Blogs from Petionville, Haiti, Central America Caribbean


Resumo: fiquei um pouco longe do orfanato; fui para um lugar bacana; gastei pouco; estou bem! Acordei sem saber o que fazer no dia. Era sabado, mas eu nao tinha planos. Assim, achei que eu poderia passar o dia no orfanato. Depois de um mini estresse com algumas crianças eu resolvi sair um pouco para ‘relaxar’. Neste momento as 3 adolescentes que moram tambem na casa queriam ir (elas estao la porque conhecem a Natasha e nao porque nao possuem pais). Ok. Seria bom ter a companhia delas e nao sairia caro pagar por 4. Resolvemos ir a Fermathe. Um vilarejo que fica nas montanhas, uns 28km de onde estou. Otimo. Estava bem com vontade de ir para um lugar mais fresquinho. Resumo da saída: peguei 9 transportes (taptaps & mototaxis), um pouco mais de 3 ... read more
Cock was also tired

Resumo:Peguei transporte publico; Primeira vez que eu saio de noite; Estou bem! Incrivel com o eu adoro um tempero na minha vida. Rs. Ontem foi a primeira vez que eu fui numa festinha aqui no Haiti. Fui convidada pelo Bill - um cara que o meu amigo Nomura conheceu na Europa. A festa seria no apartamento dele em Petionville (bairro chique), uns 12km daqui de Carrefour (bairro pobre). O recomendado eh: pegar um taxi de alguem conhecido. Assim, comeco ja pedindo desculpas para o meu irmao, pois eu disse a ele que eu pegaria um taxi e nao pequei. R$35 num taxi ou R$ 1,20 em transporte publico .. hummmm. Bom, que me conhece sabe que nao tive duvidas. Resolvi pegar 2 taptaps (onibus super coloridos) para chegar ao local. Entrei dentro do primeiro taptap. Emocao ... read more
Jothan  =)
First Party of this trip
AMY & Bill

La première fin de semaine ici a été pas mal épuisante. Vendredi soir, on s'est fait une bouffe chez une collègue à son appart. On a bien mangé, bien bu et bien rit. On a mis de la musique et on a dansé toute la soirée dans son appart. On ne se préoccupait pas trop des voisins puisque le building au complet est loué par l'ambassade donc ce sont tous des gens qu'on connait, et on était 4 locataires d'appartements qui se juxtaposaient donc le party était pogné et on ne dérangeait personne ailleurs. On a bien rit et eu ben du fun. Je me suis couchée pas mal ronde et j’ai dormi un gros 4 heures. Winner comme je suis, j'avais comme oublié que j'avais prévu un trek le lendemain. ERREUR! Je pensais être malade ... read more
Soiree bien arosee
Mylene, Dominique et moi avec Port-au Prince a l'arriere
Les femmes locales qui portent tout sur leur tete

Central America Caribbean » Haiti » Petionville January 17th 2009

Sitting here in my mother's lofty Petion-Ville apartment with an unbeatable view of Port-au-Prince sprawled out in the valley below, I am amazed at how the last month has flown by in a blur of Christmas holidays, beach days, impromptu dinners and work excursions to the countryside. After finishing my last undergrad class in early December I flew down to Haiti with a huge snowstorm on my heels. Since then some of the highlights were spending Christmas day at the beach with my mom and a bevy of lovely old friends, washing down grilled lobster with rum punches and catching up on eachothers lives traveling with a Save the Children team of delegates to the remote mountain village of Baie D''Orange where children were starving to death in the wake of last fall''s four succesional hurricanes. ... read more
Temporary shelter
Mountain mother
Voodoo Rock

Hi so i guess ill write about this past weekend. which was one of my favorite experiences here in Haiti. A couple of us whent with "the brothers orphanage" on a rice feed about an hour out of port-au-prince. Peeople were told to sit in a line as we did prayer and leanrt a bible verse and sang a song after that We handed each person a bag of rice. it was an experience i'll never forget. each person ranged from enfants to grandmothers. After that we traveled back into port-au-prince and delivered more food supplies to other orphanages. ... i never really thought that an orpghanage wouldnt be able to support its own needs. the first one we visited was jsut a small dark building full of children, and the second was an abdoned bulding ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Haiti » Petionville February 25th 2008

heyy alright so plans for the weekend didnt exaclty go as planned but was def still a pretty good weekend. Myself and alison had hoped on doing the rice feed wiht another orphanage on sat but it ended up being cancelled at the last minute. so we didnt want to waste the day seenig as time here is runnig out :( we came back up the house and decided a bunch fo would "tap tap" up to the baptise mission, it was ltos of fun we whent for lunch..mmm good food, then did some more souvenier shopping then came home and watched movies for the rest fo the day..hehe today we all walked down to the grocery store got some choclate..mmm and then 5 of us hiked toteh waterfall that was pretty sweet. we climbed upto ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Haiti » Petionville February 20th 2008

well its been a while since i wrote last so i apolagize for that. ive been kind of lazy and now we only have a few hours wiht one computer for now 11 girls so computer time is less. we have 9 beds in our house and as of tomorw 11 girls....two are sleeping on the balcony This last weekend was pretty mellow, i whent down to the main house on saterday to work with one of my girls ( she is almost walking!), then sunday we all jsut hung around , whent tanning on the roof. dont worry i did not burn myface liek last time ive learnt that sunscreen is my new best friend!..hehe Ive had a few run ins with some giant cokraoches this week! there soo gross looking!. and they like to ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Haiti » Petionville February 8th 2008

heyy so another week here at GLA is coming to an end, time seems to be flying by. nothing over exciting has happend this week so far. We have learnt the walk between both buildings and have been walking down and up every day for some excersise! and let me tell you climing a mountain every day def is a work out..hehe. were getting to our kids alot better so its funner as they know us more and can be themselves. Plans for teh weekend so far are ummm i forget what we were thinkign fo doing on saterday possibly the rice run or shopping, but as for sunday i think were either gonna go hike to the waterfall or go try out the church here. As for next weekend though a couple of us are ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Haiti » Petionville February 3rd 2008

Bonswa alrighty so fri alison was feeling a bit ill still so i only took a couple kids in the toddler house. and man was that interesting they were kinda hyped up and one of my girls denise was pciking on her brother :(. after that i whent down to the main house and hung out with some of my babies. my twin boys are hilarious i think they jsut figured out they look alike cause they will stare at eachother for a bit then jsut crack up laughing its really cute!!, for the lsat hour of the work day on fridays we clean up the balcony and every single toy gets wiped down!! but it actaully only took like 20 mins cause there was so many of supper was hot dogs!! and french fries!!! ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Haiti » Petionville February 1st 2008

alrighty soo i guess nothing over exciting has happend the past two days...lets see weds morning like every monring we hang out with the kids at the toddler house till about noon. its kind of frustrating with them because there at the age where they cna talk but since we dont speak or understand to much of their lanugauge its hard to commincate there has been a few tempertantrums!! however since we are given a particualr group of children we can not spend all are time witht eh oterh kids, we have a play room which the kids are only aloud in with there volunteer (me & alison) we have to lock ourselves in because the other kids always try and come in so now they jsut stand outside the door crying and knocking it sucks ... read more

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