Blogs from Belgrade, West, Serbia, Europe - page 16


Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade September 2nd 2008

So schnell gehts, dass man nen Tag lang zu nichts kommt (waer ja auch eher unschoen, wuerde man sich zu Tode langweilen). Deshalb kam gestern nix, dafuer gibts heut gleich eineinhalb Tage ;) Naja, ausser mir is ja auch niemand drauf angewiesen :D Also, Sonntag sollte ich ja zu der Schule gehen, um mich einstufen zu lassen. Das war lustig. Mir ist es recht lange gelungen, meine Haltung: Solang ich nix zu essen, trinken oder sonstwas kauf, muss ich auch nix sagen, beizubehalten. Das war aber spaetestens mit der Suche nach der Schule vorbei. Nun bin ich ja net ganz bloed, und man hat irgendwann auch mal n bisschen kyrillisch gelernt. Sollte ja also kein Problem sein, ne Adresse zu finden. War es auch net. Nur, als ich an der entsprechenden Adresse ankam, war an besagter ... read more
Sveti Sava bei dunkel
Republička Skupština

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade August 31st 2008

So, zwei Stunden frueher als erwartet durft ich also in Belgrad aussteigen. War selber massivst ueberrascht, wie problemlos es an der Grenze lief. Hab meinen Pass gleich wieder bekommen, und die Koffer blieben diesmal auch zu :) Ein paar meiner Ansichten muss ich jetzt schon revidieren. Z.B. woran man in den 10 Minuten, die man zum packen noch hat, net denkt, waer eh nicht wichtig gewesen. Stimmt so nicht ganz, zumindest bin ich mir sicher, dass ich mit Brille wesentlich mehr vom Videoprogramm im Bus gehabt haette.... Sowieso Videoprogramm. Das tolle ist ja, dass man die Filme in der Originalsprache hat, und so auch was versteht, wenn man mit den Untertiteln nix anfangen kann. Das stimmt aber nur solang, wie sich keiner ueber die Lautstaerke beschwert, und man den Ton abdreht, weil man ja ohnehin mitlesen ... read more

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade August 23rd 2008

Today marks my last day in Belgrade, I spent time picnicing with danilo's family at a camp-type-thing on the danube. I guess you could consider my time this morning at the Freestyler today, but not really. Interstingly enough, danilo and I got to row after all... at least we got to paddle a broken down boat with 7 people in it. Fun huh? Good picture for coach I guess. Anyways, tommorow morning I head off to Amman... La co Noch good night... read more

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade August 22nd 2008

Mention to a media-influenced person that you're heading off on a trip to Belgrade might prompt them to question why on earth your choice of holiday destination would be a place with such a conflict-tarnished past. The answer to all of this is plain and simple - it is nothing short of fascinating and fulfilling to see the extent to which the locals in Serbia have turned their whole lifestyles around in the wake of a troubled history, and witnessing their path along the ever-ongoing recovery process is, for my money, all part of a soulful lifestyle. Belgrade bears the dubious distinction of being the location for the world's worst ever recorded inflationary rate, and while the city has gone very much back on track economically, the traces of a shakier past are in evidence, and ... read more
River Sava

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade August 3rd 2008

Nogmaals groeten uit Belgrado! Even weer een snel berichtje. Gisteren zat ik op het terras voor mijn hotel met wat te eten en een biertje, komt er een Karadzic-demonstratie langs... muziek, vlaggen, posters met het hoofd van K, aardig wat politie eromheen. Niet al te veel mensen, 200 of zo. En verder was het rustig :) Toch wel apart... Vandaar o.a. de ruine van het fort hier bekeken, en een museum over meneer Tesla, die hier blijkbaar vandaan komt. Hij was een uitvinder en heeft bijv. de eerste electromotor op wisselstroom bedacht, die we nu nog overal ter wereld gebruiken. Daarna wou ik naar het Nationale Museum maar dat bleek dicht. Verder is het eindelijk gelukt om weer ergens wasmiddel te vinden, dus ik heb vanmiddag de was staan doen op mijn hotelkamer! Warm weer dus ... read more

