Blogs from Bocas Del Toro, Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 22


Greetings travelers! I am new to the blogging thing but I ran across this site and found it quite interesting. I first went to Bocas del Toro almost 3 years ago and since that initial trip, I have been back 7 times. I am interested in sharing experiences with others who have travelled there or are about to. I have become somewhat knowledgable about this magical place and would be happy to offer advice to others regarding the fun things to do, great places to eat and drink, places to stay (in almost every price range!) and precautions to take while visiting. One thing I haven't had a chance to check out yet is the bat cave on Isla Colon. Anybody been there?... read more
Zapatilla Cay
Aeroperlas Rocks!
Zapatilla Point

Hallo allemaal! Het laatste verhaal was geëindigd met de komst van Pap en Mam…..JEEJ! Echt was zo leuk, en we hebben echt zo veel gedaan dat ik waarschijnlijk wel wat dingetjes vergeet te vertellen maar echt was super leuk om ze hier te hebben!!! Helaas helaas zijn ze inmiddels alweer vertokken, boehoe boehoe! Maar hier dan een kleine opsomming van alles wat we gedaan hebben…. Eindelijk was het dan zover…op weg naar Panama city om ze op te halen. Hahaha ja dat was nog een soort grappig..had ik toch bijna mijn eigen vlucht gemist! Het was namelijk zo….ik had me netjes in gecheckt enzo en wilde nog even gauw een pitstop maken bij het toilet en nog even wat te drinken halen enzo, wat het vliegtuig zou wat later komen,…komt er ineens een vriend (TJ) ... read more
Pap in de modder

Hey guys! We had a change of travel plans. Although we were all having a great time at La tortuga, we decided to leave the project early and come back for the last two weeks of our trip when the the work would actually involve turtles. So anyways, we left early thursday morning and arrived in Puerto Limon before taking a cab to a national park in Cahuita with a lot of wildlife and a nice beach. Lindsay hurt her foot getting off a bunkbed but still managed to do a 7km hike. The girls were attacked by a couple of capuchin monkeys, but they survived. We took a bus into a nice surfer town Puerto Viejo that night. Lindsay was in a lot of pain with her foot so we decided to take her to ... read more

Fig trees are the subject of various legends, curses and blessings around the world. The Panamanian version runs something like this - on the night of Good Friday, you go to your local fig tree and spread a white sheet on the ground. At midnight, the devil will appear and offer you a choice of two swords, one new and one rusty. Choose the rusty one. You then sword fight the devil and your rusty sword does you proud and you beat him. He then bows down to you and grants you whatever you desire. Although if you were thinking this sounds like a good deal - here´s the catch - unfortunately you still have to give him your soul, despite the fact you beat him (what happens next is unclear, but presumably you follow the ... read more
Slightly pissed
Playa Estrella
More Starfish

Well, it's January, and you're all probably at work, having visions of Nat & I drinking cocktails served by Monkey waiters in the cloud forest, hating our guts... Well, prepare to engage the schadenfreude portion of your brains, as the travelling backlash starts here. I'm not going to write anything about the brilliant two weeks we spent with Sarah and Aoife, as hopefully they're doing that right now (ahem, you're late guys!) However it's fair to say my impressions of Costa Rica went down a fair way, firstly after someone tried to nick Sarah's bag on the beach at Mal Pais, then after a nasty case of food poisoning and/or gastric flu, then getting my wallet nicked (complete with all my bank cards but thankfully only about $6 in it). 3 days and nights lying flat ... read more
Very Ill!
This Cat likes Crisps
Nervous Nat before crossing dodgy bridge

Alrighty, the hung over bus through the most beautiful mountians (the continental divide) over to the Caribbean Coast to the Island town of Bocas Del Toro. We hear many things about this place but becuase it is their wet season we weren´t sure we wanted to go but decided to try it for a day or 2 with Eric. We arrived and took a water taxi to the island where all the buildings hang out into the water and the main street runs down the center. We spent 2 nights at Mondu Taitu Hostel that has it´s own bar in it and every friday night it has a dress up theme party. We arrived late on Thursday so saved up for the dress up party. During the day on Friday, Ross and I rented bicycles and ... read more
Bocas Del Toro
My Pink Cruiser
Bocas Fire Station

The boat trip and San Blas experience wasn't quite as relaxing as we'd expected so we ended up spending a week recovering in Panama City. All eight of us from the boat (minus psycho J2) had promised ourselves that if we ever got out of the Kuna village we'd treat ourselves to a nice hotel, with comfy beds - or just beds as opposed to hammocks actually! But once we got back to pricey Panama City thoughts soon turned to budgets and so we all ended up sandwiched in a tiny room of a hostel - not the best place to dry off our smelly belongings from the shipwreck! We made the most of the luxuries available, good restaurants, American bagels for breakfast, a trip to the cinema (for anyone who saw 'I am Legend' - ... read more
The last supper
Even Fluffy the dog couldn't escpase the crazy owners love of purple
The only entertainment in the town of David

Hola iedereen!!! Het is wat aan de late kant maar....GELUKKIG NIEUWJAAR!!!! Ik hoop dat iedereen net zo'n fantastisch avond heeft gehad als wij hier op het eiland!! Was een super feest met veel champagne en andere cocktails ed! Super grappig echt heel bocas stond op z'n kop!! De hele dag heerste er een soort zenuwachtige sfeer van verwachting en toen het dus twaalf uur was barste het feest los!! Overal vuurwerk en mensen feestend op straat...gewoon super!!! De hele nacht door....voor mij ging om ongeveer 6 uur het licht uit maar andere zijn nog door gegaan tot de volgende dag rond de lunch!! hahaha!! waanzinnig!! Voor mij hebben de laatste twee weken, naast een feestje hier er en daar, vooral in het teken van werk gestaan om alles op tijd af te krijgen voor pap&mam arriveren!!! ... read more

After a tearful good-bye to Hannah and Emma in San Jose, it was time to move on to country number 7- Panama. My first stop was the Carribean islands not far from the Costa Rican border- Bocas del Toro. Imagine my delight to arrive in glorious weather and to find out that there was a fancy dress party that night- woo hoo! I got straight to business and trawled the very few shops that was there to find an outfit that would fit the superhero theme. In the end I settled on 'She-ra, Princess of Power' with a gold nightie, silver belt and tiara and a sword with flashing lights and sound effects! A lot of fun! The next 5 days were rainy, rainy, rainy. Luckily the island is quite a party place so I was ... read more
80s night
doing 'Blue Steel' from 'Zoolander'
Wizard Beach

shit i let so much time pass. well lets start from san jose and chrismas. we had a good enough xmas night, the day was rather boring a dreary outside but we a girl from switzerland that had a whole bottle of absolute vodka so we had a good time and met some argentinian fellows and all got pretty drunk. unfortunantly we had to get up early the next day to get a bus to puerto viejo on the carribean side of costa rica. i woke up after 2 hours of sleep and i do believe that i was still a little drunk but i managed to pack all my stuff in the dark and make the bus, just barely. now unfortunantly cause of all the rain we had to all get off the bus at ... read more

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