The Chee Family


The Chee Family

What a wonderful world ....

A family who loves to get out of the "little red dot" once in a while to see the world...
Loves national parks rather than theme parks...
Enjoys treking rather than shopping...
Will not join packaged tour unless no choice...

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia November 25th 2007

We are making two trips this year-end. First trip: travel down under to Australia to visit some friends and drive around Western Australia. Second Trip: Macau-China-Hong Kong-Macau. 25.11.2007 : Perth We arrived in Perth early in the morning, around 7am, took the complimentary hotel shuttle to the hotel (Criterion Hotel) located in the city (Hay's Street). We were not able to check-in early as the hotel was fully booked. Having spent a few hours in the plane with hardly any sleep, we were too tired to do any sightseeing. So we headed to the Esplanade Park by the Swan River and lazed around. We saw many cyclists passing by the park in this beautiful Sunday morning. I tried some shots of the cyclist zooming past using the servo mode. The photos turned out pretty nice. 26.11.2007 ... read more
Two more cyclists

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Suzhou June 4th 2007

14:50抵达苏州汽车南站,叫了部出租车,到人民路的广场酒店。经过杭州的旅游经验,不敢再参加一日游了。苏州最著名的就是园林了,可是我们没兴趣看人造园景。以前读书时曾念过枫桥夜泊这首诗,这次来苏州主要就是去诗上所写的寒山寺及枫桥。我们也参观了盘门景区,看看春秋时期遗留下来的城门古迹。 My other blogs on the same trip: ... read more

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou June 3rd 2007

这次游杭州, 真的让我们尝到"To see more is to see less" 的滋味。 在上海-杭州的火车上,旅游公司就来向我们招生意,说什么一日游只要付20元车费及8个景点入门票(团票,较便宜),包括旅馆来回接送。我们想到时间不多,不妨参加一日游,可以看得更多。 一下火车,就把我们送去第一个景点-宋城,而且是插另一团(已经游了半天),给我们半小时。由于还没吃中饭,只好直奔仿宋的小吃街吃面。吃完面,时间也差不多了,结果什么也没看到。 游了宋城,就去参观著名的西湖龙井茶庄,听生产龙井茶的讲解,当然也免不了销售。 过后,就直奔灵隐寺。到了灵隐寺,我们也没进去寺庙,只在寺庙外的飞来峰走走。 “灵隐寺又称云林禅寺,始建于公元326年(东晋咸和元年),传为印度高僧慧理创建。至今已有1600多年历史。”( 当天最后一站游黄龙洞。 “黄龙洞在栖霞岭北麓,又名无门洞、飞龙洞。原称“护国仁王院”。宋淳右年间,传江西黄龙山和尚来此建寺行,忽一日黄龙随之飞来震地,山岩一处裂开似龙嘴,清泉从中喷涌,故称“黄龙潭”。原为佛寺道观所据,后辟为山林公园,以水池为中心,叠石点缀,亭台毗接,花木围绕,古树修篁掩映,山崖上方置雕塑巨型黄龙头,龙嘴中有清泉沥沥下泻。“( 我们在杭州下榻的新世纪酒店非常靠近西湖,大约走5分钟。趁天还没黑,我们赶紧到湖滨路西湖边走走。湖滨路就很像我们的东海岸,一边是水,另外一边是商店。对了,那里还有新加坡的百胜厨(PrimaTaste)。晚餐就在那里解决,叫了海南鸡饭的鸡和肉骨茶。水准跟新加坡不相上下。 第二天一早,明明说7:30在酒店楼下等。导游6:50就打电话来,说7:00来接我们。幸亏起得早,但也匆匆忙忙打点行李,准备退房,然后出游。这跟上次在北京的情形一样,下次不参加旅行团了 原本是要参观虎跑梦泉的,但导游说景点在修建,所以换去西湖的花港观鱼。对了... read more

