Blogs from Berlin, Germany, Europe - page 172


Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin April 18th 2005

Helloooooo from berlin! Today is our first day in berlin and has it been one of the best experiences ever! And i Quote Kennedy when i say "Ich bin ein Berliner!" (the big joke is that in german a berliner is a jelly doughnut) We got to school ion ochtrup this morning and i forgot my $ and my cameras so i had to get a ride with our driver to my house, (i found the way and i didn't get lost) i ran in to our house got my stuff and went back to school! well we got there and we headed out on a 7 hr bus ride! YUCKY!!!!!!! Then halfway through the bus ride the driver stopped for a break and we all got out. We had fun there! the guys were playing ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin March 28th 2005

Two days of Leipzig and already our feet were hurtin’ but bad. But we could not be stopped, we were determined. And so, Wednesday morning we rolled out of bed, amazingly enough on time, and caught the train to Berlin. The jelly donuts are not as prevalent as one might think, but damn are there a lot of Dunkin Donuts in that town. More than I ever see in the U.S. I bought a postcard of what Potsdamer Platz looked like before the wall came down (or this one). And this is what’s there now. I think the rapidity and certitude of Berlin’s reunif... read more
Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention...
The entrance hall to the Film Museum
What we saw of Potsdamer platz

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin March 19th 2005

Date: 19.03.2005 Destination: Berlin, Germany Day: 1 Ah yes... Berlin. A city with so much memories. The Nazis, the World War Two, the concentration camps and the wall that divided the world, not just Berlin. We took a five journey train with ICE to this historical city just for the weekends. To experiance what the capital of Germany has to offer. As any other train stations in Germany, Berlin main station was just as clean and modern. We used the local tram to the hostel first to freshen up and put our bags. The hostel was not far from the city center so transportation was not a problem. The weather was nice. Eventhough it was still winter, there was drove of people walking around especially around the main attractions. First stop, Alexanderplatz. There was shopping complexes ... read more
Postdamer Platz
Charlie Checkpoint
Reichtag Dome

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin January 16th 2005

On the way to Berlin from Oslo, I had the pleasure of sitting next to a Norwegian rock band called "Slayer." They were entertaining in all of their dyed black hair, forty year old trying to be twenty glory. Jason picked me up from the airport and I met his Berlin host family. They are very welcoming and funny. The mother and father studied in Bulgaria for four years so they are rather worldly and relaxed. I had my own room that was painted sunshine yellow with a balcony. There is a kakashka cat that bit my toes and felt the need to slide down my legs with his claws underneath the table. I hated that cat. However, there was a lovely grandmother who always spoke with me in German. There was a lengthy conversation about ... read more
The square around Zoo Bahnhoff
The seedy bar with new friends
My (Jason's) host family's house

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin December 29th 2004

next stop, Berlin, where the people are not quite as nice or as helpful as they were in Vienna. but first it was a matter of getting to the airport. it had been cheaper to book a flight for 6:45 in the morning, but we had not realized that the Tube does not run from about 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. (at least in San Diego the trolly runs every half-hour), so we had to leave the night before and sleep in the airport. it was SO COLD!!!! we camped out outside of the check-in desk, under this HUGE window, and Courtney was so cold that she didn't sleep at all. i had been smart and brought my down sleeping bag, wrapped myself up in it, and had at least 4 hours sleep. she was miserable ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin September 4th 2004

Berlin Bears Une jolie idée de la part de Berlin de mettre toutes ces ours partout. Il faut les trouver. Nous n'avons pas trouver le petit ours anglais!... read more
Berlin Tuk Tuks.
DB bike hire

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin August 19th 2004

  從Dresden回到柏林,特意走到Alexanderplatz拍「交貨相」後,立刻回到Friedrichstraße,印象中這裡有很多食肆,但現實與記憶有一點距離。終於入到一間叫Leon的,坐在落地窗口旁邊。餐廳以電影為主題,牆壁掛滿了不知名的明星照、劇照之類,又放了兩盞拍攝用的大射燈。水吧的掌櫃(應該是老闆吧)有點像瘦了點的Magic Johnson,又有點像古華特,侍應很漂亮。   理論上我是不太明白菜單的,為保險計,點了一個burger,加一杯Berliner Kindl啤酒,盛惠€9.75。Leon外面是一條與Friedrichstraße成對角的行人通道,從對面街酒店的玻璃窗可看見在我上面駛過的火車的倒影。包很大,最初用手拿來吃,後來發覺操控不了,改用刀叉。我想在我對面檯的老婦會對我這副麥記/Burger King食相感到不以為然。把碟裡的椰菜、味道適中的沙律也吃了(我在香港絕不會吃沙律),便腆著肚子,喝著啤酒四處張望。每喝一口,口腔至喉嚨立刻熱烘了一陣,更帶了一陣麻醉。「Magic-古華特」為我收拾碟子,問我" spät?"(so late?)我只是笑,想不起要回答。   吃完已是2230,沒有時間/精神再四處逛了,便步回火車站。只見火車橋下的Friedrichstraße停泊了一輛消防車與救護車,附近有地方用膠布條圍著,但不見有甚麼動靜;入了大堂,一名拖著兩隻狗的男人,正不斷拍打坐在地上不醒的女人。或者這才是每個城市入夜後的景觀。   破例乘巴士回旅舍,到站內已是2325,跌跌撞撞地上床便睡(一來不便開燈,二來我想我是飲醉了),很睏,登時熟睡。 ... read more
My Best Dinner of the Journey

