Blogs from Galway, County Galway, Ireland, Europe - page 14


Europe » Ireland » County Galway » Galway June 23rd 2009

Tuesday, June 23rd On the Road to Galway Choices, Choices We left Sligo for Galway Tuesday morning in what would turn out to be a long day in the car. Our plan was to hit a few major sites along the way like Connemara before arriving in Galway by dinner time. Guide books and tourist maps only point out the major sites, but as you drive along Ireland’s roads numerous distractions encourage you to pull over. A medieval tower there, an abandoned monastery there, hungry sheep peeking over the farmer’s fence looking for food. Imagine an American kid and an Irish kid talking about where they lived. The American kid says to the Irish kid, “I have a swing set in my back yard. What do you have ?” The Irish kid responds, “Nothing much, just ... read more
Abbey Ruins
Doo Lough

Europe » Ireland » County Galway » Galway June 16th 2009

Ireland surprised me with their version of summer and immediately I was sent shopping for socks and warm clothes. There tongue in check humor quickly warmed me over as I passed a door store called, "Knobs and Knockers." So it is with relaxing thoughts that I nestled into a pub with a pint and a book. I hadn't really thought much about Ireland. I started this trip with the simple idea of chilling out in a one pub town and checking out the Cliffs of Moher. My mind sometimes comes up with ideas that I just can't seem to let go. Due to the numerous bus, plane, train and boat rides over the past months, I have had a lot of time to read. I didn't necessarily have a choice in what I read, but I ... read more
My Horse
Galway Hooker

Europe » Ireland » County Galway » Galway June 8th 2009

Monday 8th June Sligo to Galway Time to move on from Sligo and the destination by the end of the day was planned to be Galway.It had been a comfortable stay in the apartment used during the term by students and we had booked a similar apartment in Galway run by the same company and offered through Hostelbookers. We had travelled south yesterday for part of the journey and we wanted to vary the trip today so we didn’t cover the same roads as yesterday.So it was another road out of Sligo with the town of Boyle the first stop for the day. The road again travelled through rolling farmland which was fairly sparsely populated with small villages popping up every so often in the hour it took to reach Boyle. Over the past couple of ... read more
Township of Boyle
Lunchtime stop
Seaside at Galway

Europe » Ireland » County Galway » Galway May 30th 2009

Going to Galway proved to be an excellent choice! The bus ride over was very scenic and Britt and I were eager to leave Dublin. Finding our hostel again proved to be a difficult chore, as the directions we were given placed us across the town from where our hostel was, just outside of Eyre Square. When we arrived in Galway, we soon learned that a major yacht race (the Volvo Ocean Race) had just completed a leg of their race which had been going on since October 4th. After exploring the town a bit, we wandered down to the docks to see what the excitement was about. It turns out, this race is to sailing what the Superbowl is to football. The crowds in this small town in Ireland would soon become home to tens ... read more
Volvo Route
The Burren

Europe » Ireland » County Galway » Galway May 20th 2009

Dia dhuit, from Galway! Galway is the city I have most looked forward to visiting. Galway wasn't as anglicized as other parts of Ireland. The land was not hospitable for farming so the British concentrated their interests in the East. We arrived in Galway around 1:00 pm. Anyways, let's talk about Day 3 first. Day 3 Last night in Dublin and what a fun, busy, busy day it was! We began our day by visiting a secondary school in Dundrum, a neighborhood of Dublin. St. Tiernan's School. It has children from ages 10-18. There is no middle school or junior high in the Irish education system. It is interesting learning about the way they do examinations/high school diploma. The way they get into college is much more selective and difficult. The eldest students were studying for ... read more
Me with some other KSU students
Being studious during tea and reading the newspaper

