Blogs from Sweden, Europe - page 187


Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg September 8th 2006

Hi! We are finally getting some photos from Europe on the blog! Helsinki, Finland August 30th--Our flight left Thailand at 12:30am and 10 1/2 hours later we arrived in Helsinki @ 6:330am. It was COLD!!! We had to change into our warmest clothes (which still were not very warm), then bussed into the city to explore. Fall was already here with all the leaves beginning to change colors. The city was smaller than we expected so we walked everywhere, and the mix of old buildings with modern ones along with some cobblestone streets made it quite charming. And we were definitely ready to be back in Western culture. (though we stuck out like sore thumbs in our Icebreaker wool jerseys, quick-dry pants, and hiking shoes :) A good day of sight-seeing, then back to the airport ... read more
Tuomiokirkko, and the Senaatori
Heidi in Sockholm
Downtown Gothenburg

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg September 8th 2006

Yes this is my last blog from Sweden. Tomorrow at yet another obscenely indecent hour (3am) I get up to rush off to the airport to catch my long awaited flight to Athens. I will never ever moan about having to get up at half 5am to catch the 7am flight out of Dunners........ Anyway, today Jeff and I went into town and walked around a part of the waterfront area. We then hopped on a ferry and zipped (and I mean zipped, shit those boats don't hang around) across to the other side of the river to take a nosy at how the rich Gothenburgians live. The area is reclaimed dock land and has been done up with very very swanky and ridiculously expensive (according to Jeff) apartments. We wandered along for a good hour ... read more
Art on the board walk

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm September 5th 2006

So my trip has begun, well sort of... I'm back in Stockholm, landed at Arlanda airport about an hour ago, at the inhuman hour of 0.40 am. My dad met me at the airport, and congratulated me of being a free man (or an unemployed former student perhaps :). So university is over, which is very very strange, it's going to take me a while to fully understand that I am no longer a student!! I handed in my master's dissertation this morning, 13,347 words of hard work!! I think the result was quite OK though, comparing the British and the Swedish business cultures and advising what adjustments a British company may need to make in order to successfully enter the Swedish market. I then checked my marks for the last courseworks and exams at the ... read more
The SAS lounge at Heathrow
The Cinema room

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg September 5th 2006

Tuesday 5 September The morning dawned clear, calm (for a change) and surprisingly warm, so it was decided that the conditions were ideal for taking a trip out to the Gothenburg archipelago. This archipelago is completely different from the Stockholm one, being very barren and rocky. This in itself makes it beautiful, especially when you see a red and white house standing proudly on its own like sentinel in uniform protecting some sacred space. There are some vague peculiarities about things in Sweden, one of them being the transport system and rules. We hopped on the tram where we live and went the entire way across town (it took an hour), then hopped on the ferry and were taken to the first island, all for the price of a single fare. That single fare is approximately ... read more
Lone house on island
Cute windows

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm September 2nd 2006

G'Day G´Day. Gee you can´t half tell I´ve been hanging around with a whole lot of Aussies for the past 6 days!!! BERLIN-GERMANY 27/8/06-29/8/06 Well my grand adventures in Europe have begun. I managed to survive the gauntlet run, that is Healthrow airport, unscathed and with time to spare (a minor miracle), and landed in Berlin safe and sound. I actually found another couple in the airport who are on my trip as well which was great. It wasn´t hard to miss us looking like giant wonky turtles with multicoloured shells, doing the every so elegant back-packer waddle. So after a few false starts on the trains, first the wrong line, then the wrong direction, we managed to find the hostel in Berlin and meet up with some of the other people. Berlin was more moving ... read more
Jewish Memorial Monument
Brandenburg Gate
The Reichstag

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Borås August 28th 2006

I've tried my hand at the whole blog thing before, with rather depressing results. It's surprising how difficult it is to write something that is worth reading, and not just some self-centred piece of garbage, when one is writing about oneself. Fiction, I am good at, but when it comes to depictions of real events, I still have a long way to go. In two weeks, however, I leave for England, to start my second year of studying international relations and politics at the University of Sheffield. I've been wanting to keep some sort of journal about my stay there, to remember it by (let's face it, we all get older and I think my memory is already starting to suffer at 21! then again, it's been crap for most of my life...). Anyway, so here ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm August 22nd 2006

August 19, 2006 - August 22, 2006 My flight into Stockholm was fairly uneventful, with one exception. The woman sitting in the seat next to me had the worst breathe I think I’ve ever experienced. At first scent, I was unable to determine what the source of the crude smell was. Eventually I linked the awful aroma to her frequent yawns. The stench was appalling. I was very tempted to spend the rest of the flight in the airplane toilet, as that would have been a much more pleasant scent then what I was suffering through. I desperately wished I had a English to Swedish translation book so I could find out how to say, “Close your stinky, ass mouth” in Swedish. Instead, I pulled my jacket over my nose and fought through the chemical warfare ... read more
Hot Air Ballon
Posing at Ice Bar

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm August 21st 2006

We are back in Sweden at the moment. At the moment we're in Västerås trying to pack our bags at just the right weight to get them on the plane. Early start tomorrow morning, we have to catch a train to the airport at 0555. The weekend was spent in Leksand for poker on Friday night and Kraftskiva (a yabbie party that is really just an excuse to sing songs and shot 40% alcohol) on Saturday. I won poker on Friday night, which covered about 8-10 beers for the night. And then onto Saturday. Got very merry, us Aussies lost to the rest of the world in a game of cricket, we went for a swim and then ended up at Lucky House - the local pub/club. The night ended rather unexpectedly with Martin and Russell ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm August 17th 2006

Some shots from out and about in Stockholm.... read more

Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg August 17th 2006

In a previous blog I mentioned how the state runs all the booze outlets and the opening times are very limited. In Vasteras when we went to buy wine it was very modern as you were actually allowed to shop as we do in NZ. IE, walk around, pick up bottles, read the back of the label and decide what you want to buy. In a suburb near to where Jeff lives in Gothenburg it is a different story. Here you walk into the shop (called Systembolaget) and you have to push a wee button to get a number........for a place in the queue. You then have to look at the booze through locked glass display cases. You can't pick up a bottle and read the back of the label etc. You have to decide what ... read more

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