Staci and Martin's Guestbook

28th July 2010

Welcome Home
If you ever get that glazed over look about China stories you know who to Skype or chat as I never get sick of them. Wow how life has changed in one year as Aug 2nd is quickly approaching.
From Blog: "Home"
2nd July 2010

You say it BEST
Amazing, you said it best. Living in China is truly an AWESOME experience no matter how hard it got or how much we hated our photos being taken because we were white. It was all worth it.
From Blog: This is it
1st July 2010

After reading this entry, I was like the ending of the most wonderful novel that I've ever read! But I personally know the people involved...and was able to visit with them for a brief time during this wonderful journey they completed. While we parents worried so much about you before you left, we all have seen how much you have grown over the past 11 months. You are coming home to us, still as our children, but also as world travelers who have successfully done and seen more in your 11 months in China than most people will EVER experience in their lives! This blog definitely needs to be printed and bound...something that you will always have to share with your kids someday or so you two can pull it out once a year and relive your time in China! Glad that your last day in Mainland China was filled with your favorite things! I know that goodbyes are hard no matter when you say maybe you should just say "farewell for now China" instead of goodbye! We will all be waiting here at home with open arms, open hearts, open minds, so thankful you had the chance to live in China and so thankful that we are all a bit smarter and wiser about our neighbors there! Thanks for opening up our worlds a lot more than ever! We love you both! Safe travels!!
From Blog: This is it
1st July 2010

hugs to china and to you both
i'm so happy that you guys made such good friends with china and everyone around you there. it truely sounds like an amazing experience and am very glad you both got the chance to enjoy it. and you know that i am VERY happy that you will be home in a matter of days, everyone in the US of A is waiting with open arms to hug you both! love you!!
From Blog: This is it
1st July 2010

welcome home
i'm so glad you're coming home, but it sounds like everything that china has given you is irreplacible! Travel safe friends! love ya!
From Blog: This is it
1st July 2010

I want more
I am going to miss reading your blog. I can't believe your time in Asia is over! But don't worry, I'll be sure to pepper you with questions around Xmas next year when I start planning my Spring Festival travels. Good luck to you both!!!
From Blog: A week in Bali
29th June 2010

dad's favorite poem came to mind as soon as I finished reading this...definitely the choice you and Martin made to be in China for the year is the best example ever of this poem...and now you are at another crossroads in your life...grab onto all that life offers you for sure...and live and love it! Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth. Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same. And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
From Blog: A week in Bali
26th June 2010

Can't wait for the no stares and to hear English ALL around me.
21st June 2010

10 USD is pretty darn good for toy story in 3D! well maybe not by SE Asia standards...but for US, you got a deal! We paid $14.50/each for it in 3D here Friday night, but I agree, sooooo worth it!! :) glad you're having such a good time love, now post pics! i'm not demanding at all...
From Blog: Malacca/Melaka
20th June 2010

Folks have written highly of Red Palm hostel. Glad you chose it for your KL stay.
20th June 2010

I've read folks writing completely different views from yours. It all depends on how one views things - half full or half empty. :)
From Blog: Malacca/Melaka
19th June 2010

I am glad to hear you enjoyed Malaysia as I have heard mixed reactions to it. Hope you are enjoying Singapore.
From Blog: Malacca/Melaka
19th June 2010

another successful day...I do see another time in your lives where SE Asia will tempt you to return!
From Blog: Malacca/Melaka
19th June 2010

sounds like another amazing journey! How cute that you wanted to buy his things just because he called you beauty! Definitely better than "just looking" although I really like that one myself!
14th June 2010

I love that you guys adapted so well and have had such an amazing experience! All those kinds of trust are not easy to come by, and I'm sure we could all learn from your life lessons that you've expereinced! Teach me the patience portion!! :)
From Blog: Trust
11th June 2010

This is one of the most insightful things I've read in a long time and so true. You really do have to learn to trust people you otherwise never would, and not just with small things, but big things too. Letting go of the control like that can be really hard, and some people never adjust. Kudos to the both of you!
From Blog: Trust
11th June 2010 of the hardest things to give someone...and one of the hardest things to regain once it's two have handled it all amazingly well during your time in China...and because of it, you have grown so much in your relationship and in your knowledge of people and the world around you!
From Blog: Trust
3rd June 2010

So many memories
year of china, travel, lots of close times and of course 6 seasons of Lost. See you Tuesday.
3rd June 2010

While we were afraid for you to start this adventure, we are now sad along with you that it is over...for now! What a wonderful year you have experienced and in your doing so, we have grown and experienced it along with you! Your students are so friendly and welcoming and you were indeed assigned to a wonderful school! Your contact teachers and friends you have made over the year have added much to your lives!
18th May 2010

Good byes
Sometimes I just want to copy and paste your blog as you just say it so easily and we have 2 different followers. Thanks for hanging out this past weekend in HK, as always we had a great time.
11th May 2010

It's nearly the end?
I will miss your blogs. I have enjoyed following your life in China.
11th May 2010

and while you can compile those lists on paper...they will be the most legible on your hearts and forever in your minds! What a wonderful experience you have much as we all worried for you both when you first told us about your upcoming adventure! So glad that all worked out so well for you both and that dad, Debi and I got to experience just a tiny portion of your life there.
11th May 2010

You hit the nail on the head. There is no way to really explain it. It's not just quantitative things you'll miss, there are emotional things as well. And those can be impossible to put in to words, especially when talking to someone who's never been to China or has never lived abroad. What I found most amazing last summer was how much my lifestyle had changed without my realizing it. The period of adjustment back to life in the US just feels weird and surreal at the same time.
11th May 2010

This time of the year carries mixed emotions as we are excited to go back to the easy way of life(grocery shopping, eating out, no stareing) but it also comes with sadness of leaving behind the great friends we have made. We will stay in touch but not seeing each other randomly throughtout the week and on the weekends.
11th May 2010

Lifelong Experience and memories made
Wise words DiL!!! I know it'll be hard to translate all you'ver experienced, but I will be eager to hear anything and try to "feel" some of your time there. I always knew it was longer than nine months but didn't want to sound whiney ha ha. After all I and so happy for the both of you to have made this journey together, to have grown closer together thru it all, to have made such likelong friends and to have had the opportunity to experience a culture so unlike our western ones. But can't wait to hug you both, xoxomamamc

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