Blogs from Crete, Greece, Europe - page 17


Europe » Greece » Crete » Kolymbari September 19th 2012

This morning was very hot. I had my breakfast out on the street, now that I was staying in Chania's Old Town. Although the sun had yet to reach my table, the air was already heavy and humid. After breakfast, I went for a stroll around town before heading up to the bus station and buying a ticket for Kalidonia, the peninsula just west of Chania. The bus turned out to be packed with locals heading to Kastelli, but at least the air-conditioning was working. Taking the old road, we passed through the holiday brochure version of Chania with its seaside resort atmosphere, tacky shops and karaoke bars. These thinned as we came into Meleme with its little airstrip and military cemetery. I couldn't but wonder how many of those enjoying the hedonistic offerings nearby knew ... read more
Pot on a wall - clearly something significant in this ruin

Europe » Greece » Crete » Chania September 18th 2012

It had rained for most of the night. Not that depressing pitter-patter of rain drops, but a good, hard downpour. By 04h00, all was quiet, save for the trickle of water draining from the streets and by 08h00, there was a beautiful sunrise. Tall orange clouds filled the early morning air. Beautiful but not what I was hoping for. I went downstairs for breakfast. This morning's meal would be indoors as the chairs and tables were sodden. The air felt cooler as the first drops of rain began. Just a little. Then more. Before long, it was as though the taps had been turned on. Water fell from the sky at a great rate of knots. Then stopped. Suddenly. There was no walking today. Today I was moving from Kastelli to Chania. Everything would be different, ... read more
Kastelli: Sunrise
Chania: The Venetian Lighthouse
Chania: As of Old

Europe » Greece » Crete » Ierapetra September 18th 2012

Geo: 35.1911, 25.7152 GÜN 06 SALI: Sabah kahvaltıdan sonra araca doluştuk .. Dün batıya gitmiştik.... bugün hedef ,doğuda Aghia Nikolaos… İlk gece kaldığımız Chersonisos'u geçip, adanın kuzey doğusunda çok şirin bir yer olan Ag.Nikolaos'a vardık… Burası, belki de Girit'in en ünlü tatil beldesi.. Mirabellou körfezinin etrafına dizilmiş, güzel evlerle süslenmiş özel bir yer. Özelliği temin eden diğer bir unsur, körfezin dibinde oluşmuş tam doğal bir iç liman Voulismeni gölü.. Dar bir geçitle ,denizle göl, buluşturulmuş. Gölün kenarındaki küçük kilise ,aynı zamanda yerin adını veren Aziz Nikolaos kilisesi. Yerleşim, MÖ 193 yılına kadar uzanmaktadır. O dönemde adı Lato imiş.. Venediklilerin döneminde önemini yitiren belde, 20 YY da tekrar turisti... read more

Europe » Greece » Crete » Kissamos September 17th 2012

Following yesterday's rain, they said it would be nice today. At least the heavy rain overnight had cleared the air leaving the early morning sunny. Today's trip would take me off-piste, away from the tourists and certainly away from the guidebook. I was planning to step back in time by about 5000 years! The start of my time travel was the Bus Station. The bus, when it came, was a result of the 2000 Athens Olympics, so I had now travelled back 12 years. Twenty minutes after boarding the bus, I alighted in a little village called Koleni. There was little there and now, I had travelled back a good few years more! With the petrol station to my back, I took a track through the olive trees and, in the hot morning sun, reached the ... read more
Roka: Minoan House Foundations

Europe » Greece » Crete » Chania September 17th 2012

Geo: 35.5148, 24.0177 GÜN 05 PAZARTESİ: Sabah, bulutlu ve nane bir havaya uyandık. Kahvaltıdan sonra Ayşe otelde kalmaya karar verdi. Ben, kardeşim ve Nilgün'le yola çıktım. 135 km sonra adanın batısında, onlar için "Chania" bizim için Hanya' ya vardık . Amaç Hanya'yı, Konya'yı anlamak … Hanya, Orta Çağ 'da Venedikliler döneminde Canea adını taşımıştır Girit 'in ikinci büyük şehri ve aynı adı taşıyan ve Girit'in dört idarî bölümünden biri olan ilin (nomos) merkezidir. Kuruluşla ilgili rivayet muhtelif…. Bir görüşe göre, Minoanların kurduğu kente, Kydonia adını vermişler.... Bir başka görüşe göre, Hanya , 828 yılında adayı fetheden Araplar tarafından kurulmuş. Sırasıyla, Doğu Roma ve Venedik hakimiyetine geçen adaya, 1453 yılında İst... read more

