Staci and Martin's Guestbook

15th September 2009

Seattle weather still pretty much the same as you left it over a month ago...think it would be cooler by now? nah. at this rate fall will be during winter time, and maybe we'll just skip over winter this year (unlike last year). Yup, there is no "Seattle" weather anymore, it can't make up is mind.
15th September 2009

haha, I find what your dad said pretty funny :) but i can see how people staring all the time, expecting you to do things that you just aren't going to do, etc be super annoying after awhile. comes with being in a bigger city (when you're in the city), and a whole other culture. may be annoying, but i can see you adjusting to it more and more, i think the good times you're having shall make up for it! love you!!!
From Blog: A Letter
15th September 2009

Martin you will LOVE his speach, I'm not huge on politics, but this is such a big topic, even I sat glued to the TV watching. Now I just hope everything he says will actually come true :)
15th September 2009

Wow, Staci...just wow! You are so right, life does goes on whether you are there to witness it or not. The balance/struggle/juggle of knowing that is hard...on both sides of the mirror...for friends/family not with you for a year and for you because you are so far away. Extra effort has to be made on both parts to keep the puzzle pieces in sync...and adjusting at the same pace...if that's what both parties want. Much like the dance of marriage that's a balancing act each day! So, enjoy the homesickness to a degree...cause that means those are the ones you truly miss and will fit back in their puzzle so neatly when you return...cause while life goes on, you and Martin, the missing pieces, have left a void in all our lives...but at the same time we are happy that you are getting to experience things we've never dreamed of or though possible because of other choices we've made in life! Know that your experience...good and bad...will all be wonderful memories that you will carry throughout your lives! I am so glad we are coming to visit you and experience only a very small portion of what you guys are learning/living each day as you go on this amazing journey you have chosen. We love you!
From Blog: Homesickness?
14th September 2009

Love you attitude about the weather Staci...after is what it is...and you just find a way to deal with it. Except for being least you're not cold! Hunker down and stay safe!
13th September 2009

Oh Martin, so so funny...
From Blog: Teacher's Day
13th September 2009

HMM mexican food
We didn't know that the boat was the "Sea World" until now, how lame, China steals our name then makes it something not so cool. We wish we could have made it but now we have high speed internet. Don't worry Freegate doesn't work any faster. UGH!!! See you Wednesday and enjoy your time off.
13th September 2009

You sure know how to make us smile.
As soon as I read the part about having to sing Matt started laughing, everytime that night starts to fade in my mind I am reminded of the awesomeness of Martin and Mariah together forever. Martin-you'll always be my baby. Doot a doot.
From Blog: Teacher's Day
12th September 2009

hang in there
Love your blog story honey---you'll survive being a feminist as long as they don't try to bind your feet~~~love you DIL--my FAV DIL and CUTEST that is, love, mamaC
12th September 2009

sounds like a wonderful end to a hectic week for you guys...and you will find yourself busier than you think Staci...even if it's just catching up on reading and/or sleeping! Now's the perfect time to learn how to knit...with the "nowism" of your should be able to produce some fun things to give as gifts! Love you.
12th September 2009

Let me clarify a few things. :) 1) We live by the airport in Bao'an. Very remote. However, I meant mostly that there have been foreign teachers here in the past- and there are foreign teachers at a school right behind ours, so there ARE other white people in the area. 2) We fully understand it's not like home, and don't expect it to be. 3) Rage moments are few and far between for us, but gotta vent. :)
From Blog: A Letter
12th September 2009

Howling with impathy...
I read this last night and died laughing. I remember last year when I was new how angry I would get. Sometimes I'd stay in my foodless dorm room and eat crackers for dinner because I couldn't stomach the thought of going outside. I got used to it though. It's important to remember that 1) yes, there are other foreigners here, but 10,000 foreigners in a city of 13 to 16 million is barely a drop in the bucket 2) most people in Shenzhen are not from Shenzhen. This is a migrant city. Many from those remote villages your mom mentioned where they never ever see Whitey. and most importantly 3) This is not and never will be like home. If you try to look at China as just different instead of better or worse than, you'll be a lot saner at the end of your contracted time. It's okay to have a China rage moment here and there. Lord knows I still get them. But don't let it ruin your time here. Living in China is completely awesome.
From Blog: A Letter
12th September 2009

