Blogs from Austria, Europe - page 275


Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna July 28th 2006

要走啦!真係唔捨得。維也納機場大過柏林機場好多,似番個機場。剛上機時望到窗外o既奧地利,實在唔捨得。但幾個鐘後,就開始歸心似箭。嗯,我好開心。老實講跟團係好,但就令我有好多遺憾。就係因為呢d遺憾,令我決定大個要再自己踏足歐洲!哈,我一定會。 ... read more

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg July 28th 2006

We were greeted at the hostel by a huge marching band in cowboy outfits doing their warm ups outside. (We found out later they were from Canada). There was a sign in the lobby saying that the Sound of Music played every night at 8pm, so of course we had to watch it. We wandered around the city for the afternoon and it quickly became one of my favorite cities. The pedestrian bridge blasts Mozart from its speakers, and the main shopping street has the most adorable old signs for all the stores, even McDonalds had a fancy sign made out of iron! The city is filled with horse and carriages and there is this hilarious fountain of a horse with water coming out of its nose! If you want to see it, it is in ... read more

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Hallstatt July 28th 2006

These are the pics as promised!!... read more
The typical houses 2

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna July 28th 2006

I just got back to Vienna after a long but very awesome 6 week trek through southern europe. I obviously can't give all the details. Ill just try to do highlights. Ok, Seb and I started off alone and spent some time in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Cool little town, but not too much to see. Then we moved down to Zagreb, Croatia. This is the capital. But we werent too amazed with it. We then moved on the Split, which is on the Adriatic coast. I believe this was by far Seb's and my favorite place. Everything was really old, with some decent beaches and crystal clear blue water. Shopping wasnt too bad either! So, Wes met up with us here...then we hopped to some islands for a few days, Brac and Hvar. Michael met us on ... read more

Europe » Austria » Upper Austria » Mauthausen July 27th 2006

I have already described my experiences there, but NOW, I have the pictures. WARNING, some of you may find them disturbing!... read more
The ´Examination´ room
The Crematory
The Gaschamber 1

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg July 27th 2006

呢一朝晨咁早就要起身,去捷克另外一個地方卡羅維域。卡羅維域係歐洲一個好出名o既溫泉勝地,o係14世紀時就有,係以前d貴族去渡假、療養o既地方,莫札特都去過架:)呢個溫泉勝地唔係浸o既,佢有好多個唔同o既溫泉眼,d水係用泥飲架,有療養o既功效。我買左個溫泉杯,試左4種,哇...有一種難飲到噴!卡羅維域呢個地方好靚,d建築物特別豪華咁。 食完午飯,又係漫漫長路!搭6個鐘車去奧地利薩爾斯堡。哈哈,由始至終去奧地利都係漫漫長路。一到左奧地利o既範圍,心裡只有激動。我真係急不及待想跳出車去親吻呢片土地!到薩爾斯堡時已經係夜晚8點幾啦,探莫札特要等第二日。酒店望出去係好靚o既山。太完美啦,連訓覺都識笑:)... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna July 26th 2006

There was much harassment of people trying to sell us concert tickets. Mainly for Mozart but all classical stuff. Not just the same old 'hey take a flyer'They really don't take no for an answer. And they also swarm intersections, 3 or 4 of them. One will always get you. We walked through the large cathedral in old town. And from my memories of 10yrs ago, the scaffolding hadn't moved much on the outside. After a brief walk through, we went to the Sissi museum. She is described as the "lady Di of Austria". There was an amazing display of royal tableware, some palace rooms, and the highlight, Sissi's story with all the myths and legends about her. She was married young and went from a carefree life to one of prestige and seclusion. She became ... read more

Europe » Austria » Tyrol July 26th 2006

With my job the way it is, I was fortunate enough to have Monday to Friday off during one week in late July. My wife (having an actual job) had to work all week, so instead of staying around cooking and cleaning like a good husband should have done, I chose the road all-to-often travelled...I bolted for the hills...or Alps. Between playing my guitar and watching movies (whilst at work), I found time to surf the internet and found a great website for bed and breakfasts in the Tirol region of Austria. Finally settling upon the Alpbachtal and Tiroler Seenland, I chose a small little village amidst lakes, forests, bike trails, and beautiful mountains. The paradise...Kramsach, Austria. I spent 4 nights doing nothing but riding my bike around the village and surrounding hamlets (including to lunch ... read more
cows with bells
the Alpbachtal
the Achensee

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna July 25th 2006

In Vienna we felt like we were starting to get closer to home again, most people spoke good english and we had no problems communicating :) Or maybe it was just us getting used to gestures instead of words... We got hold of a (for our standards) big apartement, and since it was empty we got a good deal on it. Us three in an apartement with two rooms, and that would easilly host three more people in it - luxury! First thing we had to do was get a real wienerschnitzel. Then we went on to the usual walking around town as clueless tourists business... Second day we went and visited Schönbrunn Palace, which is one of the most important cultural monuments in Austria. It was suggested by our host that the palace was ... read more
Wien Film Festival
St. Stephen's Cathedral in moonlight
Schönbrunn Palace 1

Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Salzburg July 24th 2006

This past weekend I traveled to Salzburg, Austria. For those of you who haven't heard of that place before... it is known as the Home of Mozart and The Sound of Music. As far as scenery goes, it is absolutely beautiful- I really enjoyed it! (I will try and put some variety in the words I use so that they aren't all "beautiful," "gorgeous," "pretty," and "amazing," but it will be hard!!) We arrived in Salzburg late Friday night and found our hotel to be much better than we were expecting- if anyone ever goes to Salzburg, I would definitely recommend staying at the Bergland Hotel. It is family run and is about a 10 minute walk from the river/city center. That was really nice because we were there at the beginning of the week-long Mozart ... read more
Warning Drop
Bergland Hotel
River-side shops

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