Blogs from Brussels, Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium, Europe - page 10


Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels February 14th 2014

Speck and Caroline arrived on time in Brussels and then had a multi-hour layover. After being processed through security again they wandered the shopping area and then found their gate. After checking in at the gate Caroline found a couch and laid down for a nap. Speck went in search of a drink and a place to see the Olympics, he was suffering a severe case of Olympic Neglect. After finding a stand cleverly named BAR he purchased a 500ml Hoegarden and sat down in-front of one of the TVs. When the commercials ended he discovered, to his dismay, that not the Olympics but music videos were being displayed. Working his way through his beer, Speck then returned and waited with Caroline for their flight to begin boarding. While waiting in line to board Speck inevitably ... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels January 17th 2014

a great flower festival in a church in Brussels/Belgium... read more

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels December 23rd 2013

I spender last summer a week in Brussels, I loved the different sites of this city... read more
Brussels amazing city
Brussels amazing city
Brussels amazing city

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels November 15th 2013

We made it to Brussels yesterday! We took the train from London to Brussels, which meant that we passed under the English Channel (ie, through the "chunnel"). Pretty uneventful train ride, with the exception that my ears kept popping because of the pressure of going into the tunnel. We relaxed yesterday, and just went window shopping around our hotel. We are about a 10 minute cab ride south of the super tourist part of Brussels, and our hotel is in the shopping region - so we are surrounded by stores like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Cartier, etc. We woke up early this morning and took a cab to the Grand Place for our chocolate walking tour (yes, that's right - chocolate. tour.)! Overall, I was really happy with the tour. There were only 7 people (including us) ... read more
Grand Place 2

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels November 4th 2013

Waterloo and Brussels in Belgium 2 & 3 November 2013 After leaving Luxembourg, we headed north on the motorway for 180kms. Neither Luxembourg nor Belgium has toll roads and we found their roads to be excellent. It continued to rain lightly most of the way. Just as we were arriving in Waterloo, we spotted the 45m high Butte deLion, viewed from the Waterloo battle field. This is where Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington on 8 June 1815. The monument was built 9 years after the Battle. There is a massive lion statue at the top of the big mound which symbolized success and strength. We climbed up to the top and had a magnificent view of what was the battlefield. Now, there are farms all around with the town of Waterloo in the ... read more
Butte de Lion at Waterloo Belgium 2 Nov 2013 (14)
Butte de Lion at Waterloo Belgium 2 Nov 2013 (15)
Butte de Lion at Waterloo Belgium 2 Nov 2013 (17)

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels October 16th 2013

Belgium called loudly and we answered with vigor!!! We ate, drank and were very merry! We had every intention to visit Ghent, Antwerp and Bruges, while in Belgium. After all, the country is small and the train provides great, easy transportation throughout. Our hub was to be Brussels, and we booked our stay at the Stephanie Home Suites hotel. We had read several blogs about Belgium and were ready with our busy agenda, intent on seeing it all, drinking the beer, and eating the waffles and chocolate for which Belgium is so famed. Maybe it is the fact that we are Moroccan now and we have learned the skill (and it really is a skill) of being on a “no plan” plan, or maybe it was the unexpected wonderfulness of one of our now favorite places, ... read more
The famous statue of "Manneken Pis"
A beautiful church in Brussels.
Can you almost taste its juiciness?

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels September 25th 2013

Well, the time has finally come for me to make the most out of my last day here in Brussels, Belgium. I was going to try and get up earlier so I had that bit of extra time...did it happen? Ummm...nope! I woke up about 09:30am! I still had another day of use on my Brussels card, so wanted to make the most of that too. I also really wanted to go to one of the local flea markets. This was located at the far south of Brussels, so ideal for me to use my Brussels card as it includes all travel on the metro, tram and bus system! After studying various maps, along with Google maps to double check as we all trust Google, I made my way to the nearest station and it was ... read more
Cars, cars everywhere!
The flea market
Biscuit shop

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels September 24th 2013

Breakfast I was awake around 7:30am by the sound of farting from my fellow room mates. You can tell they need the release as it has that pressure release sound! :) Anyway, I got showered and dressed and headed downstairs for the free tea, coffee and hot chocolate on offer! I was looking forward to that, however, no milk, so settled for a black coffee. It was Ok. I hadn't yet eaten, so while walking around the town, mI had noticed lots of Belgian waffles shops so settled on having one of those for breakfast. I opted for dark chocolate on the top. I also got a Coke Zero with it too. WOW! It was soooo good! It was warm, fluffy and some bits chewy. The sauce was warm and runny and, oh, just so heavenly! ... read more
The famous pissing boy!
Awesome beer...awesome glass!
Horse...what more can I say!?

Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels September 23rd 2013

Well, I finally made it after an approx 12 hours total...this includes trying to find the place too!The coach journey was problems whatsoever. Not the most comfortable, but I was able to cope with it.While travelling through, London, I saw a guy shimmying a motorbike over so he could park his! I found that quite unusual...also, there was so a guy on the coach taking a picture of another coach...bizarre! There was nothing special about...just your big standard coach with adverts saying where they travel too! He took about 10 pictures off it..all the same pose too! We got to the channel to tunnel about 1pm..This is the first time have been there! I was expecting 1 or 2 tracks, but no! There was a dozen at least! Some empty and some with queues of ... read more

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