Blogs from Brugge, Saint-Raphael, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France, Europe - page 15


Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge September 9th 2007

Bruges is charmingy referred to as the Venice of the North by most Belgians I have met. It is one of the best preserved pre-motorized cities in Europe and the historical city-centre is small and best viewed by foot, bicycle, horse-drawn carriage or boat. Bruges offers street after street of charming historic houses and canal ways. The houses are centuries old and at times one can imagine what life in the late middle ages must have been like. Bruges has most of its medieval architecture intact and houses one of the world's highest brick towers, the Church of Our Lady whose brick spire is 122m high. I had the pleasure of enjoying a canal boat ride through the city which locals liken to the gondola rides of Venice.... read more
Palace of Justice
Palace of Justice 2
Brugge Coat of Arms

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge September 6th 2007

After a relatively good night's sleep, it was an fairly early start for our mammoth train journey from Barcelona to Annecy. We had to run to make the train - again. Davies then asked me,"Listen, can you do me a favour and just get up 15 minutes earlier? I'm sick of running for these bloody trains." Haha. He obviously doesn't know me well enough. I did feel bad, and of course he has a point, so I will try in future. But those of you who know me well also know that my best friend is the last minute, and that we go way, way back...will some things ever change? When I say that our train ride was mammoth, I wasn't kidding. In total we had to stop 4 times - in Cerbere, Narbonne, Avignon and ... read more
Medieval Streets Of Annecy
Palais de Ile
One Of The Canals In Annecy

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Saint-Raphael » Brugge September 6th 2007

Sadly today we head back to London. We stop off in Brugge for lunch and some chocolate (promised work I would bring some back)! Pretty town, wish we had longer to wonder round. Then its back on the ferry, her we say goodbye to the legendary L.J and Foggy who have been awesome crew the whole trip, sad to do hugs and say goodbye. We arrive in Dover in style where it’s absolutely bucketing down with rain and the bus trip back to the hostel is the quietest we have been in 24 days %-( We get off the bus where some madman starts abusing the heck out of our bus driver, really weird, lucky the police were near by. Then we all say ‘see ya later’ to all the fun boys & girls on ... read more
Brugge 4
Brugge 9
Brugge 2

Belgium - country of cheese, fries, chocolate, and all those other artery clogging treats that help you meet an early death. I didn't think my trip to Belgium would be so food-filled, but thankfully I was happily mistaken. I'm in Belgium as part of the Interspeech 2007 conference, an annual event that brings together speech scientists from around the world. Its a 5 day series of non-stop talks and paper sessions where speech geeks get together and get excited about the latest ways to model our vocal tracts. Belgium is a bi-lingual country, split into a french speaking east and a flemish speaking (almost dutch) west. The conference itself is in Antwerp, apparently the 5th biggest port in the world, and also the name of a curious bagged-shaped mythical creature from Hero's Quest (PC game from ... read more
Bruge bridges
The compulsory food photo
Wall plants

brugge, brussles and ypres went with karen, lea and major for long weekend, first to brugge where some weird parade was going on, something to do with some kind of wedding and oranges, people jumping about in clogs?? as you can tell i was slightly distracted by waffles. went on a canal ride, wandered about, In brussles went on a bus tour and saw the sights, hill 62 museum and tyne cot in ypres and the official best chocolate shop in the world, after about the 18th chocolate i started to disagree. free samples galore!!!! wohooo!!! on the road to the ferry on the way home we saw these guys jumping out of the bushes and opening the back of trucks and hopping in trying to get across the channel! beer places were cool, you get ... read more
canal boat ride in brugge
 weird parade in brugge
wedding? where are the oranges??

Our guidebook called Brugges overcrowded and a tad fake but with charm. Although Brugge was undeniably crowded when we were there I still found it to be one of my favorite places on our whole trip. Brugge has a lot to offer. It has a lot of history, museums and tours, tons of shopping, resturants, bars, bike trips to the country side (we were going to do this but got rained out) and festivals. During our 3 day stay we did a brewery tour, went to a chocolate museum, took a horse and carriage ride, window shopped and at night enjoyed the festival and belgiums wide variety of beer. We also spent a lot of time with group of Aussies and Canadians that were staying in hostel. On a negative note our hostel might top my ... read more
Brugge Skyline

Hmm, does that title got you wondering? Well read on.... Brugge is fairly unknown to many people, aside from those that do some research on traveling in the area, but it is a must see. This small little town was popular in the 12th - 17th century, but as Brussels began to grow, Brugge declined. So this city was largely untouched by the World Wars and it is feels like walking back through time. Brugge is also called the Venice of the North because of its many canals. Cute, but canal rides are a bit much money for this traveler. One of the highlights of Bruuge was that I met a Canadian and we hung out a bit. The City was showing a free movie in one of the parks. "The Full Monty". We went to ... read more

Got up this morning around 8am. I had packed a lunch last night for everyone so we just had breakfast and got ready to go. Caught the 9:18 bus to the train station and met the Clausen family Christian, Zoe & Henry). We ended up buying a 10 ride train ticket for 69 euro and sharing it with them. This ride would have cost us about 31 euro total, but with the pass worked out to be about 28, so we saved a little something. We caught the 10:02 train to Brugges. The kids had a good time on the train. Little Henry is in love with Abigail. Zoe told me that everyone at day care knows all about Abigail. So cute. We played Uno and one of the Haba travel games, this one with the ... read more
Pretty view of Brugge
Girls climbing down the Belfry
Abigail with sword & shield

We are not really in Brugge right now but we spent all day there and like it better than where we are now so that is why I put it as our location. Ah, Belgium....what to say. Waffles, beer, chocolate, beer, cobblestone streets, and did I mention beer? We spent the day in three churches, two tea rooms and a brewery. In the churches we witnessed a mass at Basiliek van het Helig Bloed where supposedly they have a vial of the blood of Christ, we were treated to a beautiful Bach fuge during the warm up session of an organist at Sint Salvatorskathedraal and saw Michelangelo's "Madonna and Child" at The Church of Our Lady. In the tea rooms we had about 10 pounds of chocolate and pasteries, Katherine had, "The Best Hot Chocolate ... read more

Europe 07Erin Fisher Well Well Well... ( this may not be so interesting as I just sat here typing you all a beautiful entry and then lost it after 30 minutes of creating it... ugh) So I will spare you the details of my travels yesterday, but after 24 hours of it I arrive in Brugge, Belgium. The city is covered with beautiful buildings, canals, museums, chocolate shops, wafles and frites. I arrived last night and took the bus to a hostel that was according to the internet had about 20 open beds, yet arrived to a full house and had to try another, that too was full. While walking the streets and thinking where will I sleep tonight, while the wind was blowing in my face and the drizzle from the days rain was falling, ... read more

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