Asia » China » Shanghai June 2nd 2007

上海给我的印象是。。。人很多,车很多,奇形怪状的摩天大楼很多,旧楼很多,吊秤车和建筑工地到处都是。5月31日晚上抵达上海浦东机场,下榻于天瞳路的新亚大酒店。天瞳路与苏州河平行, 酒店地点不错,集邮博物馆就在对街。 从酒店可以步行大约20分钟到外滩,沿途经过咋浦路,吃海鲜。也可以从酒店步行大约20分钟到南京路步行街及地铁站。不过,酒店处在比较旧的城区,虽然能看到上海繁华的背后,可是夜间行走也不免有点战战兢兢。 抵达上海的第二天,就前往离上海不远的水乡古镇朱家角玩了一天。第三天游上海。一早从酒店出发,沿天瞳路步行到外滩。途经有百多年历史横跨苏州河的外白渡桥,过了桥就是外滩了。在外滩黄浦江边欣赏对岸的陆家 咀金融区的高楼大厦。可惜雾气太重,看不到金茂大厦的屋顶。然后乘观光隧道列车过去浦东的滨江大道公园,近距离看看东方明珠,国际会议中心等等。过后又乘同样的观光隧道列车返回外滩,参观那各式各样欧陆风格的万国建筑,回顾上海昔日的风采。午餐后,续程步行到福州路的书城“采购”图书。中国的书真是太便宜了,种类也很多,只可惜都是中文的。傍晚,到咋浦路用晚餐,再到外滩去拍夜景。可惜天不作美,下起雨来,夜景拍得不好。不过,外滩那迷蒙的夜景,也蛮浪漫的。 第四天,在上海火车站乘搭火车到杭州。第五天从杭州乘搭大巴(coach) 到苏州。第六天,从苏州火车站乘搭电动火车和协号(车厢跟日本的新干线子弹火车一模一样)回上海,车程只37分钟。 回到上海,本来打算到豫园上海老街及新天地。可是想到那阻塞的交通和拥挤的地铁,便不想去了。我想,这就是自助旅行的好处,想去就去,不想去就不去。我们临时编排的行程(全步行)是这样的:新亚大酒店-逛南京路步行街,买些土产及手信给亲戚朋友-福州路上海书城“采购”更多的图书-新加坡CapitaLand开的莱佛士城用晚餐-外滩拍夜景。幸好,天气还算不错,没那么多雾,终于亲睹外滩非常漂亮,由五颜六色电灯编制的夜景,总算不虚此行。灯光下的那排万国建筑,也异常壮观。 第七天,早饭后到酒店旁的四川北路走走。四川北路虽然没有南京路繁华,但也商店林立,听说是平民购... read more

Asia » China » Shanghai June 1st 2007

抵达上海的第二天,星期五,本打算到周庄,因听说周末会很热闹。结果一大早不大不小的雨,连绵不不断,交通阻塞。乘巴士到达上海体育场的旅游集散中心,已经10点钟了。下一班到周庄的车要12:10发,只好放弃游游周庄,改游较近的朱家角。 其实,来之前已听说过周庄比较商业化,朱家角比较纯朴,心里也一直在想:因该去周庄好,还是去朱家角。看来老天是要我去朱家角了。 朱家角是上海保存完好的江南水乡古镇,早在1700多年前的三国时期就有村落集市,明代万历年间已成为繁华集镇。从上海搭乘旅游车到朱家角,大约一个多小时,票价12元人民币。到了朱家角,需要买入门票。我们买了60元人民币的票,可以参观好几个景点。 回程时,我们搭乘京申车回上海人民广场,票价9元人民币。 My other blogs on the same trip: Useful Links: 都市水乡朱家角 Zhujiajiao ... read more

North America » United States » Colorado April 12th 2007

I was in Colorado from 9 - 12 Apr 07 for a business trip. It was a whirlwind trip really. We flew direct from Singapore to Los Angeles, 14+ hours on Singapore Airlines' Airbus 340-500, which was the most comfortable flight I had as the plane comes with spacious seats and leg room (executive economy). After waiting for a couple of hours in LAX for our flight to Denver, we were told that the flight was cancelled. We spent the night at the Westin Airport hotel. We arrived in Denver noon the next day. There was a traffic jam from the Airport to Downtown, and we finally arrived at the Ramada Inn Downtown around half past two. We cancelled the meeting for the day and went Downtown. Because of the one-day delay, you can imagine how ... read more
Flowering Trees

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London January 27th 2007

We headed to St Paul Cathedral on our last day in London before catching our flight in the afternoon. ... read more
St Paul's Cathedral
St Paul's Cathedral
St Paul's Cathedral

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London January 26th 2007

The conference is over! We have a free day in London and had our programme all lined up. It was too early for the Changing of Guards ceremony at Buckingham Palace. So we went to St James Park. There was an old man feeding the squirrels. No wonder they are so fat. We waited outside the Palace gate for quite a while before the guards came marching in. The joke is that we did not even get to see the ceremony within the gate after the guards marched in. It was sooo crowded. Nevertheless, the music was nice, folk songs. After a long lunch at Hard Rock Cafe (we waited quite a while for the food), we went to The Tower of London. We have 50 mins to tour the tower before it closed and we ... read more
St James's Park
St James's Park
St James's Park

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London January 25th 2007

Viola! Today is the last day of the conference, and it ended at 3:30pm. A chance to go up for a ride in the London Eye before the sunset. Ticket for the ride : GPB 14.50. The ride was not very exciting really. May be because of the not-so-great visibility. I thought I can see Windsor Castle... The view from the top of St Paul Cathedral (see my other blog entry) seems to be better, and you can stay as long as you like... After the ride, we walked to Chinatown for roast duck. And guess what, I saw durians at one of the stores. ... read more
London Eye
London Eye
London Eye Capsule

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London January 24th 2007

I woke up this morning to a white London. Surprised, surprised, and thrilled as I thought it uncommon to snow in London. Later I learnt from Nian Nian that it was the first snow this winter. I also read in the papers that the two inches of snow was the most to hit the capital since 2003. Londoners might not like it, but for us, who live at the equator, we totally love it. We never had a chance to see snow in our country. ... read more
Windermere Hotel where we stayed
Children having fun on their way to school
Beautiful Coat of Snow on the Field

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