Blogs from Krabi, South-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 16


Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi January 13th 2011

Another update, thought I would get all up to date whilst the weather is really bad outside! Left Koh Tao on Tuesday 11th and made our way to the pier to catch the catamaran to Krabi. Everything went fine although I had some really horrible man sitting next to me who kept playing with his false teeth! We had to stop in Koh Phanghan and change to another catamaran to take us to Suratthani. We arrived there around half past one and were collected by a nice looking coach with leather seats and modern air conditioning. Things we going very well, and me and Han were beginning to drop off to sleep as we had what we thought was a three hour drive ahead of us, until the coach pulled up on some highway and passengers ... read more
Hannah Snorkeling
Uh oh!
The Longtail boats

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi January 13th 2011

Jan 11th - arrive at Krabi What one must realise about Thai time is that is is very different from our time. I don't mean they are 7 hours ahead, I mean when they say '3 hours' it could be 5. Or 6. Where we may give or take 10 minutes, they'll give or take 5 hours. And so went our journey to Krabi. 800 bhat for a catamaran to the mainland and air con coach to Krabi, leave at 9.30, arrive at 5.30 - SWEET. Money paid. The journey went as palnned fr around... an hour! Got on the catamaran only to be thrown off in Koh Phangnan! Got on another Catamaran - which I am sure shouldn't still be in use, not unless it was in a museum - and got to Suratthani. Fine, ... read more
4 island boat trip
On the long tail boat
First Island stop

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi January 10th 2011

24/12/2010 - 26/12/2010 From Kanchanaburi I was forced to go to BK again to sort some financial things out. Long story but it ended up with my two visa cards blocked. With big help of the mother back home I was able to leave BK (again no sightseeing) an got on the bus to Krabi. I wanted to try out the rockclimbing, for which the nearby beaches Ton Sai and Railey beach are famous, and see my friend, Irene, again who I met back in Vietnama nd who's an addict to rockclimbing.. On the way I met a nice Dutch/Swedisch couple and a Swiss girl, Carine. We got 2 chilling bungalows at Ton Sai beach. First night we all went out for a good dinner and some beers.. I really liked the place: very relaxing atmosphere, ... read more
Railey from view point
sunset at Ton sai

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi January 5th 2011

Lucky for me, because I'm tired, but unfortunately for you, because it's boring, day 4 was largely uneventful. It was Saturday and we needed to fly from Bangkok to Krabi. Krabi and Phuket are the two cities you can fly into to visit the southern islands. They are about 12-14 hours by bus and clearly we did not have extra time on our hands this trip. So we flew :) We took a taxi from Khaosan to the Bangkok airport early Saturday morning. We passed the large place where the King lives. Our taxi driver pointed it out and added how much he, and all the people of Thailand, love and respect their King. We heard that a lot while we were there. At the airport there was a huge shrine to him. The flight to ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi December 30th 2010

Well our final week in Krabi was a very relaxed and chilled affair. We spent most of the days either relaxing on the beach or at the guesthouse and we never did make it to the elusive Tiger Cave Temple!! Having been here five weeks it was always going to be hard to say goodbye to Krabi in order to get on the bus back to Bangkok before heading on a plane to Bali. As soon as we booked the bus and the staff at good dreams worked out we weren’t going to be staying ‘ just one more week’ they made plans for us. Wednesday night we went around to Chilling bar where Noi also worked. They had arranged for another of good dreams guests - John- to DJ at Chilling for the night. We ... read more
New friends
new friends
a good night

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi December 22nd 2010

Still recovering from our weekend with Kate we headed down to Krabi town for 2 nights, on the Andaman coast - this time only a short 15 hour overnight bus, a breeze! Being totally honest there isn’t much in Krabi to report on – it’s just a sleepy little Thai town that’s pretty much a stepping point for going on to the Thai islands down here. But we did find a cool wee hostel that was ideal for us backpackers to chill out in - they did the best burgers in town and even put on a film each night for us to lounge to (felt like a bit of home comfort!) Krabi gave us a couple of days to relax and look into booking the next legs of our trip which we have been excited ... read more
Checking out Krabi
Krabi Pier
Not much to see here?!

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi December 1st 2010

We were up early and quickly transfered to the pier at Phuket for our 3 hour ferry accross to the mainland area of Ao-Nang in Krabi. The weather this morning was horrific and as sad as we were to be leaving Phuket and the nearby islands, we were glad we had chosen a morning where the weather wasn't great and we wouldn't be missing out on the sun. We slept for most of the journey to Krabi which took about 3 hours and when we arrived it was still raining, so without a place to stay we jumped in a taxi van to the town centre to find a guesthouse for a few nights. We were dropped off by a row of about 5 guesthouses and within 10 minutes we had found a really nice place ... read more
Photo 43
Photo 58
Photo 30

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi November 27th 2010

Well another week in Krabi and we still haven’t made it to Tiger Cave Temple!! Instead we have relaxed on the beach, enjoyed the Loy Krathong Festival and I become a certified Diver!! Loy Krathong festival is celebrated according to the lunar calendar and so the date is different every year. It is a festival of lights with lanterns being launched into the sky and flowers and candles being launched into the water ways. It is to wish for good luck, merit and apologise for the polluting of the water ways by celebrating the festival!! Thais make the floating flowers out of a bamboo stem wrapped and decorated with banana leaves and flowers before 3 incense sticks and a candle is placed in the centre. We were invited to make these by one of the girls ... read more
 A storm is brewing
Good Dream
Our guesthouse bar

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi November 22nd 2010

Krabi! Well we're not really that crabby, but it has rained everyday since we've gotten here! (Which usually only lasts 2 hours, but still, we're on vacation... we don't have much else to complain about.) So we left Ko Phi Phi about 1.5 days ago after much relaxing on the beach. Ko Phi Phi was definitely an experience. A couple of times at dinner in Ko Phi Phi we were served by 3 people. Server 1 - to seat us, Server 2- to take our drink order, and Server 3- to take our drug order... usually offering weed. Definitely wierd and kind of scary because you're not sure if it's a scam and they are really just trying to screw with you. Justin has also been reading a book here based on the drug culture in ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Krabi November 20th 2010

After an hour ferry ride and 3 hr bus ride we arrived at Ao Nang Beach in Krabi. Not somewhere we had initially intended on visiting but from hearing about its beauty from fellow travellers we exercised our rights as travellers and altered route slightly. From stepping off the bus we were welcomed by the sight of beautiful beaches with long-tail boats scattered along the waters edge, something straight off a postcard. There is a good amount of development on the streets but local laws prohibit development on the beaches themselves so it affords Krabi the perfect balance between holiday destination and remote paradise. On our second day there we ventured to nearby Railay Beach. It cannot be accessed by land due to the large limestone cliffs surrounding it but 15 mins in a long-tail boat ... read more
Limestone Cliffs
Railey Beach
On the long-tail boat

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