Europe » Ireland » County Galway » Galway May 1st 2009

Ei tasta blogin vasaamisesta talla reissulla sitten oikein mitaan tullut, mutta laitetaan nyt kuitenkin muutamat loppusaikeet, etta tiedatte missa mennaan. Eli Irlannissa tassa jo ollaan menossa, lennot Suomeen 10.5. Ostettiin menopaluu Buenos Aires-Lontoo, kun oli melkein samanhintainen kuin yhdensuuntainen lento. Eli jos silta tuntuu, niin syyskuun lopulla olis lento takaisin, katsotaan miten asiat kehittyvat. Suunnitelmissa on yks punaisen ristin kurssii, joka saattaa poikia jotain jatkoa, Veruska aloittaa heti kesayliopistolla suomen kielen kurssit, 4 tuntia paivassa. Hienoa palata taas Suomeen. En tieda tayttiko matka kaikki odotukset, mutta kylla tunnen saaneeni paljon oppia seuraaviin haasteisiin. Ja sen verran hidas oli matkavauhti, etta pari paikkaa jai viela odottamaan seuraavaa kertaa. Tosin onhan noita muitakin maanosia olemassa.. Hauska nahda miten nopeasti sita so... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Galway » Galway April 18th 2009

Hey… so I know its been awhile since I’ve had any entries into my blog but its been crazy busy around here. After St. Patricks Day school got really busy and then before I knew it it was already Spring Break. So here it goes! Kaelyn, Becca and I decided to go to Galway for St. Patricks Day. We headed there a couple days beforehand to travel around the area. The first day we did a bus tour of the Connemara. Its this really beautiful area of Galway that runs along the coast. There’s tons of mountains (not quite like the ones back home though haha) and bogs and interesting grasslands. The area is also pretty traditional and the first language in a large area of the Connemara is Irish. The bus tour lasted all day ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Galway » Galway April 16th 2009

We were told before we even got to Galway that you don’t go there for the sites - you go there for the people. So, Erica and I spent the entire day amongst the townies, shopping, eating, and going out to the pubs. We slept in late, as the past week has been spent been gallivanting around the island like crazy. Our B&B landlords Eddie and Helen, couldn’t understand why two girls in their 20’s would choose to go to bed before 1am (the night before), but we were “wrecked.” After some fuel (coffee, sausage, scones and eggs and more coffee), we shopped for hours! Shoes, handbags, dresses, souvenirs…it was so fun. I had died and gone to shoe and handbag heaven! As you can see in the photos, the shoe selection here is phenomenal. We ... read more
Inside the pub
Photo 3
I couldn't choose!

Europe » Ireland » County Galway » Galway April 15th 2009

Mercredi matin, nous avons quitté l'Irlande du nord pour retourner dans la république. En y repensant, je suis assez contente d'être allée à Belfast et Derry d'abord parce que c'était assez sérieux et déprimant. Une fois dans le sud, l'atmosphère s'est complètement détendue et je trouve qu'on a eu pas mal plus de fun. Notre premier arrêt a été sur la bord de l'océan, dans la petite localité de Sligo où il y a une très belle plage et, le plus important, un centre de thalassothérapie très renommé. C'est pour cette raison que nous y sommes allés, car ils offrent des séances de 45 minutes dans des bains d'algues qui n'existent qu'en Irlande. La plupart des gappies voulaient garder tout leur argent pour boire, mais j'ai décidé d'essayer ça avec les autres dames du tour (et ... read more
Team Down Under
Avec les "adultes"
Crazy Phil

Europe » Ireland » County Galway » Galway April 15th 2009

Today was a travel day for the most part, as we made our way sightseeing up the coast to eventually catch a train to Galway. We got up at 8am to pack our bags, clean up the room and have some breakfast. Kevin had texted us to see what time we were leaving so he could say goodbye, as he was out in the quarry working. We looked out the window and could see him driving his “Digger” around, so we texted him that we were leaving. Immediately, the digger claw started waving up and down, like it was, well, waving. It was absolutely hilarious. He then jumped off and came down to the house with Donal to say goodbye. They were great fun, and it was nice to meet some people our own age and ... read more
Ruth and Sive saying goodbye!
Lahinch Golf Course
Freezing at the Cliffs of Moher

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