Blogs from Brussels, Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium, Europe - page 13


Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels July 30th 2012

And here is the second part of my final days of Erasmus - the way home via Brussels. After taking a packed out coach from Bremen at midnight, I arrived in Brussels at 7am and took my suitcases across the city to my hotel in the south. Already by half past 7, it was reaching 25˚C, and although the hotel was just 5 minutes from the station, the cobbled streets on the way there made dragging 55kg strenuous work. Luckily the hotel had storage and so I could leave my luggage there and then go off into the city with just a few bits. Firstly, I went to the European Parliament, where there was free access to the debating chamber twice a day. Afterwards I went to Jubelpark followed by Brussels' most famous attraction - the ... read more
European Parliament
Grand Square

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels July 26th 2012

Avant de revenir à la maison (!), nous devions passer par Bruxelles pour quelques jours. Pourquoi Bruxelles? D'abord parce que notre voyage nous coûtait beaucoup moins cher si nous revenions par là. Ensuite, parce que c'est une ville qu'on n'avait pas visité lors de notre voyage en Europe en 2006. Puis, ça nous donnait une bonne excuse pour aller se gaver de chocolats, de moules, de bières... !!! À notre arrivée à Bruxelles, on s'est fait surprendre par la pluie SOLIDE. On avait fait un trajet d'environ 45 min en autobus à partir de l'aéroport et en arrivant au centre-ville... ayayaye.. c'était le déluge! Le temps de sortir du bus et de se mettre à l'abri, c'était trop tard et on était trempés! On voulait marcher jusqu'à notre appartement mais on a abandonné l'idée quand on ... read more
Dans la Grand Place
À l'Atomium
BD dans la rue (celle-là c'est pour MC)

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels June 28th 2012

Geo: 50.8371, 4.36761Arrived at Brussels airport after a restless night compounded by a large video screen two rows in front of us that played movies all night long, punctuated by someone hitting the call button every few minutes. Getting thru passport control required working our way thru a confusing queue that seemed to stretch the whole length of the concourse. The line moved fairly fast, and eventually they let us in the country. Brussels is a huge airport with few directories to find things like ATMs and restrooms, and no Wi-Fi. We were able to relax a little while before our flight to Toulouse.... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels June 14th 2012

It's currently 5:30am, I'm running off maybe 3 hours of sleep, and we are all about to hop on a bus to Brussels, Belgium for a visit to the European Commission. My friends and I have thought about this, and including our stop in Luxembourg for breakfast, we will have been in 5 different countries this week. How do ya like them apples? But anyway Belgium is known not only for its waffles, but apparently it is the birth place of French fries AKA one of my top 3 favorite foods. I'll never be able to lower myself to the taste of Whataburger fries after today, I'm sure. After Brussels, we head off to Paris for the rest of the weekend! Can't wait to bask in the glory of the Eiffel Tower once again. So I ... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels June 13th 2012

So last weekend I had my first practice with the entire national team, I was able to meet the coach and the rest of the guys. Practice was good, I saved a few and let a few in, normal lax fun. I have a feeling I can bring a lot to the team once the tournament starts.. If the goalie decideds to ask for my help I will give it, but until then I will use my tournament volunteer position to watch every game I can to write up a detailed scouting report from each team. Now thanks to my old alma matter STAB (st Anne's belfield) I know how to write up a very very detailed scouting report. Who their best players are, left or right handed, defensive looks, offensive plays, man down situations. Basically ... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels May 18th 2012

SEE TEXT IN ENGLISH BELOW 1-2 diciembre 2011 Mi entrada a Bruselas no fue lo que se dice precisamente triunfal. No sé que es lo que fue, pero cuando aparcamos junto a la estación du Midi y nos apeamos del coche tenía una sensación de malestar y sólo ganas de irme a la cama. Lo peor de todo, es que no teníamos hotel, hostal o habitación donde quedarnos y tuvimos que buscar. Y no sólo eso, cuando empezamos a buscar parecía que todos los alojamientos estaban ocupados. Debe de ser que Bruselas es el centro de Europa, y siempre hay algo qué esta ocurriendo: eventos, festivales, manifestaciones, reuniones, conferencias, congresos ... Seguíamos andando y buscando. Fuimos hacia el centro sin encontrar nada libre. Pasamos por la Grand Place. Muy bonita, pero no la pude prestar atención ... read more
Grand Place
Los apostoles --- The apostles

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels May 13th 2012

We woke up completely refreshed with sore necks from crappy pillows but had a great breakie of croissants, pain au chocolat and muesli then headed out in the sunshine to explore Brussels city a lil! We were really starting to get our French on by this point it was great! Little did I even know, French was the official language spoken in Brussels! I just assumed belgianese! J Anyway, we made our way to the city and walked to a square which we assume was the main square but hard to know. All my patients were telling me about this square which I had to visit but personally i didn’t think it was that impressive! Lots of scaffolding around it which was disappointing but we were in the sun so didn’t matter. We kept seeing all ... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels May 12th 2012

Last night I had flown to London and stayed at Sarahs in order to catch the eurostar to Brussels. Ben flew direct from Edinburgh yesterday arvo after skiving off from work for another day! What a drama – lost his phone turns out in the taxi but he had no idea where so my fri arvo was spent tracking it down and track it down I did!! So picked it up on the way to the airport which was handy. Love Edinburgh and their friendly people. Got completely lost getting to sarahs place and had a dead battery on my phone so couldn’t google map, no taxis would stop for me – awesome! Then as ben lovingly points out to me “why didn’t you just use my phone?!” Very good point! Anywho we were all ok ... read more

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