Page 22 of gandt2000 Travel Blog Posts

Spent most of the day relaxing around the apartment and getting ready for our departure early tomorrow at 0445. When we hired the car, we were advised that if we paid in cash we could have a 5% discount. As the office was not going to be open when we got back there in the morning, we had to go back to the airport to pay this. This was also a good opportunity for us to find out exactly how to get back to the airport. Managed to get everything cleaned and packed back into the three suitcases and ready for our departure. ... read more

We have been given details of a place called ‘Paradise Cove’. Apparently, from there you can snorkel out to a remote island which we thought would be something nice to see. There is apparently much wild life in the sea around this area. We managed to negotiate the 20 mile route from our apartment to Paradise Cove without getting lost too many times. Our route took us over many bridges that joined tiny islands together and through many native Bahamas villages. We felt like we had seen the real island here. When we got there, we were disappointed to find that this was another of their attractions that does not really do much out of season. We drove back to the International Bazaar to see if it was any more alive today than it was when ... read more
International Bazaar

From early laast night, all through the night and today, we have had heavy hurricane type wind and rain. It shows how well everything is constructed here, as there are no fallen trees or houses. Never seen anything like it. We had a quick venture out for some urgent supplies, but other than that we were confined to the apartment for the day. There was a lot of cleaning up of dead leaves that had been blown to the ground, plus there were some repair men out repairing fallen cables, but other than that, there were not a lot of people out and about. As we did not want to get caught in the wind in the dark, we bought food to cook in the apartment for dinner. It made a nice change from the spicy ... read more

Got up this morning to find that it had been raining all night long. Temperature was still in the late twenties though. Unsure what to do, we decided to try out the local ‘Garden of the Groves’ park. We packed up the car with towels, trainers, socks and swimming suits as we were really not sure what to expect and what the weather was to bring today. As we got to the park, the heavens literally opened again. The rain is amazingly warm and not unpleasant. We parked the car and contemplated what to do. Then another car, exactly the same as the one that we had hired, pulled up alongside us. The four Americans inside the care all looked at us and shrugged their shoulders as if to say, what do we do now. They ... read more
Sodden duck
Feeding the ducks in the rain

We had been given details of the International Bazaar, including the perfume factory, by the complex on which we are staying. The bazaar is just around the corner from the supermarket that we visited on the first night here, so we know roughly where it is. Whilst driving there, we spot the Grand Bahamas port marked on the map. As we both like boats, and this is not too far from the bazaar, we decided to take a quick detour to look around the boats. At first it looked like we were not going to be able to get very close. The first place we looked was on the wrong side of the estuary. We continued down the road and came across another road sign posted to the port. This took us right down to the ... read more
Bahamas ship
Cruise ship
Balcony over the sea

It was very overcast when we got up this morning. We took a walk around the complex this morning and found out what facilities were available. The large swimming pool has a water slide, a swim up bar and a Jacuzzi. Whilst walking, it was trying to rain, but was just spitting, which was quite nice with the 29 degree temperatures. We visited the beach water sports hut as we were interested in having a jet ski out sometime during the week. The sea is a bright Blue and the sand is pure white. When looking at the map, we could see that our apartment was about half a mile away from Port Lucaya market place, so we set off this morning to see if we could get there. Unfortunately, there is a large expanse of ... read more
Large pool
Pool bar
Large lizard - about foot long

Another early morning so we could get all packed up and out of the apartment by the check out time of 10am. With all the bits that we have bought in Miami, we have had to use the suitcase we bought in addition to the ones we brought with us. We had planned to replace one of them with the new case. Managed to get everything packed in well within weight limits. Stopped off at Denny’s’ for traditional breakfast rather than buying it at the airport. Got to the airport with plenty of time and proceeded through a very smooth checking. The gate at Miami Airport today is right at the very end of the satellite. This is where American Airlines launch all their small plane Island hoppers. It was such a small plane, they could ... read more
Our home for the next week
Bahamas National Flag
It's sort of America over here

North America » United States » Florida » Deerfield Beach October 14th 2011

We were up early this morning. The complex has an onsite laundry so we did all our washing early so that we can have a suitcase full of clean close ready for the next leg of our journey. Not sure we will have the facility to do any proper washing for the next two weeks. Also don't know i what Internet access we will have either. We were originally planning to borrow a couple of push bikes this morning, but with the heat being about 30 degrees we decided a nice walk would be a better idea. We did a good few miles. Our apartment is on a slither of land that is not joined to mainland Florida. The slither is about 4 miles long by about 200 metres wide. Access to the Island is over ... read more
Drawbridge tower

North America » United States » Florida » Deerfield Beach October 13th 2011

On the way into Deerfield Park on Saturday, we noticed a sign for the butterfly park. Also, we had been given a discount ticket by the apartment owners. This morning we headed to the butterfly park, but were not expecting too much. We were very pleasantly surprised. There was an area where butterflies flew wild within a huge enclosure that you walk through. After this was a similar enclosure full of little birds. The next room had about 10 medium sized parrots. We were offered liquid food to eat them. What a great experience this was. See loaded photographs etc. It's been a nice 92 degrees for the past few days now. We were in the park for a good 3 hours this morning and would definitely recommend this to anyone visiting this area. Had a ... read more
White butterfly
Photo 8
Bananas for dinner

North America » United States » Florida » Deerfield Beach October 12th 2011

This morning we headed off early to the flea market. We found a great pickle store where the owners delighted in telling all about the history of their pickles. They gave us a free sample of a few of them. Met a New York customer of theirs who was very enthusiastic about these pickles and about two on sticks to eat now. We felt that after all that they had put into this, we should buy one of their pickles. We chose one and had it put in a bag for later. It cost us about 67 -cents – about 50 pence in the UK. We were in the flea market for about 3 hours this morning. Another well worth trip. When we were travelling back from the Everglades on Monday, George spotted a reptile shop. ... read more
Photo 4
Photo 3
Photo 5

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