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin August 16th 2004

S1@Waldmannslust   我反而給別人的鼻鼾聲弄至遲遲不能入睡。Ernst Reuter遠離市區,連住在裡面的人也像慢了半拍,6:30我的電話鬧鐘響了,之後我見另外兩人起床,都是去去廁所後回來再睡;7時正到地下大堂吃早餐,我竟然是第一人。   走到街上看見有很多背著書包的小朋友和青年,他們或騎單車或走路,原來如此早便開學。 1333 S9   我見沒有機會到集中營參觀,於是照書的介紹,在參觀了Reichstag、Berlin Wall(Ostbahnhof段,還抓了泥給Fred Chan)之後摸到了Gedänkstätte Plötzensee。一進大門所見所感有如南京大屠殺紀念館。起初不見有人,後來見到一名女子,一老伯與老婦。老伯拿著小冊子對著老婦說故事,我會想他是二戰老兵嗎?臨走前才知他們三人是一夥的,我替他們拍照,我怕兩老來不及準備,便喊"eins, zwei, drei",引得他們忍不住笑……笑咩喎…… 1904 中華飯店@Lindenstraβe   博物館島太大,而且「太藝術」,我是無福消受了,於是到了德國歷史博物館,怎知裡面沒有長期展覽,只有專題展(廣告策略與關於美國人的攝影展)(雞肉雜菜飯!好令人懷念的醬汁味道!!),更要命的是,二次大戰展剛好在昨天結束!!!   貪得意買了一本書,再進入一間類似書城的大樓,我未到德國已有預感,"Good Bye Lenin!"要在柏林才找到,但……29.99!?幹嗎比荷里活DVD還貴?我問職員那是否特別版,她走到另一邊,拿一盒39.99真正的特別版給我……買後簡直要夾尾巴走,生怕再破財(其實另有一預感是到了柏林才破財)   要乘S-Bahn至猶太人紀念館,但目的地Anhalter Bahnhof似乎是大型修葺,列車竟然飛站,聞所未聞!   該館給我的感覺不太好,太過政治正確,太過矯揉造作,更慘的是展品極多,行得人也睏了。   到達前路過一間「中華飯店」,見價錢還可以,參觀後便入內,很久沒有嚐到中飯的味道了!可惜忘了吩咐「加飯」。(原... read more
Good Morning...

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin August 15th 2004

昨晚天寒地凍+看漏了眼+遇上全程中態度最惡劣的鐵路職員,結果首次訂票,便錯買了一張繞大彎兒的路線 1235 ICE 690 Wagen 2 #67   我又回到了Frankfurt……這次真的是遊車河了,但我承認我已經認不出Hbf外的建築物。閉目養神之中,火車駛到Hanau(奇怪,與Frankfurt一樣沒有廣播),隔鄰座位留了座的人終於要上車了,是一個分明在上車前「充電」的男子,綠色的褸與放在我桌上的《檔案羅密歐》相映成趣。   已經是第三位稽查員,幹嗎次次不同?已查了票三次了。 1928 S25   一到柏林又是另一種天氣。因為在火車上找到了旅舍附近有S-Bahn,所以雖然是遠了一點,也很容易找到(不過Zoologischer Garten也夠大的,不知走了多少層樓梯才由DB轉至S-Bahn)。一打開102室,竟然有兩個人在下午五時半睡覺,加上一股濃烈的汗味,我不得不盡快再次出動。   外出時不乘S1,而到另外一邊的Tegel乘S25,但路較難行(多泥路),唯一好處是在車站附近找到Burger King。原來套餐的沙律是我最喜歡的生菜、蕃茄和粟米!看來Burger King才是我真正的老朋友。(這裡S-Bahn的關門提示聲音很古怪,像救護車) 2127 S1 車程長得可用來寫東西   想起那沒有洗手盤的RM102,我便想快些回去,我怕今晚又要縮小一半。但夜遊柏林的進度比想像中慢,一到達Potsdamer Platz不太認得路,四處遊蕩,沿著Tiergarten那不知是不是行人路的泥路到達「六月十七大街」,卻比想像中的窄;到了Reichstag,遠看規模好像不外如是,但走近點看,卻是越見宏偉;但到達Brandenburger Tor,又比想像中少了一點氣魄,真詭異。Brandenburger Tor裝修得太多,太新,除了門上的女神馬車像外,就沒有太強的歷史感;同樣,Reichstag亦應該大變身,想找過彈孔也沒有。   在Unter den Linden走,紀念品倒買了不少。不過原定要到的Alexanderplatz則去不成。 ... read more
Lost in Potsdamer Platz
One of My Favourite Works
Potsdamer Platz

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 15th 2004

Berlin, where do I start? I feel like we packed 2 weeks of visiting into 5 days. We were going to visit our German boy, Nicolas (well, he isn’t a boy now), who lived with us for 1 semester in 1996/97 and a bonus was being able to visit Marlene, who lives in East Berlin. Marlene was one of the students in our group whom we became very close to. So Berlin was a two for one bonus. We want to say a huge thank you to Nicolas. He put himself at our disposal and dedicated himself to ensuring Mike & I had a wonderful stay in his city. The only thing we were able to do for him was cook him dinner. He really missed my cooking so I prepared his favorite meal (eggplant parmesan) ... read more
Checkpoint Charlie
Alecksande Platz

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