Blogs from Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Europe - page 137


Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 1st 2006

Slept for 2 1/2 hours, then unpacked. Felt much better--ate tomato and cheese toast and took a shower, finished my book and drank a beer. Feel a bit more human. Now it is getting to be dusk. I still don't have a clock but imagine it must be around 9 pm. The living room looks out onto the street, there's a pretty white stucco building with a Spanish tile roof across the street. The back is basically just an alley, but full of trees--earlier I fell asleep listening to the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind. Tomorrow I will go an an adventure and eat a big lunch out somewhere, I think. I've been reading through my guidebooks, but I'm going to see how I feel and stake out a plan in the morning. ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 1st 2006

I have honestly been so busy that i havent been able to update my blog. I am now at Susan and Gerhards house (relaxing) and i will now update you with all my happenings. (that which i can remember - haha) I planned to go to Prague after Amsterdam, but the train went via Berlin, so why not go there i thought. I had one train change over on the way and at that station I saw two boys with backpacks (the international symbol for backpackers) looking over their tickets and i overheard them discussing the same train changeover details. I asked them if they were going to Berlin and they were. So for the rest of the trip we ventured off working out the complicated train system together. Their names were Matt and Taylor and ... read more
Pub Crawl in Berlin
Soccer Fan
Fan Fest

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 1st 2006

Greetings from Germany! I haven't had much of a chance to update, as the past couple days have been crazy! While crazy though, they have also been fantastic! I actually still don't have much time, so I'm just going to give you all some highlights of what has happened in the past couple days. As you probably read in my last entry, I was on my way to Belgium. We only spent a day in Brussels but it was absolutely great. It's a very beautiful, smaller city, and the people were very friendly there. Definately more friendly than the French, but that's not a very difficult task to accomplish. In Brussels, we went to a very famous bar called the Delirium Cafe. They have the Guiness World Record for the most beer offered in any one ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 1st 2006

Well, I'm here! So exhausted, I don't know how much I can write now. City has manz trees, maples and other types. The apartment is cute, huge, and a little funky--no oven or freezer! I took a little nap and then went out to buy food. I was so hungry and tired I could barely think straight and the whole thing was far more time consuming and stressful than it need have been. Daphne (the person I'm subletting from) has no clocks in the apartment, which is making me even more disoriented. I think it's probably close to 2 pm? I should reallz go over to where she said there is a mall and try to get a Wecker, as I think I recall alarm clocks are called. Maybe a little later--or maybe it can wait ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin June 30th 2006

0850 Magdeburg Hbf Gleis 8 晴   Hertha Berlin的墨水筆……慘,這麼紫的?其實對那件€15的球衣有興趣,但似乎那是童裝,包包亦認為就算是加大碼,我亦不合穿,但我又想買Hertha的東西,碰巧帶來的筆快要沒有墨,便買這個吧。   雖然昨晚是慘痛的€45,但我因為「半明知」的情況下送車,結果我只能享受僅6小時的舒適睡眠,猶幸是熟睡,醒來頗精神輕鬆的。(已上RE)   Magdeburg早上仍可以見到球迷的蹤影,重現了一點生氣,希望別要到今晚為止吧,就算我後晚便要走。 明天怎樣回慕尼黑還未有定案,或者隨心一點,將來Magdeburg的路線掉轉走一遍。   幸好趕及在那間睡醒時仍未記得姓甚名誰的酒店(遠望根本不像酒店,門牌更寫著Volkhochschule,似乎是教會的「客棧」多一點)辦好check-out手續,趕上了車,在Potsdamer Platz跟包包會合,乾站了3個小時,為的是在Sony Center下的ZDF免費'fan fest',的確,official的fan fest已有點悶(每次皆玩同一樣的遊戲,播著同一首歌,跳著一樣的舞),而且ZDF有座位。 2109 RE 肚餓   今天德國對阿根廷,怕是怕,但心想這類難關總得要過(起碼一次吧)。   結果是達到出發前的目標:可以捱至返回香港繼續看電視。   一開場,阿根廷便不斷插水博得犯規,心想:絕不能敗給這隊「不義之師」。   唯一一次顯示控球比例,約是35:65,恐怖。還好德國隊在失球後可以重整旗鼓,下半場下半部直至加時完場,都是德國作主動,80分鐘,Klose終於肯用頭入球了!實在忍不住大叫,還跟大隊一起報分數。 (因為fan fest是ZDF電視台主辦的,算不上是官方場合,因此現場報分數時大家可以「按慣例」「老屈」客隊阿根廷的入球為”null”,這亦是official fan fest永遠無法做到的!哈哈!當時我扯高嗓子盡情報分,很興奮!)   結果要射12碼,右邊的男女著我搭住膊頭,於是也搭住包包,四人連在... read more
outdated (Kuranyi and Deisler excluded finally) but smart advertisement
waiting for free entry
a typical German fan

