Blogs from San José, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 74


Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José December 24th 2006

Merry Christmas! Yes, I know I'm way behind on updating the blog, but remember I'm not a working stiff like you guys, so I try and stay away from the computer. Actually the few times I was in town and planned to do some updating the internet was down or really slow and photos take forever to upload in these fishing villages. On a side note, they really have internet cafes, I mean they serve coffee there, what a concept. Now I'm in Costa Rica, but flying to San Francisco tomorrow to spend Christmas with the fam. I had a free flight that I had to use or I was going to lose it. I'll be there probably about 2 weeks and then I'm planning to go to Australia. Nothing concrete right now, but will work ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José December 19th 2006

Well, the trip has finally winded down to a close here in San Jose. What a journey it´s been. I feel like I´ve seen more in the past ten weeks than I have my entire life. From the friendliness of the locals, the organic beauty of the landscapes, the mystique of the ancient traditions; the trip has been both completely satisfying and hugely surprising. Half of me never wants to leave. He wants to forget the plane ticket home, and move south through Panama, hop to Latin America and tour the continent. Stay in one city for a month, really get to know the place, the people, and the life. He wants to finish school, well, later. There´s so much to see, so many increadible places that are only imaginable through impassioned stories from fellow backpackers. ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José December 17th 2006

With more people than I could count, more food than I had seen this entire trip and sangria that flowed non stop, the fiesta at Rolando and Victor´s house (Alex´s brother and his friend) was a huge success. I believe the party was to mark the beginning of Christmas but I can´t be sure. I heard talk of more parties in the coming week at various family member´s homes and wished I could stay longer. They know how to have a lot of fun. They are wonderful people and very close and family is very important to all of them. Alex´s family seems to find a reason to celebrate everything, though I would guess it´s just their excuse for getting together. They love each other very much. The parents of this family did well to raise ... read more
Larry, Alex and Me

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José December 17th 2006

Thursday we played tourist in San Jose after Bill's dental appointment. (three fillings for $72). I'd been wanting to see the National Arts and Craft Street Market for some time but we just hadn't made it there. Thursday we finally did. The market is on 13th street between 2nd and Central Avenue, west of the Plaza de la Democracia. ticoartesanias You can find many of the same things you find in all the shops throughout the country but less expensive. For example, a wooden bread board made to hold a baguette was priced at 8,000 colones or $16 at the mercado, we've seen the same in La Fortuna selling for $80. T-shirts sell for $5.00 each and Callista found her miniatures for 500 colones or $1 each. We had a great day wandering around 'the city' ... read more
Lots to see
Bill browsing
Hand crafts

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José » Escazu November 29th 2006

Today we drove into Escazu after Bill's dental appointment in the nearby town of Pavas. We wanted to visit the EPA store, the Costa Rican Home Depot to get ideas for the new house. At EPA we ran into another woman we know from the San Ramon area who'd come into the city with two other couples to shop at EPA and our version of Price Club, Pricesmart. It's a small country. I got in trouble for taking pictures of the orchids in the garden center. I hope you appreciate the pics Mom. Luckily, Bill didn’t understand what the lady said so he wasn’t embarrassed. We left EPA shortly after my scolding and decided to find a place to eat. With all the traffic Bill was thrilled we decided on a hot dog stand we'd eaten ... read more
Main street Escazu
Christmas trees

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José November 28th 2006

So I made it ok to costa rica, after waiting an hour at the airport for the hostel to pick me up we got to the hostel located right in the city center. Although he hostel is really cool, I´m starting to hate being in the cities so I´m here only 2 nights and I´m headed off to the pacific to a place called Mal Pais. According to the locals here is a hippie spot and alot of potheads go there. I´m actually going out there to stay with someone for a few days. The hostel PANGEA is really cool, has a pool, a restaurant and bar, $1 beers after 8pm but most importantly when traveling is the free internet. Oh, and yes a free international call nightly for 10 minutes. Everyone I´ve met here so ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José November 27th 2006

The countdown has begun!!! countdown=2007011208 til we hop in the car and head for Calgary. We will be in touch soon. ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José November 27th 2006

Trial and error, I am attempting to get the countdown feature going. Here goes til we head south... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José November 25th 2006

Hi all.... SUPER DUPER LONG UPDATE ALERT!!! I have to do it though, since I've been slacking the last 3 weeks!! If you don't love me and are super lazy, just scroll down to the bottom and read the bold RECAP!!! I'll throw some pictures on mañana... I'm done with my trip... capped it off with bungee jumping off a 265-foot high bridge over a gorgeous Costa Rican river canyon (I have dvd of this!). I'm still here in Alajuela Costa Rica but leaving mañana (in the Mexican sense) to begin the return journey back north to Puerto Morelos. I'll be busing from capital city to capital city, spending 1 or 2 nights around but not in each, stopping over in places I missed along the way. I don't wish to remain in Puerto Morelos long ... read more
Granada from the cathedral
Granada with Mark
Granada -- Me at "El Club"

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José November 25th 2006

Ive made it back home to Costa Rica and will update you even if you dont want it, since I have free internet in San Jose. :) Well, what a mission! It started yesterday in Ecuador when I picked up my new passport (after the other one was stolen). My credit card hadnt arrived yet but they can send that to me in Costa Rica. Anyway, they were all doom and gloom at the South African consulate, telling me if I didnt go to Ecuador immigration to get my entry date stamped into my new passport, I would be fined $300 USD at airport immigration. Thats cool, I tracked down immigration early the next day (the day I was flying out) and managed to charm the officer into giving me a new stamp on the spot. ... read more

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