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade August 2nd 2008

So the train I was originally getting from Sophia to Belgrade never actually turned up so I had to wait around another 8 hours to leave. The train then was about 4 hours late getting into Belgrade which, though not a problem for me, caused loads of people to miss their connecting trains. Whenever any of the backpackers asked when we would actually arrive all the ticket inspector would do was to laugh which makes me think that the rail timetables in these parts are simply a formality and should never actually be taken as any indication of the time you'll actually arrive. Serbia was completely different from what I was expecting after seeing all the troubles on the news only a few years before. The city of Belgrade has very few physical reminders of the ... read more
Belgrade 2
Belgrade 3
Belgrade 4

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade August 2nd 2008

Hier volgt een bericht van uw oorlogsverslaggever, live uit Belgrado! De kogels vliegen me om de oren, ik schuil nu achter een brandende auto... O, nee, toch niet, niks aan de hand hier :) Dus gewoon groeten uit een warm en zonnig Belgrado, hoofdstad van Servië! Twee erg rustige dagen gehad in Sighisoara, waar ik nog wat musea heb bekeken, oude gebouwen e.d. Je hebt in Sighisoara een huis waar Vlad Tepes gewoond heeft, ook wel bekend als Vlad the Impaler (u kent 'm wel, die hoofdletter V uit nethack! :) Verder vooral veel op terrasjes gezeten te lezen! Overigens zag ik op tv allemaal beelden van overstromingen in Roemenië en Oekraïne, maar dat was blijkbaar in andere delen van het land. Niks van gemerkt. Gistermiddag vanuit Sighisoara met de trein in 5 uur terug naar ... read more

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade July 11th 2008

In the words of Ian Oliver, translated on the internet, "Behold, come down percussion hammer". PROLOGUE Serbia, Serbia, Serbia. Ah Serbia. In order to fully appreciate our experience the reader should imagine a constant stream of beautiful, leggy, 6ft1 women. Now, with that in mind, the blog may begin. We arrived in Belgrade after a lengthy 13 hour overnight train journey, in our own 3 person sleeper cabins, which we were slightly ill at ease about, particuarly as we stood on the platform surrounded by a gaggle of very suspicious looking characters. They, we later discovered after later observation by means of the train window, were in fact smuggling all manner of goods. Despite our shuddering terror, the journey turned out to be thoroughly enjoyable. From the moment we arrived in Belgrade we could tell it ... read more
Mucky Pup
New Belgrade
In the Fort

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade June 15th 2008

Finally, I'm heading West and aboard the Orient Express - not the expensive American Tourist version, rather the cheap local version, no red velvet curtains, lino rather than carpet and a surprising lack of female travellers. I'm not sure why this is...? Following a VERY full 5 days in London including ingesting amazing amounts of food and drink, catching up with as many people as possible (Helga only got 8 minutes between buses on Monday...sorry!), a fight with the bank who kindly informed me that they'd closed my Visa account rather than canceling my lost card, a 4 hour wait at the Chinese embassy to have it close when I was 10th in line, a Turkish bath experience to finally get rid of the Camino dirt and an amazing sun-drenched festival, I left myself about 1/2 ... read more

Europe » Serbia » West » Belgrade June 11th 2008 I haven't blogged for a while so I'll have to catch you up: We went to Dubrovnik, Croatia for a few days - it was awesome, one of the most beautiful old towns yet. Our legs got strong from the seemingly millions of stairs we had to climb to our hostel...the streets were so narrow that compact cars have to back up down one switch back then forward on the next, then back down the next one since there isn't even room to turn around and all the houses are built into a mountain. However the stairs were worth the view from our balcony. It was really warm there and we spent a couple afternoons at the beach and continued the siesta schedule. I swear, everyone should adopt the afternoon nap and I think we ... read more

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