Well, it definitely can't hurt Martin...but then again, maybe you should just eat the salted eggs that were in the mooncakes you guys received as well...those have to have some medicinal purpose! Wish I had gotten to hear you sing Billie Jean and do the moonwalk on your sprained ankle...definitely an actor!
From Blog: Teacher's Day
12th September 2009

Little did you know, Martin, that your avid interest in acting would be put into practice in China. I was amused at everything you came up with. I hope the Chinese pills help your throat. What a help it is for you to be able to check things out through internet. We send our love and will be thinking of you on your birthday.
From Blog: Teacher's Day
11th September 2009

Much more than an apple for you!
A hilarious rendition once again of your special teacher's day! I would love to see the twiol and moon dancing you did! You are certainly providing them with a lot of entertainment and making memories for them as well as you that will last forever! I'm going to show Sonia the pic of the box--she'll know about it too. I hope it helps you. I'm glad to hear you are into your relm there Martin---here's to more joy and laughter, mama
From Blog: Teacher's Day
11th September 2009

Attention on...someone else please, anyone else please...maybe the honking bus, or taxi, or that person running across the road. I totally understand would be different if you were on a very remote location where the natives NEVER EVER saw anyone else of any race...but that 's not the case here. Just let them stare...after all, you are the most beautiful thing they have ever seen!
From Blog: A Letter
11th September 2009

I love you Stac!! You have the uncanny ability to crack me up and make me think deeply at the same time :) Lots of hugs to you two, and I promise I will only make you take a few pictures with me when you get home!
From Blog: A Letter
11th September 2009

Funny that you would say this- as I almost wrote "for once in my life, I don't want all the attention on me!" :)
From Blog: A Letter
11th September 2009

What - No Attention on Staci? I get it. There is a line that has been crossed and it seems to be too much attention on Staci. It'll be fun to experience it first hand because I think your threshold for enjoying attention may well be lower than mine after all. I'm looking forward to it!
From Blog: A Letter
11th September 2009

Hi Staci, here are some hugs for you! We experienced things like you are experiencing while we lived abroad, and we looked like the locals (except for Aaron's white hair-when we were in Portugal everyone rubbed his head EVERYWHERE we went). It is frustrating. People cannot fathom a world beyond their world. You are having an amazing experience. If I could send you red vines I would. They always make me feel better. HUG HUG HUG Love, Sue
From Blog: A Letter
10th September 2009

"Not to get political"
Your blogs are very interesting. We appreciate your concern about health care reform and understand the need. Many questions arise about the way to pay for all of it. If you will forgive your old grandmother for pointing out a mistake in grammar in your blog. You said, "Many students have come up to Staci and I. . ." You would not say, Many students have come up to I, so the proper grammar would be "Many students have come up to Staci and me. . ." I guess I have always been a stickler for proper usage regarding grammar. I had a super teacher in 6th and 7th grades who required us to learn how to diagram sentences, etc., so I had a good background. We send our love. Grandma
10th September 2009

I can't wait to have that feeling of missing China, these past few days have been horrible in Long gang. I just keep asking myself "How much can we really take as human beings" thank god our bodies can cry to relieve itself.
From Blog: Home.
10th September 2009

yes we can
I love your passion Martin and keep up the good fight for health care for all and your compassion for seeing it thru. love, mama
10th September 2009

I was totally impressed by the speech Martin...I sat glued to the TV...thanks to a reminder call from Noel on the road. I had totally forgotten the speech was today! Let's hope that all of Congress agrees with President Obama and gets this bill passed so all of Americans will/can have health insurance. Now, go out there and have a wonderful Teacher's Day in China!
9th September 2009

your entry is amazing Staci and brought tears to my described life so beautifully...and it's so heartwarming to hear that you have reached this feeling/understanding on your own and now feel so safe and comfortable in your newest home. You are right...home is definitely where your family is...and by having Martin there to enjoy this experience with have all that you need to make it your home. How wonderful that you kept your thoughts on returning to Bellingham and Issaquah...always good to go back and relive some of the memories in the places that are comfortable to you in your life...and even nicer to know that you are expanding those boundries to places you would never have imagined.
From Blog: Home.

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