Blogs from Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 24


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire » Lechlade July 6th 2007

A continuation to my travel blog, although not world travel, I did travel to Cirencester, within our very own beautiful Cotswolds. The airfield is just south of this at the Duke of Gloucester Barracks, 29 rgt J.A.M.C. Home of the Silver Stars Parachute Display Team. The Red Devils also travelled here to take part on behalf of all the various charities. What an amazing experience, I am so thrilled to have had the opportunity to do this skydive, tandem, with the famous Red Devils, (not to be confused with Red Arrows) and at the same time sponsor the RNLI (A Key emergency service, in my opinion). THANK YOU TO ALL, for your encouragement, especially those of you who have sponsored me. The money collected is to go specifically to the Bude, beach lifeguards. The main man ... read more
getting ready
Certificate to keep

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire July 5th 2007

Last Thursday I attempted to go on a walk with a bunch of Brits. The walk, which was to take advantage of some of the lovely public footpaths through sheep fields that Britain has everywhere, had already been postponed once due to nasty weather. However, we decided to risk it and went to meet at the Black Horse Inn in Naunton. The plan was to meet at the pub there, order dinner, go on a 5 mile walk up hill and down vale, then return to our waiting dinners. It was cold and raining and muddy. For about half an hour, we kept talking about how we were going to be "stoic" and walk in the rain, but in the end, we just devolved into sitting and having dinner at the pub. My companions found it ... read more
The Black Horse Inn at Naunton
Hoping the rain will stop...

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire » Gloucester June 30th 2007

Tailoring Mice and Trolls in the Lavatory in Gloucester On Saturday I hopped on the top level of a double-decker bus (I sat in the very front, of course) and went to Gloucester (pronounced "Gloster"), a town about 30 minutes away. This link will show you a map: Map. The weather forecast had predicted torrential downpours all day, but since it just seemed to be drizzling, I went ahead and risked it. It's rained every day since I've been here, but it's never been the kind of rain that will soak you through and through. It's just a steady drizzle that makes everything damp and uncomfortable. The bus dropped me in the middle of a market in Gloucester. Besides the usual fruits and vegetables, there were also stalls selling cell phones, video games, women's underwear... I ... read more
Alleyway shortcut to the Cathedral
Fuschia baskets in the alley
The Real Tailor of Gloucester shop

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire » Tewkesbury June 29th 2007

We are all set. Managed to pack for every eventuality (I hope) and spot on the 20 kg weight limit, only problem is I am likely to snap in half if I have to attempt to carry the bag on my back! Thankfully there are always the wheels or James. A big thank you to everyone for all the presents, cards, drink purchases and kind words over the last couple of weeks. Thanks to those who came to our leaving BBQ, Michelle for dinner the other night and those who came along to my work leaving do, it was a good night (at least the bits I can remember!) Photos courtesy of Sue (thank you). Stay in touch and remember we want to hear from you as well. Off for a glass of bubbly (cheers to ... read more
Robert & I
Clare, Nikki & Al

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire » Cheltenham June 27th 2007

Last night I was invited to Italian restaurant - imagine my surprise when I found out that it's in an old church! I'm not sure what the story is, but someone the church organization moved out, and the restaurant moved in. The kitchen is up where the altar was, including a wood-burning oven for the pizza... It really was a beautiful Gothic church with the stained glass windows and everything. Oh, well... See below for a picture. The food actually was really good (especially the tiramisu), and the place was packed by the time we left. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire » Cheltenham June 24th 2007

On Sunday I went exploring around Cheltenham, at least until it rained on me again. These are some of the things I saw. Many of the pictures are from a French market that was here this weekend. Within that block, I heard more French than English.... read more
Signpost to Downtown
Church in Cheltenham
Toy Store

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire » Cheltenham June 23rd 2007

There are entirely too many letters in that title - for the uninitiated, I'm in Gloucestershire (pronounced "Gloster-shur") for the next four months. I plan to update this site with journals, photos, and videos from my ramblings. I arrived at Heathrow yesterday morning and was picked up and taken to my apartment in Cheltenham (slur your syllables and say "Chelt-num" with me!). I saw hundreds of sheep on the way, but I was in the car and thus unable to stalk them and make sweaters out of them. Cheltenham is so cute that I want to eat it with a spoon. I plan to explore it more tomorrow and take pictures. My apartment (flat) is great, with high ceilings and crown moldings. You walk into a giant room with a seating area with a fireplace and ... read more
First view of sheep
Living Room 1
Living Room 2

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire » Cheltenham June 23rd 2007

Just took a bubble bath with a book in the claw-footed bath tub next to my bed. Sorry, no photos for this entry. ;)... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire May 29th 2007

Who says the UK is boring, in a bid to see what this country is like to travel around I have been doing something interesting every weekend. This Bank Holiday took me to Cooper's Hill in Gloucestershire, check out For a report on people chasing cheeses down the a hill.... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Gloucestershire » Gloucester May 28th 2007

Mix: one round of double Gloucester cheese one extremely steep hill, preferably muddy one group of kamikaze people Release round of cheese at top of hill, wait one metric second before adding kamikaze people, cheese should reach 70mph. And there you have a recipe for disaster.. I mean, what could possible go wrong?? Haha everything!! Which is really funny when you’re standing on the sideline! Also the number of ambulances at the bottom certainly proved his is not for the faint hearted! It was a ‘welcome to the UK Dean, people are crazy over here’ as well as a good excuse for Helen, Grant, Michelle and I to get out of London. We had enough trouble walking up Coopers Hill to watch from the sidelines - this hill is a lot steeper than it looks in ... read more
Welsh Dragon
Following The Leader
Coopers Hill

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