Blogs from Ko Phi Phi Don, South-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 16


Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don February 8th 2011

Tuesday 25th January It took 60 minutes of flying time to Phuket from KL and then another 40 minutes to reach the ferry port on the South coast where we boarded a rather rugged looking boat. The boat journey takes roughly 2 hours and its great to be sitting up on deck admiring the small islands popping up on the horizon. We approach Koh Phi Phi where we start to see the towering cliffs of Phi Phi Leh island and only a few miles from here we begin to see the characteristic Ton Sai bay. There is a large modern deep water Government Pier on Tonsai Bay, Phi Phi Don Village completed late 2009. Almost immediately we are asked for a 20 baht 'Clean up Phi Phi' fee which is only 50p and soon we're walking ... read more
Leaving Phuket
Approaching Phi Phi Leh
Approaching Koh Phi Phi

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don February 5th 2011

From the moment we arrived in Phi Phi we knew this was going to be special. Michael had just about survived the boat transfer (no thanks to his horrific Patong fuelled hangover), but everyone else was in good spirits! We were greated with cold towels and virgin Pina Colada which went down very nicely in the 30 degree heat! They then took us through the check-in procedure and we even got an upgrade to a beach front suite! The Phi Phi Island Beach Resort was gorgeous and the attention to detail was amazing. The staff were out every morning trimming flowers to put in the water features, on the beds, balconies and even in the toilet bowl! Food and drink wasn't as expensive there as I'd thought it would be either. Cocktails were around 220THB and ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don February 4th 2011

With heavy hearts we had to bid goodbye to beautiful Phi Phi...hopefully we will return one day. We caught a longtail to Tonsai Pier then the big boat to Phuket, followed by a taxi to Nai Yang Beach where we'll spend the last 3 nights of our holiday. During the journey we had time to look back on our Phi Phi favourites.... Favourite activity/attraction: Todd: Snorkelling around Phi Phi Ley Anya: Snorkelling around Phi Phi Ley Jasper : My birthday Phoebe: Swimming in the beautiful water Favourite food: Todd: Spicy squid from a liittle restaurant in the back lanes of Tonsai Anya: Fried fish with green peppercorns from Paradise Pearl Jasper: Fried fish with green peppercorns from Paradise Pearl Phoebe: Fried fish with green peppercorns from Paradise Pearl... read more
Goodbye beach in front of our bungalow
Goodbye beautiful water
Jasper says goodbye

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don February 2nd 2011

We woke to a perfect Phi Phi morning and had to persuade our still recovering kids to get ready for snorkelling. Jasper had been looking forward to this trip for a long time so it was a shame he wasn’t 100%. We hired a longtail boat and driver (Kao) and headed toward the uninhabited island of Koh Phi Phi Ley to find some snorkelling spots among the many blooms of coral there. The scenery on the way was sublime. Steep cliffs soaring vertically from crystal blue water…definitely easy on the eyes. We stopped first at Ao Maya…the picturesque bay made famous as the setting for the film ‘The Beach’. We jumped straight from the boat into clear blue water teeming with schools of colourful fish. The kids enjoyed it for a while but their energy levels ... read more
Good visibility
Plenty of fish to see
Equipment check

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don February 1st 2011

The rain was coming down steadily as we left the Khao Sok jungle in a minivan and headed to Krabi, 2 ½ hours away. We were worried about Phoebe , who’d come down with a fever, which of course was a big concern when we were about to head to an island 2 hours from the mainland. After much deliberation and thankfully some help from one of the guys at the Krabi travel agency, I decided to take Phoebe to a private hospital in Krabi to get her checked out before taking the boat to Koh Phi Phi. She was given a simple blood test and the result showed no malaria or dengue fever, which had been our two main concerns. The doctor said there were signs of an infection that could be treated with antibiotics ... read more
Our bungalow
View from our bungalow
Off to breakfast

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don January 31st 2011

As soon as you step on Phi Phi Island you can see what all the fuss is about. Walking down the jetty from the ferry you can see multicoloured tropical fish swimming below, the water is crystal clear and the golden beaches are lined with palm trees. Six years on however you are still grabbed by the devastation that was caused by the 2004 Tsunami . Although totally redeveloped it is not hard to imagine how easily the waves flattened the island and left over 1000 people dead. Anyhow after arriving on the Island late in the afternoon we arrived at our bungalow and decided to take a trip up to the islands viewpoint. After a steep 45 minute climb and a few wrong turns we made it to the top and got some good pictures. ... read more
Carl on the viewpoint
Mich at our bungalow
Us with our new mates

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don January 27th 2011

Here is a good one for the travel blog.....don't assume your dive master has their dive gear in 100% perfect condition. After 42 dives now under my belt, I had my first "serious incident" Granted their were some outs and I was not 100 feet below the surface but it did give me quite a stir, which I thankfully was able to shake off once back in the boat. The day started off good, however after getting on the dive boat, the divemaster looked hungover, the weather was questionable and the waves seemed to be getting worse once we headed out of the bay. First stop the King Cruiser wreck first wreck dive so I was excited, i can't say the same for two of the other four divers, who were quickly becoming sea sick ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don January 23rd 2011

Martin var pisse muggen den morgen da han endelig vågnede langt op ad formiddagen. Vi skulle ud og finde bådmanden med de 2 tænder som Per fra PM Montage havde anbefalet mig. Ham havde vi set dagen før og han var ikke svær at genkende - et stort smil med 1 tand i overmunden og 1 tand i undermunden. Da vi endelig kom frem til hvor han sad dagen før, var han væk. Vi talte med en anden bådmand og han ville have 1200 baht for at sejle os til Maya Bay. Ellers skulle vi finde nogle vi kunne dele med sagde han - 5 personer 250 baht each. Vi gik afsted for at finde 3 piger som vi netop havde overhørt (de var danskere og havde vist haft samme snak med ham). Martin synes bare ... read more
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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don January 22nd 2011

A compilation of images taken during my two week tour of Thailand. We visited many Wats (Thai word for temple) both above ground and below.... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Phi Phi Don January 21st 2011

Vi stod tidligt op til en smuk solopgang. Afgang fra Phuket med færgen var kl. 09:00 men vi tog afsted fra hotellet allerede kl 7:30 så vi var sikre på at få en siddeplads da turen til Phi Phi tager lige over 1 1/2 time. Når man ankommer er der som alle andre steder, folk der forsøger at sælge transport. Uanset hvor tæt hotellet man skal bo på er på havnen, vi de sælge dig en longtail bådtur dertil. Der er ingen andre former for transport på Phi Phi. Enkelte har en cykel men ellers foregår alt med båd. Vores hotel lå 10 minutters gang fra havnen og bagagen tog en mand fra hotellet sig af så den blev slæbt afsted i en trækvogn. Mama Beach Residence er bestemt ikke er ligesom billederne og videoen vi ... read more
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