Woods, Queen’s Wood’s lies on the hilly side and contains a number of slopes, which I thought makes its landscape more interesting. We saw two little ponds on the foot of hilly footpath. During the festive period, we have found some interesting TV programmes – Carols from King’s, ... read more
Queen's Wood Cafe
active seagulls
Geese being incubated!? or nesting

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Tottenham December 28th 2020

We had planned staying in London in 2020 – it was the first time in 20 years while I have been living in the UK. Having heard that all the shops will be closed on the Christmas Day and some shops will be closed for a few days around Christmas, I carefully planned shopping and meals between 20th and 24th December. Mark finished his work at home just after 5 o’clock on Christmas Eve. He has been working at home since the end of March and is having an annual leave between Christmas and New Year. We decided to have ‘sushi’ takeaway for Christmas Eve’s dinner and listened to Cambridge King’s College’s Carol while having sushi rolls. Because of Covid 19, there was no congregation, just a choir of singers were singing and selected people did ... read more
Avenue Garden
Chihiro in Avenue Garden
Mark in a new pullover

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