Blogs from Bocas Del Toro, Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 20


We are in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. Finally broke down to pay for some internet here. It is $2 an hour. So expensive. We made it here yesterday around 4pm. Time changed when we came to Panama and now we are in the same time zone. We met a girl from Sacramento and her name is Elyse and she is traveling alone. We all got a room together yesterday and it was a dump. So bad!!!! We spent last evening checking around other places for so we could move elsewhere today. We found a place and moved there. I guess it is really hard to find something right now because the Costa Rica students are on two week break so everyone came here for vacation. The place we are in now is $22 each but very ... read more

Hey everyone! Still on the caribbean islands off panama, we're addicted to this place and cant seem to leave! It may be due to the fact you can get a round of drinks here for $3!!!! We even have a little family of lizards in our hotel room now that come see us every night! Yesturday we went on a crazy adventure into a cave with bats a crocodiles!! we heard rumours about this cave that was discovered on isla bastimentos recently; non of the trip companies will take you there (too dangerous maybe) but we got chatting to this cool Rasta named Lucito who said he'd take us. he assured us it was safe but if its so safe then why does no one go there?! SO we jumped in his boat and he took ... read more

We quickly made our way from Costa Rica to Panama. Sorry for the lack of writting, internet access has been few and far between (and expensive). After leaving Nicaragua, we traveled to Tortuguero, Costa Rica which is an island where you are supposed to be able to see turtles and was supposed to be the best jungle in Central America. Well, I guess we just hit it the wronge time of the year because we did not have the same luck as that described by the Lonely Planet. The tours were expensive and the only real way to explore this river based rainforest. After we were told that perhaps we would not see turtle during our night turtle tour we decide to do a rainforest tour via canoa. Well, to say the least we saw more ... read more

Good my bag back!!!! after endless phone calls and sleepless nights i had it delivered to me on friday! We left the hussle and bussle of panama city on saturday and jumped on a tiny plane to Bocas Del Toro....a series of carribean islands off Panamas coast. Its gorgeous here, loads of palm trees, white sandy beaches, crystal water and lots and lots of rum! Staying in a cool hostal called Aqua thats built over the water with swings and water trampolines and lots of hamocks. They have some pretty heavy parties there where girls drink for FREE from 9 till 12 so naturally i took good advantage of that! Spending a day on a boat tomorrow to go snorkalling and see the dolphins and giant turtails....cant wait!...again will try upload some pics at some ... read more

Nothing much new to report really, Im still in Bocas Del Toro. Such a nice place, everybody is so friendly and lost count the amount of new people I know. Only thing that I dont like about being here is the Mosquitos. They really are a pain. My eg is still sunburnt badly, got to the point its cut open and bleeding badly, Ive managed to get some antibiotics for it and its started to look much healthier and on the mend the last 2 days. Still walking with a slight limp too but I guess I just have to be patient and rest it up. Thanks for all the messages sent through, its nice to read. Yesterday we switched islands to have a rest from the party place although it was very quiet with just ... read more

Marc and Max headed to Costa Rica the next day but I really wanted to see Bocas Del Toro so I caught the bus here, another 6 hour ride. When I arrived it was raining really heavy and it took me a while wandering around to find a hostel. I managed to find the last bed in Hostel Hiefe which is pretty nice. being run by an America and 2 Englsih guys. Its very laid back and all the night life on the doorstep. So im happy here. I met a group of Americans here who I went out with on the first night. We visited another hostel with a bar offering Tequila Suicides for free.... Well, you know me, couldnt resist and thats were the downfall began (quite literally) See, this was my first night ... read more

Well the last two weeks have passed quickly as we make our way further and further south. Before dropping Tiff off at the airport we spent some time on the pacific side of Costa Rica where we experienced a big tropical storm. We were confined to our beach cabana for most of three nights and two days as driving rains and hurricane force winds battered the coast. We passed the time by playing cards and reading, until the power went out at least then it was realy dark. We emerged unscathed but the community centre down the road did'nt do as well, the wind tore it's roof off! So after that me and Dane bussed it over to the carribean side to get away from the rain and ended up staying in the worst town I ... read more
wizard beach
favorite border ever, old rickety bridge with holes in it
site of lost treasures, the wreck bar

Day 204: Entering Panama Getting up at half-five wasn't too much of a struggle, since it was already light and rather warm. I packed up, and was ready for the off within half an hour, making my way down to the bus stop by the beach. Although the bus wasn't officially timetabled to arrive until half-past six, it's widely accepted that schedules are estimates and buses don't generally hang around waiting for their official departure time. Along with a load of locals and two other tourists, I stored my luggage under the bus and managed to find a seat on the already crowded bus ready for the slow journey over unsealed roads down the coast to Sixoala to cross the border into Panama. One of the more interesting border crossings I've come across; having got off ... read more
Morphus butterfly in full flight
Pretty flowers in the butterfly garden

Hola! Tijd weer voor een nieuwe blog. Inmiddels ben ik weer helemaal hersteld van de dengue en dus ook weer hard aan het werk. Had natuurlijk heel wat werk in te halen, maar ook dat is inmiddels helemaal bijgewerkt. Heb nog ongeveer 1,5 maand te gaan dus nu is het even stress om alles gedaan te krijgen, wat niet mee valt omdat de experimenten synchroon met de maancyclus gedaan worden…. Maar goed, we hadden dus de “Bocas Beach cleaning day” georganiseerd voor het stadsstrand…op zondag 20 april. Een daverend succes kan ik jullie vertellen! Met een langzame start (we zijn tenslotte in panama) werd het dan toch drukker met bezoeker en dus kon de dag beginnen… Als je hier zeg 10 uur aanwezig , komen de eerste om ongeveer 11 uur opdagen, hahaha! Nou moet ik ... read more
nog steeds wachten...

Today I write from Boquete, Panama but am writing on stops over the last few days. Starting back in Bocas del Toro on Monday morning... I had heard about Bocas del Drago (Mouth of the Dragon), a beach on the island with Bocas Town, that was worth seeing when Bocas Town was just too hectic for you (relatively speaking, of course...). I had seen a sign for a "collectivo" taxi - a minibus that is less expensive because they make stops along the way for pickups and drop offs, was going Mondays starting at 6:45AM. That said, I rose early and made it to the pickup spot. After confirming he was indeed going, I prepared to pay my two dollars for the approximate 45 minute to one hour journey to Bocas del Drago. I had remembered ... read more
Palm Trees

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