Blogs from Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe - page 17


Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne June 5th 2008

Guten Tag alles!! Je suis presentement a Cologne, Deutschland. Alors ici c'est la grosse vie sale. Je couche dans le salon sur un matelas dans l'appartement de Lucas. J'ai rien fait les 2 premiers jours de mon arrivee, juste vedger et me reposer (je ne m'etais toujours pas reposer depuis la fin de session ahah). J'ai retrouver mes petits Brötchens (petits pains allemands que trop bons!!). Chaque jour je me leve et je vais a la Bäckerei en acheter. J'achete du bon fromage et du prosciutto, des pommes, du lait 3.5%, bref je me gave et je vais devenir vraiment fat. Lucas est arriver samedi (jai ete accueilli par son coloc Jonas pour les premiers jours). On est sorti dans un bar and got drunk. Dimanche j'ai finalement vu Anne (une allemande qui a aussi fait ... read more
Ma grosse face scratchee
Des saucisse au couleur du drapeau allemand

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne May 24th 2008

Most of us went to the Hafenfest last night. There was a lot of loud American music and plenty of loud drunk people. The three of us who were staying with families in the city of Telgte had a terrific barbecue dinner with one of our host families before joining the others in Münster. My host brother came home for the weekend yesterday afternoon from the university in Maastricht (Netherlands). As promised, he kept me out until after 5 a.m. This reminds me: nightfall is not until around 10:15 in Germany, and daybreak is around 5. Anyway, we went to a party with lots of college students and had a great time. Much to my surprise, I was quite popular. Everyone was really nice, and they all spoke good English. I got a few hours of ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne May 12th 2008

Talk about a big 24 - 26 hours! We had a really lazy day on our last day in Amsterdam - Friday, and had a reasonably early night that night. Our mission for the next two days was to get to Nurburg to have a go on the 'Nordschleife' ractrack, and then get to Paris by Sunday night to meet up with Mick. We left Amsterdam at 10:30 Saturday morning, and arrived after lunch in Cologne where we picked up (the most expensive jalopy ever!) a hirecar. We then drove an hour or so to Nurburg and checked into our hotel. Had a nice dinner that night, and a fairly early night, as we had to be at the racecar place at 7:30 the next morning. Got the car, and went to the track, where Theo, ... read more
Starting area
The Beast

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne March 31st 2008

Right then, so we've just about seen all that Cologne has to offer, the massive Catholic Dom in the centre of town which somehow escaped the bombs of countless allied bomber crews, even though when they did drop them on what they thought was the target, the munitions would often end up many hundreds of meters from their intended point of impact. Just goes to show how much the Catholic church had/has a hold on the world. It is a truly impressive building, and took hundreds of years to complete. I bet there were some horrendous council meetings where the Mayor and his supporters had to defend the spiralling costs of the project as it encountered century after century of delays and budget overruns... Anyway, so there really isn't that much more to Cologne visually, it ... read more
bitches cant hang with the streets...
front of the dom
how can this be photographed properly...

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne March 31st 2008

Here is a further taste of Tokyo, Osaka and Berlin... read more
a capsule motel
raining in Tokyo
imperial palace guardhouse

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne March 30th 2008

OK, once we get our cameras charged up, we'll be able to upload pictures which will back up the words I'm going to attempt to write. But for now, I'll start with an introduction of sorts So, it's been one week. A week of frantic activity and small states of panic, mixed with breathtaking architecture, functioning public transport and centuries of history. Our first stop after leaving Auckland was Japan. We stayed 3 nights there, one night in Tokyo, one night in an overnight bus and one night in Osaka. In and out really. From there we flew, via Frankfurt, to Berlin where we were for another 3 nights, and yesterday we hopped on a really fast train to Cologne. This sort of brings things up to date. However I wish I could get the words ... read more
Tokyo street scene
mirrored scooter-back streets of Shibuya, Tokyo
first lunch-Tokyo

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne March 28th 2008

This morning we were meant to rise at Five am. The alarm went off, but guess who went back to sleep...ME! Unfortunately Megan did exactly the same thing, but did manage to wake before me. The race was then on to finish packing our bags (I lightened my load) and heading out the door to get to Stanstead Airport. In the end, we couldn't have timed it better! Phew! It was then on to Cologne, Germany... Cologne was very nice. Megan and I were very impressed when the train driver stop from departing to let us on. Where in the world would that happen!? We even got a wave. It was also nice and easy to get into the town centre. The massive train station is situated right next to the Dom, Germany's biggest cathedral. The ... read more
The Dom
How Pretty!
View from the Dom

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne March 25th 2008

Finally, The Europe leg of our journey has arrived. And it couldn't have come at a better time, the harsh living conditions of India were starting to get to us. We landed in Frankfurt, after flying back to Bangkok, staying the night in the airport, then flying to Singapore, and then finally to Germany. We spent the night but agreed to get out as soon as possible because we would be coming back in May, so the next morning we took off for a small town named Bergish Gladbach, located just outside of Cologne. There we would stay with family friends; Lindsey and Jana Hesse. Our first night, we enjoyed a home cooked pasta dinner with cheese, beer, wine and bread... exactly what we had been dreaming about for weeks. The rest of the night was ... read more
Ev, trying to get some shut eye in the airport
Evan in Frankfurt Mainstation
Frankfurt mainstation

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne February 28th 2008

Week 1 (26.03.08- So the flight wasn't too bad from Australia considering it was 21hrs all up. It turned out that QANTAS has awesome in flight entertainment, and because of some convenient exit row seats (thanks pam), I managed to get a fair bit of sleep on the 2nd flight which meant I was fresh for a day of sightseeing. I arrived into Frankfurt airport early in the morning and was faced with my first challenge. Taking the train to Cologne. It turned out to be not much of a challenge at all. The train station is basically directly opposite the airport, and the lady at the Deutsche Bahn counter was patient as I made a destroyed the german language. Before I knew it, I had pretzel and coffee in hand and was on the fast ... read more
The Cologne "Dom"
Climbing the Dom

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne February 21st 2008

We just returned late last night from spending three days in Germany. We went to inspect the locations and hotel that we will be visiting in June with 45 students. We flew into Cologne early Monday morning and were greeted at the airport by the car rental agency that we had rented a car from. They drove us to their office where we picked up our car, a Toyota Auris. Bri was the driver since Will isn't quite 25 and also because our colleague that came along is an Aussie and he's used to driving on the left side of the road. It was quite the adventure driving through the Germany countryside! The sights along the Rhine river were spectacular. We will have better pictures to post in June when the weather is warmer and the ... read more
The Rhine River in front of our hotel
Our Toyota Auris that we rented
Bri with the car

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