Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 2134


Return to Xela (Quetzaltenango), Guatemala for more studying....... read more

We actually live in Los Angeles Sur or Angel Valley, hence “Angel Valley B&B.” Los Angeles Sur is about 5km from San Ramon, the main town in these parts I have focused a good deal on the landscape of the Angel Valley B&B area including the amazing vistas, the animals and so on, but have neglected until this point, to focus on an equally interesting landscape: the people that live here. Now, I am not referring to the ex-pats. While they are interesting in their own right and I may describe them in a later entry, what I have found most interesting as well as entertaining, are the people that have surrounded us since we have moved here. If you read the book “Under the Tuscan Sun,” (or worse, have seen the movie), you know what ... read more
Angel Valley
Angel Valley B&B

So I just had my lesson in "SAVE OFTEN." Really, do it. Cause now I dont have a lot of time remaining and it sucks. Anyway, long story short. Yesterday our group went to a few nearby archaeological sites. El Puente and El Pariso. We met up with a group from Yale headed by Marcello Canuto and Ellen Bell (from Kenyon College). They are digging at El Pariso, but they met us at El Puente and we had lunch in a little pueblo called La Entrada. Both may have been controlled by and or traded with Copan. They mimicked some of Copan´s architectural style, however crudely. They were sites probably populated by mostly Lenca Indians (I think thats right) and not Maya people. Copan itself was probably only 1/3 Maya and maybe 2/3 Lenca. It was ... read more
Rosa, Freddy, and Me at El Puente
Me at El Puente.
Tree at El Puente

Well, seeing and experiencing Costa Rica has been a goal of mine for a few years now. Who knew it would happen with a Kiwi boyfriend who fell into my life so quickly, who also was planning to see this beautiful country. I highly recommend any of you seizing opportunites like this when they present themselves, since this was an awesome journey. It was an amazing two weeks, filled with beautiful scenery, lots of wildlife, fabulous fellow travellers, great food, surf, sun, fun, and love too :) Cheesy I know, but it definately added to the experience. See it all for yourself :) It was a first time for me travelling abroad with a boyfriend. I've decided I like it and plan to do more of it in the future. It will have to be a ... read more
Kim and Russ on their sun and fun beach trip
Russ's bar overlooking SanJose
Cool Pool at San Jose Hostel

Hello, Kia Ora, hola, yo hope everyone is safe and well, its been a little while since my last blog mostly due to a case of cant be bothered. Still loving Costa Rica after almost 8 weeks and am not looking forward to leaving in 11 days. I skipped the Guatamala trip to spend those two weeks here. Since Nicaragua ive mostly been chilling out, hanging with buddies, beaching it up and working with Las Tinajas making the new indoor table sets. Kinda feel like ive settled into life here again. Russ is down from Canada with his lovely wahine Kim, was a great surprise catch up in Tamarindo last weekend with a good night of dancing and trying some local spirits. Kim and Kat had a shopping session with nothing but womans intuition to guide ... read more
Chilling with Kat Tamarindo
Another sweet sunset
Kats families farmhouse

A last blog from rainy Samara......... After a fabulous trip around the country (and Panama) we ended the tour with a great day rafting on the river Pacuare. Unfortunately no pictures of that day because we obviously got soaked several times. It was one of the most fun experiences here in Costa Rica, maybe even better than SkyTrek (it's a close call). We left from Puerto Viejo early in the morning with our backpacks and slept most of the way to the adventure centre near Siquirres. We drove to the river and got our safety talk etc etc from our very cool guide Roberto. Somehow I ended up being the guinea pig, I had to jump into the river to demonstrate how someone needs to be rescued should they fall in. Quite refreshing actually, it was ... read more
Lucie and my host "niece" Maria Avril
View of Carrillo Bay
My host home "Sol y Mar"

Stomach pains are increasing today.. I really don't like this. It's every morning and night, mid-days are alright so far. And the insomnia thing, yeah, that still exists. I really think I shouldn't even try to sleep until 11 or 12 at least (which is 1 or 2 at home, btw). Oh, and last night, the laptop died... I hope not permanently. It would suck so much to not have my little entertainment box (simpsons and random dvds/movies) with me. 38 days. I couldn't move earlier, so much pain. Tomorrow I hit up the road and lagoon sites. Haha, if the computer worked I could actually check for sure, but eh, I'll figure it out in the morning. I hope all these ailments get better soon. Studywise, I saw 6 and recorded 4 today. One of ... read more

So, I´m sitting here in the Cyber Cafe, and I just heard a car drive by blasting Sweet Child´O Mine. Kinda funny. I have seven minutes remaining, so Ill be quick here. Im hot and sweaty. We worked with sculpture today in the ruinas. We had lunch with Tenoch somebody... A Mexican guy who works in conservation and restoration. I didnt understand a thing he said. But my profesora said he was the inspiration for the character ´Tenoch´in Y Tu Mama, Tambien... I know a certain librarian who would be interested in that.... Gonna try and post a pic of myself eating a yummy pineapple empanada my ´mommy´made me. Ohhh, this morning I had tortillas filled with beans and banana bread and watermelon and pinol and jugo de something. love ya miss ya... read more

La Sopa. No, not soap, as yes I too once thought. Soup. I was happy today haha for the simple reason that we got to have soup again. Freshly made, no-part-of-the-chicken-spared ingredients (literally), it beats all other meals into the sand. Or lateritic soil. Whichever. Funny how being away from everything you know puts you in this mindset, where familiar things are exciting (like the random burger days and stuff), and you make them and other stuff (the soup) things to look forward to, to make the stay seem shorter. My stomach hurts again today, don't really know what to attribute it to other than the timing seems to fit with my chloroquine schedule. Hmm... I helped with clearing out the swamp transect for Stacy and Dave, and doing that really made me appreciate my work. ... read more
Can You See Me?
Rainy Days Are Here Again

Day 1 in Costa Rica: Today truly is the first day of the rest of my life. We made it to Costa Rica (meaning me and my friend Beth/co-partner in crime at the B&B) and are ready to start this new adventure. First, getting here…. Getting to Costa Rica was not so bad. We had about 15 pieces of luggage between us, nine of which we checked, so getting here was not as inexpensive as expected! Between overweight bags and too many bags (and I won’t assign blame!), it cost us a few extra colones (the Costa Rican currency). Surprisingly, it was not so bad given that we had very nice people both at Dulles Airport outside of Washington, DC and at San Jose airport help us with the bags. And, it only cost $35 for ... read more

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