Page 13 of TravelKraut Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Indonesia October 2nd 2012

Geo: -8.35032, 116.043Did some snorkeling after checking out of the room. Annic went back to Bali. Waited for my Komodo-Trip friends to arrive on the island. Got a new place to stay and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. In the evening we all went to get us some nice fresh caught fish (Tuna, Snapper, Mahi-Mahi) and enjoyed the evening by the beach and a spectacular big orange/yellow moon.Annic verliess die Gili's heute wieder und ich ging noch etwas Schnorcheln nachdem wir ausgecheckt hatten. Wartete auf meine Freunde vom Komodo-Trip, die heute auch nach Trawangan gekommen sind. Und fanden nach ein wenig Sucherei eine neue Bleibe. Ruhte mich am Nachmittag aus bevor wir dann am Abend alle gemeinsam frisch gefangenen Fisch (Tuna, Snapper, Mahi-Mahi) fuer's Abendessen aussuchten und am Strand den spektakulaeren orange/gelben Mond genossen. ... read more

Asia » Indonesia October 1st 2012

Geo: -8.35032, 116.043Took the early morning shuttle to Padang Bai to catch the boat to the Gili's, a group of small islands close to Lombok Island. Met Annic from Switzerland on the ride over and we decided to book a room together since they charge an arm and a leg for accommodation on the Gili's. But this way we got a nice one too! Enjoyed the afternoon sipping cocktails at the beach bar, cooled down in turquoise waters with excellent snorkeling spots and walked halfway around the tropical island. In the evening we had dinner & movie in town. It's quite popular around here to project movies in restaurants. We watched "Alice in Wonderland". Nahm den Bus nach Padang Bai um die erste Faehre zu den Gili's zu kriegen. Eine kleine Inselgruppe vor Lombok Island. Auf ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud September 30th 2012

Geo: -8.51927, 115.263Sooner or later it had to happen. Probably picked up some bacteria colony with last night's dinner. The stomach cramps started at 2AM, traveler's diarrhea. Around here also nicknamed "Bali Belly".Luckily i had the right pills with me. But the cramps still return from time to time. Got picked up by my driver in the morning and we headed straight to Ubud. First to the Monkey Forest Sanctuary, with free-range monkey rowdy's. Later i strolled through the lovely town with its endless art and crafts shops. From there we went to the famous rice terraces where we stopped for a scenic lunch.Next stop Kintamani Volcano in the north of Bali. It was surprisingly cool up there at the viewpoint. But the clouds prevented any good picture-taking. Drove back south to another temple visit. Before ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta September 29th 2012

Geo: -8.72412, 115.17Took care of the police report for the stolen camera. Bali's tourist police is surprisingly helpful. They would pretty much type up anything you want. Organized a driver for tomorrows tour to Bali's northern region and went to the beach. Besorgte mir einen Polizeireport wegen der gestohlenen Kamera. Bali's Touristenpolizei war ueberraschend nett und hilfsbereit. Die wuerden ziemlich alles tippen was man will. Organisierte einen Fahrer fuer die Tour in den Norden von Bali und ging zum Strand.... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta September 28th 2012

Geo: -8.72412, 115.17In the morning i went with the others to the airport in the hope to get a cheap flight back to Bali and got lucky :) Paid even less than for the flight to Flores. Back in Bali in the late afternoon. And relaxed at the pool. Am Morgen ging ich mit den anderen zum Flughafen in der Hoffnung heute noch nach Bali zurrueckzufliegen. Und hatte Glueck :) Zahlte sogar weniger als fuer den Flug hierher. Am spaeten Nachmittag war ich zurrueck in meinem Hotel und ruhte mich am Pool aus.... read more

Asia » Indonesia September 27th 2012

Geo: -8.67063, 119.572Traveling on an Arab-style boat and landing on an island with dragons lets you feel a bit like Sinbad... ;) Or discovering Jurassic Park. We are at the heart of the National Park, Komodo Island!Early in the morning we were witness to another spectacle of 'Flying Foxes' returning from their night hunt. After breakfast we anchored at the Komodo Village from where all trails start. While on the island we were lucky again and saw about 6 Komodo Dragons on our hike. Quite exciting again! Early afternoon we started to make our long way back to Flores stopping at Manta Point in the middle of the sea to snorkel for Manta Rays. But we "only" saw one. Late in the afternoon we were back in Labuan Bajo on Flores. At first we couldn't find ... read more

Asia » Indonesia September 26th 2012

Geo: -8.67063, 119.572Wake up at the first beam of sunlight. Today we went dragon hunting. Komodo Dragons! Reminiscences of dinosaurs. One bite and the bacteria in their saliva give you 24 hours before they eat you alive. Something that happened to our guide on Rinca Island (our first destination and kind of 'The Lost World') about 3 months ago while taking another tour group on a hike. That's how he made it on the list next to the visitor center where the Komodo dragon attacks are divided into 'Survived' and 'Dead On Site'. Accordingly our small band of bravehearts went into the jungle with mixed feelings. And it didn't help when we were told there are also deadly Green Tree Vipers and Cobra's to be found on this island. Apart from the venomous crabs in the ... read more

Asia » Indonesia September 25th 2012

Geo: -8.67063, 119.572Took a flight in a small TurboProp of the brand new airline Lion Air to Labuan Bajo, Tenggara also known as Flores. On the way to the harbor i briefly let the Taxi driver stop at the supermarket to get some stuff when he got some stuff back up-camera! Which i left in my big backpack. Should have put it in my small backpack i always carry with me. Damnit! Didn't realize it until way out on the ocean. Negotiations at the harbor to find a boat for myself were rather tiring. They either were too expensive (US$250) or the captains didn't "feel" like to go out to sea. Then 5 other travelers showed up and we teamed up to get a better deal. After one more hour of back and forth we ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta September 24th 2012

Geo: -8.72412, 115.17Today was tough ;) Slept in, enjoyed a nice Indonesian lunch, got a massage, went to the beach and had some Bali Hai beers and a cocktails chatting with fellow travelers. (And all this because the flights to Flores were booked out for today)Heute war ein harter Tag ;) Schlief aus, genoss ein leckeres indonesisches Fruehstueck, hatte eine Massage, ging zum Strand und trank ein paar kuehle Bali Hai Bier und Cocktails mit anderen Reisenden. (Und das alles nur weil die Fluege nach Flores fuer heute ausgebucht waren)... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta September 23rd 2012

Geo: -8.72412, 115.17Bali. First time in almost 2 months that i have a room for myself again. Needless to say i slept great :) ShoppingDay. What better spot than Kuta?! ;) First i looked around for tours to Komodo but realized it's actually better to find a flight to Flores first and book the tour from there. Then i bought replacement swim shorts for the ones which got stolen in the Whitsundays. Half prize compared to Australia. To my surprise, the biggest challenge was to find an alarm clock. (since Apple broke my iPod) What do Balinese wake up to??? Finally found some in the local department store. But they wanted US$35! No way! So i ventured into the side street stores and a guy who tried to sell me T-shirts went home to get me ... read more

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