Blogs from Interlaken, South-West, Switzerland, Europe - page 7


Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken July 13th 2011

Leaving Montreaux not too long after a short night's (morning's?) sleep after the Jazz Festival, Michael and I began what proved to be an unbelievably scenic train ride to Interlaken. We accidentally bought tickets for a much longer train ride than necessary, with two stopovers and train changes in Zweisimmen and Spiez, but it turned out to be a beautiful blessing in disguise. These trains snaked us slowly from low valleys with their verdant vineyards dramatically up into the Swiss Alps toward the Bernese Oberland region, with adorable rustic mountain towns in between. Blinding white snow covered the highest peaks that were getting closer and closer, while bright summer flowers bloomed everywhere in the green hills-- I fully expected Fräulein Maria to burst through the mountains belting The Sound of Music at any minute! The scenery ... read more
Snowy peaks and lakes from a scenic train ride
Wine and Water
Meeting Splif!

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken June 19th 2011

Today is the last day of the YodelFest in Interlaken which was about singing groups throughout Switzerland and overseas competing against each other. In the Festival were also alphorn players, and folk music groups. The attendance was supposed to be 20,000 participants and attendees. The finale was to be the Grand Parade through Interlaken which we attended. When we arrived by train just before 2pm the streets were lined with people and participants were ready to leave Interlaken Ost through to Interlaken West. We went to the West Station and waited there for the parade to come through. It was magnificent. There were at least 4 brass bands throughout the parade, dozens of singing groups, groups of alphorn players plus the flag throwers. As well as the music, there was the William Tell Cast in costume, ... read more
St Bernard dog in YodelFest Parade
Brewery horses
A men's Yodel group

This afternoon we took a bus into Interlaken and went to the Yodelfest there. It was... amusing to see all of the traditional garb and the huge pipes, along with the many people bursting into song at whatever time they deemed fit. We planned to go on a picnic today, but the clouds are low and its raining so we'll try again tomorrow. Fare thee well.... read more

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken June 17th 2011

Hello, all. It has come to my attention that the pictures uploaded are not in the order they should be. I can rearrange them, but it's a bit difficult and time consuming. Hopefully I can get it done, but it may not happen. If you don't understand what a particular picture is of, leave a comment maybe? Anyway, I believe the last time I updated was Tuesday. At least, it was Tuesday here. Either way, a while ago. heh heh :) Wednesday was a more relaxing day for us. We traveled to just outside of Innsbruck in Austria to take a tour of the... interesting Swarovski Kristallwelten, which is a museum/art display/who knows what put on by, of course, the Swarovski crystal company. It was odd to say the least. Artists have strange minds. There were ... read more
View from Mad King Ludwig's castle
Us in front of the caslte

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken June 4th 2011

We left Portogruaro and the Santaliana family at 7.00am after fond farewells and many thankyou's. We will miss them and their hospitality but at the same time we'll be pleased to be in our old stamping ground of Grindelwald. We arrived at Interlaken West at 2.30 and were met by our old friend Mariann who many of the readers will know from past visits. The rest of the day was spent settling in and shopping for a new mobile internet connection for Switzerland. This is much more expensive than the deal we had in Italy at SF7.50 per day. Multiply that by 60 and it's quite an expensive way of staying in touch. So, maybe every second day we'll use it. On the plus side, we can use unlimited data on those days. Mariann is quite ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken May 25th 2011

Day 21 22 23 The last 3 days in Interlaken, we have spent making use of our six day pass on the trains, cable cars and buses in the Jungfrau region. We have done a variety of high walks and have been blessed by the weather- the Swiss are having an unusually dry spell - but to our advantage. Today the 24th May we had a wonderful day on the Schilthorn mountain, with a 30 minute cable car ride to get to it. This mountain complex was used for the James Bond film : On Her Majesties Secret Service’ the views are spectacular and it has a revolving restaurant, which we had to try-where you can literally watch the world go by. Sadly there wasn’t a Martini - shaken or stirred, to be seen. We are ... read more
Picnic at First
Tran to Grindlewald
Alison trying to get into shot.

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken May 25th 2011

Amazing Engineering I cant pretend to be technically minded. I can fix a plug, erect a shelf albeit temporary, and my eyes usually glaze over when ever technical conversations about engines etc crop up . I have to amazed though, at the engineering achievements that have been accomplished in the Alps, particularly around Interlaken. The near vertical funicular railways, cable car gantry’s erected at incredible heights and angles not to mention the miles of tunnels blasted through mountains. Some of these successes accomplished over 100 years ago without the use of modern methods and machinery. It was worth the journey to see and ride these amazing machines. K ... read more

I landed safely yesterday (Wednesday) morning in Zurich and have been in Switzerland since. I spent most of yesterday morning walking around the city of Zurich, then I took a train to Luzern where I toured one of the lakes on a ferry for the rest of the afternoon. After my first hostel experience last night, I took a train this morning to Interlaken. I was planning on doing some hiking in the Swiss alps in Lauterbrunnen today, but it was cloudy and rainy all day. Instead, I toured some waterfalls inside of a mountain which was almost equally as impressive as everything else Ive done. I must say, from what Ive seen I think Switzerland is the most scenic place Ive ever been to (just google image some of the places Ive mentioned). It might ... read more

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken May 6th 2011

Heading off again more south and towards the French border we decided to take a side trip up to the Grand St Bernard Tunnel and pass to have a look. Guess what, yep that’s right the bloody pass was closed. Switzerland is closed. We decided not to go through the tunnel as the toll was 37e each way and anyway all you see is the inside of another tunnel. Considering the pass was closed we had no choice, we went up anyway, to hell with the Swiss officials and there crappy closed signs. To be fair we only made it about 5 kms up the pass road before it became obvious why it was closed, see the photo. The road was blocked by ice and snow about 3m high we were at about 2200m. Returning down ... read more
Gd St Bernard Snow Melt
Gd St Bernard Wall Of Snow
Somewhere In Switzerland

Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken April 26th 2011

Geo: 46.6855, 7.8559 We had a lot of hope for Interlaken after surviving the ridiculously expensive Zermatt. Unfortunately, things just didnt go the way I wanted them to in Interlaken. Which isnt to say it was a disaster, and I guess Im overdue for something not going my way right? All the careful planning in the world and for some reason I just cant control the weather. =) I knew that coming to the Swiss Alps, though. It could have snowed and stormed the whole time, so Im at least thankful that didnt happen. Anyway, our first afternoon there we wandered around the city looking at shops and things. And then that night we tried our first bit of Swiss food! It was just too damned expensive back in Zermatt, and with careful budgeting we could ... read more
Swiss Food!

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