Blogs from San Juan del Sur, Southern Pacific Coast, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 10


I had traveled for 8 years without ever really getting sick. That changed a few nights ago in Esteli, Nicaragua. The same night Drew landed in Managua. Coincidence? I think not. ;-) We took the Tica bus out of San Sal through Honduras into Nicaragua and jumped off in Esteli instead of going all the way into Managua. We had heard it was a great place to see the true country. It really was. We only saw one other tourist while we were there, a white man in his 50’s that looked as lost as most of the stray dogs on the streets. We were stoked to be off the beaten path. That night we found a Sandinista bar with all kinds of amazing memorabilia from the civil war. Good drinks, friendly people and some culture ... read more
Made it past em!

20th MAY 2009 - I HATE BUS JOURNEYS!!! I got up at around 6am after hearing a couple of others get up and potter about. Our bus wasn’t until 7am and so I took my time getting ready and sorting myself out so I was ready for the off! We had bought some jam and bread for breakfast however the kitchen was locked and Nat had to throw down some fisticuffs to get the night man to open the kitchen for us. Even then he only let us get our stuff…he wouldn’t let us actually use the kitchen. Looked like toast was out and jam sandwiches were on the menu!! The multi tool came in handy as I used the knife to spread the jam!! Bear Grills eat your heart out with my survival skills!! I ... read more

Nous sommes encore le jour de Pâques, un évenement très important en Amérique latine, une terre fermement croyante. Après l'obtention de l'étampe nica*, nous parvenons à dénicher un bus dans toute cette désorganisation. Vers la fin d'après-midi, nous mettons enfin le pied à San juan del sur, station balnéaire populaire auprès des locaux. La plage est recouverte de monde et de leurs déchets! Une fois de plus, nous sommes témoins du manque flagrant de conscience écologique, comme nombreux endroits que nous avons visités, au cours des dernières années!!! La plage est désolante, mais la chaleur gagne, nous sautons dans l'océan. Vide d'énergie, on s'allonge pour un repos bien mérité... après une première intégration au Nicaragua. Le lendemain, nous mettons le cap vers Managua, la capitale. Ça bouille de chaleur! Le pays est littérallement brulant et la ... read more
Managua, Nicaragua
Rama, Nicaragua
"Little corn island", Nicaragua

When we last wrote, we were in Antigua, Guatemala. We got a very early morning bus from there and skipped right through El Salvador and Honduras and ended up in Managua, Nicaragua. On the way, Garry was in charge of changing the money at the border. I had calculated a rough guess so he knew what to expect, yet he came back with US$15 less because instead of dividing the local currency, the cambio/exchange man multiplied. The fact that the cambios calculater showed that we should have gotten US$3000 didnt alert Garry. Infact, he insists that the cambio was a ninja who distracted him with magic tricks, rabbits in hats & the like. Funnily enough, I didnt see any of these magic tricks going on. It was very late when we arrived in Managua due to ... read more
The plaza in Granada
Chicken buses
O'Sheas pub Granada

Nineteen hours in a stiflingly hot, packed, unroadworthy chicken bus... hurtling along at ridiculous speed on pot-holed dirt roads... dealing with the chaos of Central American border crossings - first from Guatamala into El Salvador then Honduras brielfy before entering Nicaragua. Doesn´t sound too good, does it. We didn´t think so, so we flew. Nice little hour and a half where we didn´t fear for our lives at all. As Ally mentioned in the last blog, Guatamala was tough. Incredibly rewarding experience, but confronting. Along the road we´d heard fantastic things about Nicaragua and we weren´t disapointed. We landed in the capital, Managua, and went directly to Granada, which is stunning. It was founded in 1524 and stands on the northwestern shore of Lake Nicaragua in the shadow of the Mombacho Volcano. The lake feeds into ... read more
Nica street kids
Nicaragua fishing
Nica fishing

Every day is a good day to go to the beach in San Juan I said goodbye to Isla de Ometepe and set of for some beach action at San Juan del Sur, a beach town near the border between Nicaragua & Costa Rica. After many discussions the previous night with my newfound kayaking buddies, it turned out that we were all planning on going to the same place the next day - so it was perfect timing as far as I was concerned. The next morning we all caught the ferry from Moyalgalpa to the port town of San Jorge. It never ceases to amaze me how tiring it can be to just sit doing nothing on a bus, on a ferry or any public transport for that matter, but after 41/2 hours sitting around ... read more
San Juan del Sur
Sunset over San Juan
A night of inebriation...

Hola amigos!! No begynner vi for alvor aa kjenne paa at vi haar daarlig tid, saa vi reiser som nokre galningar. Men til tross for at vi har vore mykje paa farten sidan sist, saa har vi ogsaa faatt sett mykje syns vi! Turen fraa Utila gikk finfint. Det var litt hardt aa komme seg opp kl.5 etter ein fuktig kveld, men dokke veit: Helt om natta, helt om dagen! Saa her var det berre aa hive seg opp og komme seg ut til taxien. Det var forresten fest for ein gjeng med nye instruktoerar paa ein plass som heiter Treetanic den kvelden vi var ute, saa det var stappfullt med folk, kjempestemning og berre velstand. Artig! Flya vi reiste med Utila - La Ceiba og La Ceiba - Tegucigalpa var ikkje av den store, fancy ... read more
La Ceiba
La Ceiba

Casa Oro is the most popular hostel here in San Juan del Sur, we got the 2 last beds for the night, Joey and i headed for lunch and we had clams ceviche, not as good as in El Zonte and the fried fish was OK. I left my favorite Brazil hat but when I cam back for it the waiter who found it is already off duty, they told me to come back later or the next day. We took it easy for now being our first day here, had a few drinks as we watched the sunset. Then back to the hostel we cant get the opportunity to use the free internet, lots of people crowding it, so we tried to sleep but the noisy annoying British girls on the other dorm decided they ... read more

After about 18 months of travel, it is time to ditch my backpack and wandering ways and head home to find a job - scary! About 10 days ago at 3am, our alarm clock went off - it was time for Scott to get ready to leave on the Paxeo shuttle bus to the airport. From here, I was on my own. I got a few extra hours of sleep before packing and checking out to head to San Juan Del Sur, my backpack bulging from the extras I´d inherited from Scott - mosquito net, blanket, plus I had the full set of toiletries which we´d previously split. Travelling as a couple certainly has its advantages! I sat on the bus for three hours before it set off as it had mechanical problems. Still, that´s nothing ... read more
With Rrrraymundo Miguel and Dennis
Entrance to Matilda's, Playa Majugal
The rooms at Matilda's were right on the sand

As strangely normal as it was to have the parents with us it felt equally so to have them leave. The two weeks had worked out well. The travelling comfort that Costa Rica offers gave us the ideal relaxed and well managed setting to have the parents looked after and provided a good blend of entertainment options. An impressive wildlife tally realised, suntans achieved (bit crispy in places) and some good laughs had. A very nice way to spend a couple of weeks. From here we continued our journey north and back to Nicaragua. The thing that will really make our timeout and travelling a total success is a new plan for return to home soil. So it was back to our Christmas stop in San Juan del Sur to haul up for a week and ... read more
View out of our hostel front gate

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