Blogs from Brugge, Saint-Raphael, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France, Europe - page 16


belgium is bloody superb. got here about 1ish yesterday, found our way to the fantastically named snuffel backpacker hostel, checked in and then almost came at the price of beer. €1.50 for a beer. thats a pound a beer. madness! blimey. anyway, it was el scorcho again yesterday, so we walked about for a bit before coming back and joining the snuffel brugges walkabout tour, which was taken by a very attractive girl called melissa. melissa proceeded to walk us around the sights of brugge, whilst telling us facts about each thing. of course, all of these facts were complete rubbish. one such white lie, was that water rats were killing baby swans, so the government put an alligator into the canal to kill the water rats. bollocks! still, good tour, good fun. brugges is a ... read more

so, before going to belgium we kind of just assumed that our little bit of french would get us by in such an international country. as it turns out, brussels is the only international city. though touristy, bruges is predominantly flemish. we were not prepared for this, to say the least. on our way to bruges from paris, we had to switch trains in brussels, so we figured we'd get out and wander around for a bit because we'd heard good things. well, coming into the train station we saw grafitti everywhere, which was a little discouraging. however, we sucked it up and decided to make our way to the grand place, a large, rectangular plaza surrounded by the old town hall and some other really old looking buildings. can't you tell i absorbed the culture ... read more

Got back from Brugge yesterday, after spending a week there, and it was amazing. Very historic and no chavs is deffo a bonus! We stayed at some 4 star hotel which definatly wasn't like any other 4 star I've stayed in before, more like a 2 star, but it was alright, free food all day and a warm bed was all I needed. Got a stinking cold when we arrived, but with the help of VOGUE, I got the medication I needed and the cold only lasted 2 days, VOGUE always comes to the rescue, bitches, only Bob understands!!!! Anyways, everything is fine and I can't wait to start my travel blog and get to New York and all that other stuff. yum yum Speak later x... read more

Brugge and BrusselsJulie J Vanover I thought that Belgium was very suprisingly beautiful, however my encounters with people here were very odd. I got off the night train from Berlin in Brussels and hopped on the local train to Brugge. The train was practically empty and so when a guy came to try to sit across from me experience had taught me this wasn't a good thing. He spoke a language that I didn't recognize (maybe Flemish) and I played dumb when he was asking if he could sit across from me- luckily my pack was in the way otherwise I believe he would have just sat down. He sat across the aisle from me after I played dumb with his gestures and continued writing in my journal. I could see him moving and looked up ... read more
Typical decoration
The infamous Swans of Brugge
Baby swans

Brugge has such a good reviews with all who visit, so we were keen to see if it lived up to its reputation. We weren't travelling alone this time. In tow were the parents who are visiting from NZ, so the proximity to London and small size, made Brugge an ideal place to visit with the oldies. In the 11th Century, Brugge was an international commercial centre as it had direct access to the sea. Traders came from all over Europe to exchange goods such as cloth. While it's prosperity has risen and fallen throughout the ages, it is now a fully fledged tourist destination and visited by millions every year. Brugge has been beautifully preserved. The medieval streets are spotless and the canals wind perfected past lovely historical buildings. The historic city centre is a ... read more
Brugge canals
Stained glass windows
Church of Our Lady

Whoa, what a good time!!! Staying with Hilda, Baudewijn and Ana Cassandra was a blast. I learned more about beer then i thought i ever would!!! Today when i was sitting and having a hieneken with lunch i realized how much higher quality the Belgium beers were! I dont even know what my favorite was maybe the Westmalle Tripple. There are many MANY wonderful pictures of the trip. Ana C. couldnt have been a cuter kid! and our hosts couldnt have been nicer and more welcoming! Ghent was a bit nicer and less touristy then Brugge, but i really enjoyed the rich history in both!!! I feel as if i really got the Belgium experience. I love that they have really gone out of their way to keep everything historical and not destroy the beauty ... read more
the bent trees
the bent trees 2

from the moment i stepped off the plane on to mainland Europe i know i was in a better place. compared to Dublin and Ireland this is cloud 9. so we are in Brussels and need to get to Brugges but don't know how. What do we do? ask some lovely local girl at the bus desk for directions. excuse mwa", parlevois anglais?" öui"" THANK GOD. caught the bus to the train station and again had to ask how to activate our train ticket and how to get where we needed too. unfortunately our victim wasn't a lovely local but he did speak english. in Brugges the streets are all cobblestone. there is some fantastic architecture and the roofs of everything are all pointed. we got here at about 2130 hours and were told we could ... read more

Another long weekend rolls around in the UK - time to take advantage of the 'extended' weekend break from work and explore another corner of Europe. Our destination - Brugge, Belgium. A city refered to as the Venice of the North, with it's cobbled stone alleyways, beautiful canals, medieval architecture and most importantly it's gastronomic feast of chocolate, beer, waffles, and mussels. If anything we planned to come home having covered the four key food groups. We started our trip on Saturday morning - early!!! Ange and I were up at 3.30am with our cab due to arrive at 4.30am to take us to Waterloo Station for our first journey on the Eurostar train. We were stressing a bit when our cab had not arrived by 4.45am - with noone answering the phone from where we ... read more
City Hall
Church of Our Lady
Church of Our Lady

Friday morning we met our Busabout tour and began the 5 hour journey to Bruges in Belgium. Our guide on the bus was really cool and made the trip go by fairly quick by telling us all sorts of tidbits about what to expect from Busabout and as we headed into Belgium he gave us a brief history of the country and of Bruges. I didn't know what to expect from Bruges as I had never heard of it until we signed up with Busabout. We arrived in Bruges at 12:30 and after a lengthy check in (there was 70 of us that got dropped off) we headed into the town to wander about for a bit. The town was super cute, made up of cobblestone street and a canal ran down through the center ... read more

Resting in beautiful Brugge we discovered electricity for tents …so the solar panel is out of commission for the time being. We are not exactly travelling in a time honoured tradition. We have on board a small laptop, video camera, digital camera, GPS, MP3 player and mobile phones, our concessions to the modern world, we will no doubt curse them and their endless leads on the hills but we love them in the evenings. April 20 Day six Rest day Camping 13.80 (2 euro for electricity) Food and drinks12 euro Electrical lead 20 euro Electrical extension lead 5.50 euro. Beer 3 euro Dinner 14 euro ... read more
cows with muscles
playing in brugge
solar panel charging GPS

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