Blogs from Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium, Europe - page 55


Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels July 5th 2007

Week 4 Brussels Trip Europe » Belgium » Brussels By Sabrinas TravelsJuly 5th 2007On Monday the 2nd, I took a train to Brussels to go to the European Union Headquarters. I also toured a million places all around Brussels although I'm not sure what all of them are really. I also saw the European Commission. I had Belgian Waffles (which aren't really called that), saw their cool underground art, and ate at Chi Chis! This trip was really great but extremely tiring! Then on Thursday I took my flight to England for $8 on RyanAir! ... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels July 5th 2007

Where did I leave off... The night that I wrote last I got to Filip's apartment just in time, with moments to spare a heavy thunder and rain storm started with lightning in the evening. I went to sleep very early as there was not much else to do and perhaps I should catch up on my rest to battle the jet lag. The next morning I was up and out around 8am. Filip was still asleep having gone to bed very late in order to work his next shift overnight. I left the apartment and took a new route to the Markt square, I crossed over the 2 oldest bridges in Brugge took my time everywhere I went, my destination with for the Wednesday Market (a farmers market). The morning was fairly clear and ... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels July 4th 2007

So I’ve just discovered Couchsurfing…its a community of people across the world that open their homes and let you sleep on their couches…check it out, its the coolest thing I have been introduced to since acid… - its kind of like Facebook, only with a purposeful benefit to humanity :-) I surfed with a few people in Belgium and they were all lovely - even had dinner cooked for me on two occasions, a night tour of Brussels, personal advice on the ‘must-see’s’ of Brugge by a local of 38 years and cool convo’s over lots of beer and wine! It’s honestly the only way to travel and I just know will change my life for the better… Rock Werchter festival…well…ROCKED! It was a good start that it didn’t rain every day - thank god! ... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels July 4th 2007

Day in Amsterdam Europe » Belgium » Brussels By mmgarrettJuly 4th 2007Matthew Garretturl='/Videos/4187.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/4187.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'Amsterdam Bike Ride Today we were off to see Amsterdam. The day started off bad when I got a parking ticket for 45 euro. Oh well, we headed down to rent some bikes, which is the only way to see Amsterdam. If we thought driving in Europe was an adventure, it was even more so riding a bike. It was great to ride along the cannels towards our destination. We had finally arrived: The Red Light District. Those that have been there know that this place gives a new meaning to wi... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels July 3rd 2007

Finally i (Teresa) get to take over and actually write something in the travel blog. We've found ourselves a house and funnily enough it was with the New Zealand chicks in West Kensington. I got myself a good job in an upmarket salon where every shop in the street looks like a house and you have to make an appointment and ring the door bell to get into the shop. We just got back yesterday from the craziest 5 Days in Belgium ever. We went to the Rock Werchter music festival and although most of it was a blur (thanks to the fact the only served Stella beer) good time were had by all. I don't want to brag but the line up that we saw was awesome it consisted of: Day 1. Air, Manson, Beastie ... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels June 30th 2007

I am well back in Denmark and have finished last semester with a very nice 11. This means that my summer is starting and I can engage myself in work and books and relaxation. But since I do have to work all summer, my only real vacation was my visit to Brussels, which I now hope to tell a bit about. And hopefully with the adding of some embarrasing pictures of Meike, whom I visited there. The best thing about travelling a week somewhere, is when there is a person who greets you in the airport. Unfortunatly, Meike wasn't in the airport. She was caught at work. But when I finnally after getting lost at the central stations underground system, arrived to her office I got the greetings that I needed. It was amazing to ... read more
Café life in Brussels
Hello Kitty, hello me
Book café

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels June 29th 2007

WOW!!! have we had some crazy CRAZY CRRRRRRRRRAAAAAZZZYYYY adventures!!! wednesday morning we left to Brussles Belguim with the Eurostar ( underground chunnel) when we arrived we walked around for 4 hours trying to find a place and EVERY guy tried to lure us..literally....from there cars, their apartments, from stores...we were actaully kinda scared....actaully we were to the point of tears cuz after 4 hours of trying to figure ojt the damn metro system, streets with also no street signs and crazy winding roads that seems to lead us in a circe we finally found directions to a hostel we wanted!!! lol only directions!!! and the area the hostel was in was the CREEPESt area in thwe world!!! we walk out the subway station to an empty alley way with gang we we walked down an ... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels June 29th 2007

Torej. Po skoraj dveh celih dnevih lutanja, zgubljanja, poslušanja in gobcanja v Evropskem parlamentu sem e skoraj udomačena. Danes sem se zgubila samo enkrat. Od Bruslja nisem videla skoraj nič, razen usvojila obeh metrojskih linij in pot od postaje do parlamenta. Na glavnem trgu še nisem bila, ker mi je včeraj zmanjkalo energije (predvčerajšnjim pa sploh), ampak to nas menda čaka zvečer. Nek ur, pač. Po dveh dneh poštenega dela si manj od tega niti ne zasluimo. Na začetku je zgledalo vse bolj kaotično in brezglavo, ampak sedaj, če gledam nazaj, se je spreobrnilo v nekaj hudo koristnega. Vsaj tako lahko rečem glede na svojo delavnico. Po enis trani še dobro, da nisem prišla v tisto, v katero sem si elela. Tale naša, namreč, je preprosto super: delamo raznorazne prispevke na temo sustainable ways of transport, ... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels June 29th 2007

Geo: 50.8516, 4.35031So, after a looooong sleep, and a welcome breakfast, we checked out and headed to the Clais Sud cemetery. We had originally planned to visit Normandy, and wanted to find someone who had family buried there, that we could visit. That quest came up empty-handed, but someone on one of Dejo's message boards said that he had a great-grandfather buried in Calais, if we happened to be up that way. Turns out that Calais was more convenient for our itinerary anyway, so we gladly obliged.We found the cemetery easily, and after a slight detour (in which I was afraid I'd have to report to Michael that his great-grandfather's grave no longer had a headstone), we found the right section of the grounds, and found a very well-kept plot. We left some flowers that we'd ... read more
Joop "helps"
Mort Subite
Pirat le chat

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels June 25th 2007

Hey Everyone, sorry for being out of contact this past weekend....we have been running like headless chickens all over the place! In Lund, during the party the last i wrote, we played american baseball @ 11 pm in jules' courtyard at here appartment. They atayed up till 4 am, mom & i retierd @ 12 (actually 1) but the next morning.....the next thing i knew, mom chris & julianne come running in the room @ 11:06 am saying "we catch the train @ 11:22....GET UP!!!" so everythig was shoved in my pack, me not being awake....& after a major scramble, we made it on the train (w/julianne havin gher foot in the door to keep it open). We made it to Copenhagen Denmark around 12ish while julianne had to head back to cathc another trian ... read more

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