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin June 29th 2006

Part of Day One I finally flew on the famous Ryanair Airline where my flight was a penny and with taxes totaled $30 from London to Berlin. My flight was at 6:25 am and public transport doesn't open before 5 am. My friend Drew was supposed to catch a flight to Lisbon, Portugal and got to the airport early with check in 2 hours prior to boarding and gates closing 40 minutes prior. He waited in a long queue and then they cut him off saying that there wasnt enought time to get everyone on the flight. Sooo I "slept" at the airport all night it was horrid, I made sure to sleep next to the Ryanair desks and clamor to the line at 3:30 vs 4:25 when it opened. Too bad i slept through my ... read more
Vıva Brasil!!
Breakfast Wıth Gabrıele

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin June 29th 2006

晨早的慕尼黑火車站有點陰涼,但絕對掩蓋不了我「回家」的輕快心情。 到了今天與包包會合,她才說我瘦了,當然不無原因。 當初選上了Magdeburg,是因為柏林、Potsdam的床位早已爆滿(三個月前!)結果依鐵路沿線作放射式搜索,數到了離柏林個多小時(到達後才知隨時是兩個小時)車程的Magdeburg。預訂了明天的宿位。 來到新穎建築物林立的Magdeburg,不消五分鐘便由火車站走進青年旅舍,心想:只是早來一天而已,總會有床位吧。 "No."女職員斬釘截鐵地說。 天呀!真的一床不剩?柏林的震波連這裡也波及? 她可以做的,是介紹隔鄰一家「酒店」給我。還好只提供早餐,沒有拖鞋,沒有番梘,沒有bell boy,盛惠€45,也好吧。 經核算,由0000-2400,只有9小時整沒有在火車上,難怪初進酒店時頭暈得要命。 當天有空記下的,就只有下面幾句:   今晚€45。   包包用PLUS+還錢€150。   下一班車要等兩小時,結果Hertha BSC墨水筆+熊仔糖(頹手信)。   送車因為跳到Alexander Platz買「平CD」zd1   暫且記下這些。   雖然天氣轉涼+破產,但總比留在意大利好吧。 包包在SMS提到隨著各支球隊出局,有很多國家的球迷已打道回府,柏林的世界盃狂熱已經開始冷卻,在Hbf觀察,果真如此。入夜後(唉)火車站變回靜悄悄的。 ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin June 28th 2006

There are eight teams left in the World Cup. Boringly, 6 are European and 2 are South American. All but two are former champions. For those who neep help: England plays Portugal, whose winner plays the winner of Brazil versus France. Germany plays Argentina, in the same bracket as Italy and Ukraine. So, it seems, normal service is resumed. We didn't have normality in 2002, until the final, at which point many felt that the 2002 cup was sub-par. But enough of that--it's 2006 and I'm in Berlin. The host nation has taken its responsibility convincingly. I spoke to a Parisian last night after France's riveting victory over Spain, and he said that there was nowhere near as much activity and revelry back in 1998. It may seem strange to Americans (well, it is a bit ... read more
Germany 3 - 0 Ecuador
England 2 - 2 Sweden
England 2 - 2 Sweden

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin June 27th 2006

Well berlin is sweet everyone is really nice the weather is unbeleavable mid 30s every day. Went to a sweet club called the king kong club is was pretty good, also accidently went to this gay bar i wasnt impressed but some guysmoked us one so that was cool. Beer is dirt cheap here again and same with the food they have these wicked kebaps gowie and readman u know what im talkin about cuz im not explainin it. Sean and i both lost 50 euro each we were pissed, it was are own fault we did some street gambln and got schooled, well actuually it was just me that spent all the money fuck i was mad if it was in an ally not on the street i would have my money back thats for ... read more
the wall
same library

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin June 27th 2006

Wow really cant explain how cool this town is. We ve been eating cheap and drinking cheap (well sort of). The weather is clutch. 30-38 degrees love it. We got in yesterday and did a mad tour of the city. Like 5 hour walk. it was all good. Its quite hard to pronounce german but we try. Directions are a mess but we ve got the city down now. Some of the sites we checked out are amazing. Brandenburger Tor (gate) is probably the most famous. Its the 4 horses pulling a chariot on top of this giant gate. amazing. That was also where the berlin wall was and it ran all through the city seperating east and west. The wall is basically gone except on the east side where it is covered in grafiti. Real ... read more
Brandenburger ´Tor
Guy killing a lion
The wall Baby

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