Blogs from San José, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 73


Finally pinpointed a time frame for our 8 week vacation (March 2 - April 27). We found a short-term rental in Santa Ana to call home while continuing to visit different areas in Costa Rica. Santa Ana is in the Central Valley which is very close to hospitals, schools, etc. We are definitely excited to start our adventure! ... read more

Today we fly home. We had the most increadible trip here. Our Tour Director Shirley was great, she was extreamly knowledgable, fun, spoke good english, and put up with me. Having never been on a tour before it would be had to judge, however among our 42 other members of our group (including many new friends) were quite a few world travelers. They told us that our group was an unusually good mix of people. we had some young college students and some retired professionals, a few of us working stiffs, and a few families. Everyone got along great and each and everyone contributed to the group to make it better. My personal thanks to each of you for your contribution to our fantastic trip. We are sorry to be leaving this beautiful country, however we ... read more

WOW. What an exciting and wonderful 10 days. We visited the Britt coffee plantation today and had a really fun and informative tour and presentation. Now we are back at our hotel in San Jose. Getting ready for our farewell dinner in 50 minutes. Christy is not feeling to good but well but is getting better. Wer will just be taking tomorrow to recover from vacation and then fly home on the 12th.... read more

I made to the Don Carlos in San Jose, exactly an hour after I arrived which is great. Unfortunetly I cant figure out how to use exclamation marks on this key board so add one at the end of that sent. The cab driver said I should get to the bus station at 5AM tommorrow. That s 2hours before it leaves and the bus station is in a so=so area. So Im going to go at 6 and cross my fingers there is a ticket to Golfito. I ll be back on-line next week, until them I will be in the Ngabe reserve near Punta Barco Costa Rica. Holly... read more

Following our five star experience in Tamarindo with friends, we were hurled back into the world of backpackerdom in route to San Jose. Gone were the nice beds, kitchen and fresh coffee and replaced with cold showers, bunk beds with two inch mattresses and day old coffee. The bonus was a complimentary wonderbread breakfast topped with something that resembled strawberry jam. Despite the attached photo with the clean and green sign surrounded by garbage, we found the city to be quite charming and clean. We managed to take in three city parks, the national costa rica museum, the university campus, the local mall and cinema, and city center with our few days there. Our plans to jump on the next Tica bus (luxury line) were foiled when we found out there was a 12 day ... read more
Costa Rica Street Games
War Statue
Gov Building

We ended up taking the bus into San Jose for the afternoon of the 2nd. The bus into town was pretty easy to navigate - we got on in front of the hotel and got off at the final stop (the famous "Coca Cola Bus Station" ) downtown. After heading the wrong way we finally got our bearings and set off to explore. Not much to say really. We found the city to be dirty, dull and crowded. A bus mishap on the return trip dropped us at the airport where we caught a taxi back to the hotel. After some relaxation at the pool I felt pretty ill and spent the rest of the night in bed. Wes braved commerce to bring back Subway sandwiches for dinner (maybe we were back in the US?). We ... read more
On the bus to San Jose
The National Theater
Even the Statues Have Graffitti

We made the trip up the mountain with our caravan tour group to see poas volcano. unfortunatilly for us the cloud forest which surrounds the volcano also prevented us from seeing the caldera. However we had a great time. Christy especially enjoyed seeing all of the plants. She keeps pointing out all of the HOUSE PLANT that are growing everwhere here. This was our first excursion with our tour group. it was one and a half ours bus ride each way to the volcano. most of is going slowly up a small raod into the mountains. Thw small communitys we drove through were much different from what we saw in San Jose yeaterday. Yeasterday Jan 2, Christy and I took a cab to downtown and visited the gold museum and walked through the central avenue shopping ... read more

We returned to the arts and crafts market yesterday while our friends were getting their drivers licenses. Well, actually while they were waiting in line after line to get their licenses. It was Ruth’s first visit to the market. She’s planning to return with hubby and his wallet before they leave the country in a few weeks. Mola prices were negotiable, $10 for 81/2 x 11 rectangles, saw more of these than the squares. More choices were available at the artesans market than at the souvenir shop in Atenas. I'm convinced the price is better here but as I wasn't purchasing so I didn't see the point in seeing how low I could get them to go. The market reminds me of border towns in Mexico. The streets where everyone is trying to call you into ... read more
Where to begin
Ruth browsing

Hey everyone Happy New Year from Costa Rica. We arrived safe and tired. Headed for a beer in a minute then dinner and an early night. hope everyone had a safe new year. Reid & Christy... read more

Well, our New Years Eve meal was magnificent. It was us, Antigone & Patrick (2 geologists from Vancouver - I was in Volcano fan heaven), Maggie Jo & Tony (from England) and a couple from Boise (and formerly San Diego). It was a 5 course meal. We started on the patio with vodka and latkes with creme fraiche and caviar (sorry Gab - they outdid you). Then to the table for vegetable and champagne sangria with assorted dim sum. Our next course was fish ceviche with a pinot grigio. Then our main course of turkey with tamarind glaze, potatoes and green beans accompanied by a great Argentinian red. Finally we had a sugar cookie with the best chocolate souffle I've ever had with vanilla ice cream plus champage for toasting as we watched the ball drop ... read more

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