Page 22 of Xeaman Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 9th 2012

I went to look for the mated couple of froggies but I got distracted on the way to the location and decided to check on the mating F. marcussorum. They are still there and pretty busy laying pink eggs all around. I want to watch those eggs grow. Once in nudi world I decided to look for the froggie I saw last week but I found a pregnant seahorse instead. Small belly and very shy. I left him alone. Next to is I saw a small F. marcussorum with white tips that also had lay eggs. I didn't see its partner. Small belly and very shy. I left him alone. I headed north pass the wall by the columns looking "the tires" for tires and forund 3 but not my subjects or the markers I was ... read more
Very shy Pregnant seahorse
Pike Blenny
Banded Jawfish eye

North America » United States » Florida » Avon Park April 8th 2012

We didn’t dive because the viz ws around 5 ft. We all went for breakfast and headed home. Trip got cancelled. What I am going to do with myself for another week?... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 7th 2012

The find of the day was a couple of mated froggies. Bill found the mated couple but then he disappeared them so no one else can photograph them! The froggies haven’t been seen since then. Hey Bill: What did you do with them??? Did you eat them? This is the first time I saw the male going underneath the female and starting pushing her but she wasn’t ready instead she was jawing for camera around but mine. Judy and Diane found another pair around the dworfy area….and that info started a week of intense search for them….... read more
20120407 BHB1844
20120407 BHB1855
Male dworf frog fish

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 5th 2012

Last night I had a lot of expectations because of many reasons: I love night dives, I haven’t done the site in over 2 months, I knew the froggies are around and my buddies kept really busy last night dive they did. SK and I started the dive looking for that one sea Urchin that Susan M noticed it had a pregnant squat lobster. While looking for it SK found one of the F. Marcussorum on a shell stock to a seaurchin in the area that Susan M showed me an orange amphipod the Tuesday before. He brought it to me like a beautiful bucquet of flowers. The current was so strong in nudi world that was taking my setup and me like a flag. I burned 500 psi just getting there but we really wanted ... read more
Stripped Bumble bee

I went back to Lauderdale by the Sea to try to photograph the aquamarine spotted nudi we had found the previous Sunday. The tide was coming in and it was surgie and about 15 knots from SE. At the beginning of the dive I blew an o-ring and walked to the shop in my wetsuit. That was a pretty good sign right there. I know better than diving there in conditions like that. I tried anyway. I wanted a photo so bad. I found the area where the algae was but It was wiped dry by the current so who knows where the nudis went. :( I only found one yellow blenny with orange face and I dried up my bottle in like 1 hr and a half. And I had to ask a couple ... read more
Yellow blenny

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach April 3rd 2012

Jim and Susan Mears, Linda, Judy, SK and I got together for Linda’s second retirement celebration with a picnic before the dive. We got to quickly catch up and talk about what everyone was after. I wanted to find that yellow tiny froggie I saw the day before to take a good shot. Instead Linda showed me a tiny gorgeous nudi that I call purplellina. Susan M showed me a seaurchin full of squat lobsters and a cute orange amphipod sitting on a seaurchin. A couple of days after Susan said that those squat lobsters were pregnant. I looked through my photos and if she didn’t tell me I would have never noticed. Look carefully one of them has a big belly and you can see the black eyes of the babies inside the egg. Judy ... read more
Pregnant squat lobsters
 Mating Marcussorum
Feeding behavior

I went back to get a good portrait shot of the F. Marcussorum that I call “Purpullina” but I couldn’t find it. SK had mention the day before that one of the nudis was full of eggs and they might have laid them on the day that we didn’t dive the bridge. And they did!. I found the pink eggs but I could not find the nudibranchs. I was hoping that someone got a shot. And guess what? Linda did! I found a l dworf frog fish probably a male. Very shy and it did not like his photo taken. I also found a little nudi I haven’t seen before lay eggs from start to end and a funny orange amphipod spin around a hydroid. I wish I had video that day. It was a great ... read more
Pink eggs from F. Marcussorum
Super Tiny Nudi
Orange Amphipod

Deb sent an email out at 7 am on sunday pointing out that the ocean was like glass. What is that mean? Flat? or like a mirror? Really? hmmm …that is very unusual. (Don't ask me what I was doing on the computer at 7 am on a Sun!) Then she sent me the link to the webcam and that was it. All the original plans totally changed. We did 3 hr and a half searching for macro creatures. My first sight was a searobin. I have never seen one there. Good start. My favorite secretary bennies were everywhere. I love it when they make the crazy look. Deb showed me an orangy one and Steve a yellow one. I go crazy for those. I tried to get a shot of one of the 7 gorgonian ... read more
Aplysia Parvula
SEcretary Blenny

North America » United States » Florida » Riviera Beach March 31st 2012

Deb, Diane, Linda, Judy, Bob, Steve and I got together before the dive for lunch to celebrate a bunch of events at the same time: Linda’s Bday and retirement, Lureens Promotion and me being in town : ) . We had a yummy lunch and a good laugh. We were talking about “rare” subjects to see and times of the year that we see different ones. The spotted Bumble Bee was in the list…And what is the first thing I see? exactly that. I was happy jumping of my gear: Where is everyone? Is this the rare subject we were talking about? Wow today is my lucky day. I took a few shots before I called over Judy the closest dive buddy to me. I was laughing! I said to Steve I had seen one before ... read more
spotted bumble bee
Black Scorpion fish
Squat Lobster

North America » United States » Florida March 29th 2012

I didn’t blog this dive right after it so I forgot all the details. I can only remember by the photos what I saw and I would like to share them with you :)... read more
Pretty Hermit Crab
Squat lobster

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