Europe » Greece » Crete » Kissamos September 16th 2012

After yesterday's long day, this morning was spent taking in the sights and sites of Kastelli, culminating with a lovely lunch in the main square. Satiated, I took a taxi up to Kioliana from where I would embark on a walk through the Sirikari Gorge. Watching the taxi disappear, I looked around at the solitude of the environment and started walking along the road from the village towards the footpath visible across the valley, winding up to a small col behind a rocky outcrop. Maintenance work had recently been done on the footpath and it was now loose stone. This made the climb more difficult but at least it was cool compared with the previous days. Reaching the top, I passed through a couple of gates before beginning the descent towards the little village of Sirikari. ... read more
The Swimming Pool
Dark Clouds Gather
Polyrinnia and the Chapel of the 99 Saints

Europe » Greece » Crete » Heraklion September 16th 2012

Geo: 35.3279, 25.1434 GÜN 04 PAZAR: Sabah erken uyandım ve kardeşim Turhan'ı bularak yakın bir kahveye kahvaltı etmeye gittik . Bu arada Heraklion'da kendimize kalacak yer arıyoruz. İlke olarak, kalacağımız yerleri, yerinde seçmeye karar verdiğimiz için, böyle bir yolu izliyoruz. Dün gece, Girit'e geç saate varacağımızı bildiğimiz için ,ne olur ne olmaz diye bir otelde yer ayırtmıştık. Şimdi bulduğumuz bu otel,Heraklion yakınında deniz kıyısı.... Kızları toplayıp yola çıktık ve kısa sürede Heraklion'a vardık Otelimiz Acti Coralli deniz kıyısında, Plaj üstünde.... dilerseniz havuzu bilem var... Odalar henüz hazır dediler ,biz de şehri keşfe gittik. Limanda, bir Venedik kalesi var .. Bir kaç yeri Osmanlı tarafından düzeltilmiş, ama zinhar Osmanlı demeyec... read more
Knossos plan
Knossos harabeleri

Europe » Greece » Crete » Kissamos September 15th 2012

For a change, I opted not to go for a walk today, rather, I decided to have a day of luxurious rest. I use the word "luxurious" advisedly as some would not consider messing around in boats as such, but for me ... delight! Thus, after a breakfast of ham, cheese, watermelon and (almond) cake ... and coffee (lots), I got into the taxi and headed off to Kastelli Port. Having avoided the queues by getting the hotel to do all the leg work, I simply wandered into the Port Office and exchanged my voucher for a ticket and immediately boarded the boat to Gramvousa Gramvousa is the name of the peninsula jutting northwards in the extreme west of Crete. It is also the name of the Venetian fort occupying a flat island just off the ... read more
Gramvousa Peninsula: From my own personal deck!
One Day!!!
Gramvousa: The Venetian Fort

Europe » Greece » Crete » Hersonissos September 15th 2012

Geo: 35.3078, 25.3716 GÜN 03 GÜNLERDEN CUMARTESİ: Uçurtma büyüklüğünde uçakla, sorunsuz olarak Girit'in Kazancakis hava alanına indik. Bir hava alanına, bir düşün adamının adının verilmesi beni çok etkiledi. Kim bu Kazancakis ? Nikos Kazancakis Kandiye doğumlu, Yunan yazar, şair, siyasetçi ve filozof. 20. yüzyılın en önemli Yunan felsefecisi olduğu ve eserleri yabancı dillere en çok çevrilmiş olan Yunan yazar. Fakat şu anki şöhretine, 1964 yılında gösterime girmiş olan Michael Cacoyannis'in yönetmiş olduğu, Zorba adlı sinema filmiyle kavuşmuştur. Bu film, aynı ismi taşıyan kendi kitabından uyarlanmıştır. Alanın hemen çıkışında ,arabamızı bulduk Güzel bir salon, salamanje BMW ayırmışlar . Arabacı olmanın faydalarını, bazen yaşayabiliyoruz. Hazır gelmişken bira... read more

Europe » Greece » Crete » Kissamos September 14th 2012

It was wonderfully hot this morning. Extra water had been put in my rucksack and liberal amounts of sun cream applied. Shortly after breakfast, I headed to the bus station and, once on the bus, settled down for the 30 minute journey through the little villages and up to the Kalidonia Peninsula. The bus stopped on the main road but, as seen in many American films, although this was the main road, there was no other sign of life. Indeed, once the bus had moved on, all was quiet. Taking the steps behind the bus stop, I made my way through the sleepy village of Melissourgio and began to wind my way up the hill. In the hot sun, I took a water break at a little church part way up before continuing all the way ... read more
Gramvousa from the Agia Maria
How Amazing!
Can't believe I've just Walked This

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