Blogs from Centre, Russia, Europe - page 15


Europe » Russia » Centre » Yaroslavl March 6th 2007

I know the stories are not in line but it takes me awhile to get the pictures downloaded to my computer then uploaded on here, but since I had the day off due to Women's Day, I thought I would get my blog updated and back in order. It was a nice day off and Gaukhar and I had a good day shopping and then I came home, made peanut brittle, played volleyball, and now updating the blog. They now call me the "traveling frog" at work. I think that is their way of saying I do not let the grass grow under my feet. I can not argue with any of the statements and want to take advantage since I am here. I sure could not fly to these places for a weekend if I ... read more
Picture on the 1000 Note
At the Show
Center of Town

Europe » Russia » Centre » Obninsk March 2nd 2007

Okay, funny story before I sign off and head to bed before my trip tomorrow. I was at the local cafe/bar and my normal waitress was not there so I sat in a different section. I ordered my normal Jack Daniels (Джек Данилс) with lots of ice. The waitress got the Jack okay, but struggle with ice. I tried saying it in Russian all sorts of ways, "lots", "loads", "lots", but never quite got "lod" but spelled "led" so she pointed to pen and paper and I wrote out "ice". She took it with her to obviously ask someone and I saw them both look over and smile so I thought they had it. You will never guess what I got with my Jack Daniels, ice cream! Thank goodness they did not pour the Jack over ... read more

Europe » Russia » Centre » Naro-Fominsk March 1st 2007

Yes, for those of you in the poultry industry, you know all too well, what we just went through. If you had not heard, there were several AI confirmed outbreaks in the Naro-Fominsk district which is the same as ours and there was one in Kaluga, which is a different region, but actually closer to us than the Naro-Fominsk's ones. Knock on wood, they are behind us, but they were way too close for comfort. We completely shut down the farms and many other biosecurity measures, but it was scary since the way we raise birds here, ALL birds are on the same properity just a few kilometers apart from each other in different zones so one break would most likely mean the entire farm. To make my life worse, we had a positive Salmonella come ... read more

Europe » Russia » Centre » Kaluga February 21st 2007

This past weekend, I know my blogs are not in order, I went to Kaluga with Dima. We used my driver, but what was funny, Dima did not know how to get to Lena's (his girlfriend) flat so we he had Misha take us to the train station where we got on a bus because he knew which bus and which I found it funny that I pay my driver to sit at the train station while we pay to get on a public bus to get around Kaluga. The other part that was funny. Lena goes to school there so I really thought she was going to be our tour guide, which she was, all the way to the mall where we shopped for the afternoon. Not exactly what I had in mind when ... read more

Europe » Russia » Centre » Obninsk February 21st 2007

My friend Alex, who is in the theatre in Moscow called on Saturday and wanted to know what I was doing on Sunday because he wanted to come to Obninsk to help celebrate "Pancake Day." That is not the official name, but everyone makes pancakes and fills them with calvar, fish, etc. and eats until they can not eat any more. And since we are talking Russia, yes, drink and drink until you can not drink any more. So Alex took the train, where I met him at the station and we made pancakes and stuffed them with turkey (I did not realize you were even suppose to stuff them with anything) but I had put a turkey breast in the crockpot with a great recipe using jelly, sugar, starch and cranberries. I figured the cranberries ... read more
At the Theater

Europe » Russia » Centre » Naro-Fominsk February 21st 2007

I know I have not written since I left on vacation and all of this AI is not helping much here in Russia, but I am alive and well. I am going to try to update at least some of the stuff going on. I had even written hand notes so I did not forget anything and now have lost those notes so I will have to go on memories and pictures. However, before getting into all of that, after calling off "sick" my translator came back today and resigned. I am not stupid, I know she was looking for a new job but what gets me is we pay people here when they are out sick. So she got paid to search for a job and there is nothing I can do since she brought ... read more

Europe » Russia » Centre » Naro-Fominsk January 24th 2007

It has only taken six months, but I watch a success yesterday in our weekly sanitation meeting. We had several out of spec results and we had the initial agruing over the data and who was at fault, but then something happened, without my involvement, my Chief Vet and Microbiologist along with my Sanitation Lead started brainstorming (in their own way) what happened. It was if the walls had dropped and each started thinking and looking for solutions. I just sat back and grinned from ear to ear. After a few minutes, they realized I was not part of the discussion and looked to me for my direction and I just smiled and said they did not need my help. I think that is when it dawned on them what they had been doing and one ... read more

Europe » Russia » Centre » Obninsk January 20th 2007

Birthdays here in Russia are a big deal. Unlike the US where most people like to hide them and wish they would not come, the Russians have big celebrations so keeping to the culture/tradition, so did I. I had a small lunch/snacks for the office on Monday, a little thing with my volleyball team, took my direct reports to dinner, and finally took a few of my Russian friends to one of the clubs last night. So it has been a busy time and is part of the reason why I have not posted much lately, but I do think about you all often! Before I get into my birthday celebration, I must tell you about Dima's birthday. Dima is one of the people I have met here. He is self taught English and is actually ... read more
At Elephant

Europe » Russia » Centre » Obninsk January 20th 2007

Last Sunday was my cooking day in preparation for all of the celebrations. I thought Jamie was crazy when he brought me a suitcase full of jello. I wanted a couple, not the entire store. He said, I thought maybe you wanted to do Jello shooters for your birthday parties. I decided that would be a good way to get rid of the flavors I did not like as well as merge two different cultures/traditions so I was busy making Jello shooters. I can not remember how many batches I made, but I went through two liters of vodka making I also put my crockpot my sister got for me to good use. The only problem, I converted from pounds to kilograms backwards so instead of requesting 2 kilos of ground chicken meat to make ... read more
Food for Office
Jello Cake
Flowers at Flat

Europe » Russia » Centre » Obninsk January 15th 2007

I am enjoying myself too much and can not find the time to get the blog updated. A lot has gone on since my last update and I promise to get you stores, I have a few good ones, and some pictures. I finally broke down and bought a new camera while I was in Switzerland. I was able to talk the sales person into a 10% discount on the accessories and 5% on the camera. If I did my conversations right, it was the same price for the same camera I was looking at in Russia, but I was able to ask all the questions I wanted without a translator and ended up with a Panasonic TZ1. I will get some pictures posted so you can see the quality. The other one Jetta gave me ... read more
Great Buildings

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