Blogs from Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Europe - page 114


Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 29th 2005

Not meant to be a rude title, i do like posting in this blog, its just so hard to get time to sit here and do it! Tonight i have time though... a big change of travel plans has left me back in Munich again without anywhere to stay, so im in an internet cafe using up the night catching up on various stuff. I have a train around 6.15am. Its now 4am. YAAAAAAAWWWWNNN This is (roughly) from my travel diary that i FINALLY started after leaving Berlin: Hamburg - 6th and 7th of September ... The coach ride to Hamburg was largely uneventful execpt for this drunk bloke who kept talking randomly and loudly to no-one and arguing with other passengers for the majority of the trip, before he got moved downstairs somewhere. I didnt ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 28th 2005

"Am prost am prost de me tika" Thousands of paro people singing along to the German horns band. In 1 of the many ginormous beer tents @ Oktoberfest. I flew into London from DC and didn't leave till the next day, so i planned on goin out and havin a beer and seeing if i could get some free accom. but the bloody bars shut at 11 or 12 at night. so i went back to the airport and tried to sleep on the floor. Got to Munich that arvie and was buggered so went to the hostel and crashed. I got up nice and early and had a Breaky feed at the hostel all ya can eat, top stuff. Then i walked down to the festival at about 10. The festival is in town and ... read more
Nice hat
Can you spot me?

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 28th 2005

Had a great time, although I wound up completely exhausted. At about 6 AM saturday morning we caught our train to Munich. We were going with a "Schoenes Wochenende" ticket, which means it's insanely cheap, but also insanely long to get there. There were about five different cities we had to switch trains in. At one of them, we actually missed our train, so it added an extra 2 hours to our trip. We arrived at about 6 PM, ready to never see a train again and have some serious fun. After making our way to the festival, we realize that we may have gotten there a bit too late. The streets are already completely filled with people stumbling around drunk, and it's kind of tough to make our way through. We couldn't make it into ... read more
On the Train
We finally arrive!
Oktoberfest at night

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 28th 2005

So, we've made it back to Munich! Now, it's time for the long trip back to Houston, then to Austin again. It's midnight 30 here, we catch the subway at 1 (last train to airport), where we'll wait for our 6:45 flight! UGGGGGG We're looking forward to getting home. Once we get there, and sleep for 22 hours straight, we'll upload some pictures, and write a bunch about the places we've been. So far we have 663 pictures (no exageration) from our camera, and another 180+ from Tanya and Wilson! Y'all come back now, hear?? We're on our way.... -Joe... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 27th 2005

Today: the Franz Marc exhibit at the Kunstbau Lenbachhaus Museum. Large retrospective with his fine fine drawings in a little sketchbook during WW1 that are as powerful as any of the the same time re reading 'Steppenwolf' by Herman Hesse...Eva read it in German early on during the trip and here in Munich I found an English translation..occasioning these thoughts: The Marc exhibit is one of those megashows that delight museum directors. The paper says the turnout exceeds expectations, and certainly , on this drippy wet Tuesday the crowds have come out, moving slowly from painting to painting, lingering to read the extensive biographical notes. We are with Gerda who knew Marc ( her mother was a painter) and so we get the unwritten gossip that his traditionalistic father wanted both Marc brothers to go ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 26th 2005

Munich: on Sunday with the crowds on their way to Octoberfest , yes it is still september..but the weather is good and maybe October comes early here...How we got here is another story..After our incredible luck in getting from Bad ´Gastein to Cos in a serious of hopping from one train to another, getting a flight out within two hours of the Munich airport.....we believed in the travel fairies to a the universe wanted us to be humble and respectful...thus the return flight, due to leave reasonably at 9 pm Cos time and get to Munich by 11 pm was delayed...It WAS READY TO LEAVE AT 11pm..but the Munich airport closes for part of the night and thus we had to wait until 3 am, partly at the first resort hotel we stayed at and ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 25th 2005

Samantha, Billy, Ryan and I left for Munich Thursday night. Luckily we decided to get to the train station plenty early because there was a huge wait to get our rail passes validated. In line we met two Canadians who are traveling all over Europe and one will be spending the semester in Frankfurt. Then we waited some more- the train was delayed. But once we finally got on the couchettes were quite comfortable. Each bunk comes with fresh sheets and a pillow. With the help of the two kind Italian women rooming with me I got up into my loft and had my stuff situated. In the middle of the night I had to go to the restroom and the light went out. I thought the train had lost power and I was looked in ... read more
Jeurgen and Me
Chug and play

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 24th 2005

Savvy, another MBA from Haas, had a business trip in München, otherwise known as Munich. He of course planned to coincide with Munich’s most famous attraction, Oktoberfest. This legendary tradition all started many centuries ago to celebrate the marriage of Queen Therese. Today the festival still takes place at Theresieweisen, which normally is a park. Oktoberfest is actually a misnomer. Though it started back in the days in October, these days the rational Germans have moved it up to September, when it’s warm enough that no one gets a cold from wearing beer-soaked lederhosen. Personally I think they should rename it Achtung-Bier-Fest (translation: danger, Will Robinson, German beer party) to make it less confusing for the tourists. Every weekend of Oktoberfest has a different unofficial theme. The weekend Savvy picked is for whatever reason favored by ... read more
Miss Oktoberfest 2005?

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 24th 2005

Damn. Its been a busy few weeks and this blog is in serious disrepair! Well i left off last time as i was departing for a week-long event called Footbag Camp, at a resort some 20 hours by bus from Prague at a place called Baska Voda, Croatia. Its located on the Croatian coast, with a backdrop of stoney grey mountains, crytal clear water and seemingly permanent cloudless blue skies. The camp was organised by the Czech footbag crew and welcomed people from Czech Rep., Australia, Germany, Austria, France, Russia etc. We camped in comfortable 4 man tents, the most important feature of which was the fridge to keep our beer cold :0) The week was spent largely on footbag training on various concepts every day, led by the 4 time World Champion from the Czech ... read more
Home sweet home
Baska Voda
The backdrop to our week in the sun

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 22nd 2005

The answer to that is drinking liter beers from 10am till 11pm and eating plenty of sausage and all other kinds of compressed meat. So i made it out of turkey after an uneventful last day there. Arrived in Berlin at around 530am and then hopped on a train to munich for oktoberfest. Didn't think that i would be able to find a place to stay but checked out the place i stayed last year and found a bed no problem. Wish that i could tell you all about the festival, but i don't really remember too much of it. Will send some pics when i get to stephanies house, which i leaving for in about 5 minutes, so gotta run, talk to you guys soon. Mike sorry this note is so sporadic, didn't get much ... read more

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