Page 11 of greeblergoddess Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Japan April 28th 2006

Today turned out to be a busy day. We thought it would be more quiet, but we ended up doing a lot. We got an early start today, and went to the little train station. It took us to Gora, where we caught the cable car. It took us slowly up a steep hill, stopping a few times along the way. At the top we got onto the ropeway (it was a kind of big gondola that could carry 6-8 people). The views were beautiful and we were high up and going higher. We even got to see the top of Mt. Fuji! Though the rest was hidden by clouds. There is one place you pass by that is all barren, and all the sulfurous steam is pouring out from the mountain side. We switched to ... read more

Asia » Japan April 27th 2006

We woke up this morning to rain!! Luckily it didn't last that long - and the sun came out. We had American breakfast this morning at the hotel. It was okay - a nice change from the pastries in the morning. We walked back to the main area/river to pick up some sandwhiches for the train. Then we walked to the train station, and got on the train. The ride is so beautiful. I just love staring out the windows. We switched to a bullet train in Nagoya and had another 2 hour ride to Odawara. There we switched to a local train for a few stops, then got on a VERY local train that took us up the mountain very, very slowly. But the ride was gorgeous. So lush and green, and there was fog ... read more

Asia » Japan April 26th 2006

Today was a pretty low-key day. This morning we headed to the train station and took a bullet train to Nagoya. Then train was nice and super fast. In Nagoya we picked up some sandwhiches (pork cutlet, i think) and caught our train for Takayama. it was a nice train too - like a big airplane - lots of leg room! The ride was about 2 hours and 20 minutes. We rode through the mountains. It was really really beautiful. The train tracks run alongside a river that was this brilliant shade of green-blue. It was amazing. There were cherry blossom trees by the river at some parts, and it all was just very lovely. We got to our hotel, Hida Plaza Hotel, and then headed off to explore. We found the old streets that have ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto April 25th 2006

Today has been busy so far. We got up and traveled over to Fushimiinari-taisha. A shrine that has some 10,000 small torii in the woods. They seemed to go on forever - we didn't even follow them all. But it was really an incredible sight. Since it was morning, it was quiet and there were few people there. After we took the bus up to Kinkakuji temple (the Golden Pavillion). The temple is an impressive Gold, especially when the sun would hit it. On the way we stopped and had lunch in a little place between temples. I got some teriyaki chicken and it came with a good salad. We then walked over to Ryoan-ji Temple. It has a very famous zen rock garden. It was crowded, but nice. There are 15 rocks placed in such ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto April 24th 2006

We took the bus up to Ginkakuji temple (the Silver Pavillion). It was really pretty - it was up in the hills a bit - very lush and calm. We then walked down the Path of Philosophy to the other temples. The path was charming - very quaint, and there were still some cherry blossoms out. They are so pretty. We philosophized a bit. We passed by Eikando Temple, and stopped in quickly at Nanzenji temple. We went to Konchi-in temple, a much smaller one - so it was less crowded and quiter. There were nice garden's there - one was a rock garden. But part of it was under construction as well. We stopped in a little place to have lunch - we had to point to the plastic food to order. I got pork ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto April 23rd 2006

So we are in Kyoto. Nara was really a nice place. This morning I slept in until 8am again, and then we took a train to the outskirts of Nara to see two temples. The first one, Yakushi-ji was really big inside, but very nice. There was a main hall and two pagodas - an old one and a new one. Afterwards we walked about 10 minutes to the other one, Toshodai-ji. The main hall was under construction, but the area was lush and nice. They had a Buddha there too - but not so big ;) We had lunch at this place that served chicken and pork katsu (breaded). It was delicious. I'm glad we got to eat there. Reiko had told us how much she enjoyed having this when she comes home to Japan. ... read more
Yakushiji Temple (Nara)
Yakushiji Temple (Nara)

Asia » Japan April 22nd 2006

Today has been a very full day. I slept in until 8am! Almost a human hour to wake up ;) This morning we walked through Nara-Koen some more on the way to various temples and shrines. We saw Kofukuji temple and the five-story pagoda next to it. The pagodas are so pretty and iconic. Also around was a building called Nanendo. We walked for a long while until we reached Todaiji temple. There were a ton of tourists around -- they get brought in by the busloads. Todaiji is the home of the Daibutsuden Hall, where the giant Buddha lives. He was such an impressive statue. On either side of him were smaller statues. Really awe inspiring and peaceful. Right outside was a wooden statue of Binzuru -- who was a student of Buddha that mastered ... read more

Asia » Japan April 21st 2006

This morning I slept in until 6:30am. It felt good. Surprisingly I didn't hear Dad snoring at all last night. I hope the same will be true tonight. We got moving around 8:30am or so to go to Shitennoji - the oldest Buddhist temple. We had to navigate through the subway (changing lines and everything) and we didn't get lost once! I feel like a master of the metro system :) The temple was tucked away off the main street and it took us a few wrong places to get there. One was into a Japanese cemetary - very serene and beautiful. The temple was okay -- exciting because it was the first temple I saw, but not too impressive. Most of it looked restored, except for a portion in the back that looked incredibly old. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Osaka April 20th 2006

We had a busy day. After picking up coffee from Starbucks we got on a train to go to Osaka-jo. We got off a few stops early, but realized our mistake quickly, and got back on. We found the castle quickly and walked up the long way -- through the gardens and moats. We got to the top right at 9am, and there were a TON of students there. We went inside and got to go to the top and look out over Osaka. Very cool. The other floors had a lot of history of the castle and time period. One had these windows you looked in and they had holograms! (I think). The moving video of people were projected into these 3-D models/scenes. So awesome to watch. Afterwards we went to Tonnoji-Koen. On the way ... read more

Asia » Japan » Osaka April 20th 2006

Last night I was so tired I fell asleep before writing. oops. My 11.5 hour flight was slightly painful, but smooth, and I survived with very few complaints. I did much better than I thought I would. They fed us pretty well, and we had personal movie screens and seven movies to choose from. That helped. When we arrived we got through customs quickly, got our JR passes activated and jumped on a train to Osaka. The train ride took about an hour, and I was getting really tired - but it was great getting to watch out the windows at all the houses and buildings and people. At the stations there were always a place holding a ton of bicycles. I enjoyed seeing the school girls in their uniforms and all the business men in ... read more

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