Page 18 of Kathy Watson Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Washington » Anacortes September 12th 2017

blog 09-12-17 Orchas ! It was up and out early today to catch the whale watching boat out of Anacordes to the San Juan Islands to see if we could find the Orchas that feed here. We were on the newest ship of their fleet a catamaran that could hold 130 people and travel at 25 knots. There are 3 floors, the main floor with padded seats and tables, the second deck with some inside seating and outside seating and the third deck with metal seats and a top for shade but no sides. All the decks had walk around viewing areas with great viewing from almost anywhere. Our departure time was 11 am and we were pretty close. The ship slipped out of the harbor and between the islands and we were on our adventure. ... read more
harbor in Anacordes
millionaires row
harbor seal or sausage seals

North America » United States » Washington » Anacortes September 11th 2017

Blog 09-11-17 Anacortes, WA Somewhere in this town there had to be a car wash, a laundromat, and cell service. We are right between La Conner and Anacortes so we have to go to either town to get coverage. Anacortes was our first choice because it is bigger and our chances of having what we wanted were better. As we drove along the highway I spotted a snowcapped mountain in the distance to our east and I thought it was Mt Baker but wasn't sure. There was a park in town that was up high and served as a lookout point and from there you could see everything. On one side of the rock you could see the whole of Anacortes with it's substantial marina and on the other side the sound with all it's ships ... read more
the marina from the lookout rock
Ginnie enjoying the view
oil refinery with the cascades in the background

North America » United States » Washington » Anacortes September 10th 2017

Blog 09-19-17 La Conner, WA Boy are we getting good at breaking camp. After 4 days in Leavenworth there was no preperation the night before to pack up so in the morning we had it all to do. But we have gotten efficient doing the tasks at hand and before you knew it the dogs were walked and there was nothing else to do but drive away. The night before we had decided to take Rt 2 across the Cascades instead of driving way out of our way to take the interstate. I had talked to a local person the night before and she assured me that trucks take Rt 2 all the time with no problems especially with no snow in the forecast. So off we went and the scenery knocked our socks off. Some ... read more
cascade HWY

North America » United States » Washington » Leavenworth September 9th 2017

blog 9-09-17 Two days in Leavenworth We were very lazy Friday morning and just sat outside after walking the dogs and enjoyed the mountains. We are not high in altitude but up from the city of Leavenworth in peaky mountains covered with beautiful pine trees. I did take some pictures to try to show how it looks here but the smoke is bad in spots so it doesn't show up well. Leavenworth is a quaint little Bavarian town and the mountains make it look like we are in the alps. By afternoon we had a little energy so we headed to a small town about 40 min from here to visit a candy factory that was a favorite for Ginnie when she was a kid. We took a tour and after having a few samples we ... read more
the candy factory, still packed by hand
the packaging
boxes waiting for harvest

North America » United States » Washington » Leavenworth September 7th 2017

blog 09-07-17 Leavenworth, WA On the road by 9:30 heading west on I-90. Our night was surprisingly restful despite the traffic and sirens. There was traffic through Spokane but not bad and we saw 4 Walmarts which made Ginnie say "Here they all are, not where we want them". The road took us over the Columbia River, starting to look impressive but about half as large as it will be later. We exited onto Rt 2 which runs west but a little north of 90 and is a 2 lane 60 mph highway through wheat fields that would rival Kansas. Some of the wheat was still standing but much had been harvested and the fields resembled a little blond boy with his crew cut for school. It was over 60 miles of the same view, rolling ... read more
one of the barns along the way
a farm house
harvesting wheat, never ending job

North America » United States » Idaho » Coeur d'Alene September 6th 2017

blog 09-06-17 Two days together I am trying to catch up so you all know where we are and that we are safe from all the fires. The decision had been made several days ago not to go to Glacier because of the fires and the very bad air quality. How can you enjoy yourself in all that smoke and that is what this trip is about, enjoying ourselves. I am sorry Ginnie has to miss Glacier this trip but it gives her a reason to come back. We spent an extra day in Gardner and caught up on laundry and we even cleaned the camper. There was so much dirt and dust inside we didn't recognize the place when we finished. The next day we went to Deer Lodge, MT and stayed at a KOA ... read more
on the way to Livingston
Clarks Fork from the campground
ranch sign

blog 09-03-17 Yellowstone Falls Our destination today was Yellowstone Falls so we tried to get an earlier start, didn't happen. The entrance to the park was about 10:45 and we took the east route toward Tower and eventually Canyon. The road twisted and turned, up and up passing magnificent views of mountains in the not so far distance and beautiful meadows. Unfortunately the wild life had gone to bed for the day and refused to show themselves. The temperature was warm again so I don't really blame them. As we drove higher and higher we noticed traffic ahead and thought OH Good we'll see some animals. Not to be. The traffic was stopped with people out of their cars walking around and looking ahead. We had passed an ambulance earlier coming the other way but didn't ... read more
Yellowstone canyon
this tree hanging on for dear life
capturing the falls

09-02-17 Old Faithful Out about 10 and we drove for 2 hrs to get to Old Faithful. There was construction and lots of traffic, who would have thought there would be traffic on Labor Day Weekend! When I made the plans for this trip I just didn't think about it being Labor Day won't make that mistake again. It took us 15 min. to get through the gate then along the way every attraction had " full" signs at the entrance to their parking lots. Our destination was Old Faithful, the most popular attraction in the park, so I was nervous what mess we would find. There was some traffic but we managed to find a parking place and found out that we had 45 min to the next scheduled eruption, give or take. There was ... read more
our raven friend at Old Faithful
it's starting
it's getting higher

North America » United States » Montana » Gardiner September 1st 2017

blog 09-01-17 Moving to Yellowstone Friday morning we were all packed up and ready to travel by 10 am, we're getting good at this. North on 191 we entered Yellowstone and proceeded north to West Thumb. There was construction in this section so we sat and waited for the southbound traffic to be escorted past us then it was our turn for the pilot truck to escort us north. At West Thumb we traveled east along the shore of Yellowstone Lake so we got a good view of it and enjoyed the scenery. At Canyon we headed west to Norris then north to Mammoth where again there was construction on the road that took it back to it's basics. We had 3 inches on each side of the motor home to travel through this section and ... read more
traffic jam for construction
small part to Yellowstone Lake
recent forest fire

North America » United States » Wyoming » Moran August 31st 2017

blog 08-31-17 Day of Rest We really needed it. We have been on the go for a long time and I think it just caught up with us. We both were tired so were the dogs so we just layed around most of the day doing odd and ends. Ginnie used the grinder on her dogs toes nails, and read her book. I took a walk to the river with Watson with all my gear, camera, lenses, chair, rain coat and water. I had fun watching the world go by and a great blue heron caught my attention for a while. He was standing on dead tree roots and he blended in perfectly. The river is beautiful as clear as it can be with different colored rocks on the bottom. The flowers were abundant and just ... read more
they rent cabins too
our yard
Ginnie has got to be bringing something good!

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