Blogs from Ko Lanta, South-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 33


Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta April 27th 2008

It feels like about 3 years ago since we were in Langkawi because we've been on a mad one travelling our hearts out! We were really sad to leave Ko Lipe because again we spent nearly 10 nights there and got to know alot of the local people. We got to quite enjoy the nightly euphoric candlelit rave dinners and the ladyboys who all fancied Nick haha. Lipe is so beautiful and unspoilt by over-development. You have to blink when you're on the beach to check that it is real :) a proper little Shangri-La. Had a really good night at the Reggae bar chatting to the 2 blokes that owned it and a Swedish and an Italian guy. The conversation got on to all things spiritual and the owner was telling us about the spirit ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta April 20th 2008

We booked this resort online and got a bargain! It's the end of the high season and there was barely anyone there. On our first night, there was one other couple and for the 4 days we were there, we had the pool to ourselves. We spent the time doing absolutely nothing but reading and relaxing! We only left the resort once to go to the nearest beach but it was so hot with no shade and the water was quite rough so we stopped for about an hour and then headed back to the tranquility of our private pool!! One morning, as there was no one around, we decided to play a bit of football by the pool and then did some keepy-uppies. We have a new camera which has a continious shot function so ... read more
Our Private Beach!
Our Pool!
Our Pool!

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta April 18th 2008

Finished in Ko Tao and took the overnight ferry. It took FOREVER! Had to sleep in very tight quarters- some very thin mattresses all lined up on the floor about 2 inches apart. It was not luxury to say the least. But, I arrived in Krabi and decided to go to Railay beach. Railay- Railay is comprised of two beaches- East and and West Railay. It is not technically an island, but a peninsula. East Railay is where I stayed. As our group got off the long tail boat, me and three Swedish girls started looking for accomodation, only to realize that it was much more expensive than we thought. They were lucky because they can share a room and split costs and I think when they saw how pricey the rooms were they felt bad ... read more
my hotel in railay
my hotel in railay
bar signs

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta April 9th 2008

Got lots to update you all on, as I haven't written on here since I got to Thailand! Our first stop was Ao Nang, where we met our friend Em, who had been teaching there for 2 months. We stayed only for one night as it was quite expensive because it was so touristy. The beach was really nice though and there was an amazing ice-cream restaurant there, which suited us all fine! Then we headed to Koh Phi Phi, which is a really beautiful island. Our first night we stayed on a really quiet beach, in a tiny shack, but it was absolutely stunning. White sand, clear water, and really hot...heaven! It was a bit too quiet there, so we headed to the harbour town the next night. We stayed in a guesthouse run by ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta April 5th 2008

Ko Lanta (5th April 2008) First of all No kodak moments today so no photos for this entry. It was a bit of an uneventful day to be honest. As usual since arriving in thailand i'd had a crap nights sleep and was woken all the way through the night and in the early hours of the morning by the creatures of Asia and the jungle. Firstly it was the gueko's, but this wasnt the sound of a normal gueko, it was much much louder thus must be much much bigger. Anyway it obviously liked our bungalow and as well as this been our home for the next few days it was also his home too. Later it was the turn of a big fly or a bee to annoy me and wake me. It sounded ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta March 22nd 2008

We left Bangkok after some few days there. Getting in contact with a swedish guy and an english talker. The english talker was sitting at our neighbor table in a restaurant. The reason why he talked was probably to impress the girl sitting with him. Talk talk talk. Talk talk talk. Talk talker talkest. Yeah, ballaballaboi. I don't have a clue of what to talk about. But I am a talkest myself, and my mouth doesn't stop rambling. Poor Dennis. His ears are probably damaged. From Bangkok we went by air to Krabi. The duration was one hour. And we got no food. Boooooo! Thihi. Me like airplane food. Keeps me busy with something, and I stop rambling for a very short while. Krabi: We went to the night market. Or I did. Been there before, ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta March 19th 2008

So it looks like we have made up our minds and will be leaving our home of two weeks to move on to Phuket for one night then on to Koh Raya. We will be taking diving lessons with Raya divers where our Fin friends learned to dive. It looks like both Tompa and Maija may be joining us in a few days so we can all dive together. Tompa just left today to go to Phuket as he need to check on his restaurant and also visit a friend who got into a motorcycle accident (long storey). I hope the next place we stop has a computer that will allow me to upload pictures so my blogs will be a little more interesting and you can see our friends smiling faces. Our Brit/Aussie friends left ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta March 17th 2008

A Thai, five Fins, two Canadians went fishing..... No this is not the start of a joke. We went fishing again with a better captin on a bigger boat with the same results as last time, no fish. We went with Tomeh, Oleh, Japo, Temu, Maija (the Fins(*sp names) Nit (Thai), Sindy and myself and of course Captin Bong (not kidding). We didn't catch anything but some sunrays and a good buzz. Nit runs the little bar we all have been gathering at for the last two weeks and we felt he needed a holiday and kidnaped him for the afternoon. Again same problem with uploading pictures so once again they will come later. We are trying to make plans go move on some where else but they are not coming easy and we are now ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta March 13th 2008

Not too much more to report than the last time I put up a blog... This is a place people get stuck in on purpose I think. There is lots of things worth doing and it's easy to get around and check out the rest of the islands. I went on a fishing trip (sort of) with a british couple now living in Australia while Sindy got some sleep. It was not much of a fishing trip as there was nothing to catch where our three guides (14,15,16 or so years old I think) took us but we saw a family of monkeys and stopped on a nice little island (Ko BuBu) for a few beers. The following day we went with another Canadian couple and six Slovenes (Great people to drink with)on a four Island ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta March 11th 2008

Hello everybody. sorry for waiting such a long time to write a blog again just that on the islands they charge a lot for internet use so we are quite limited. havent done a lot of travelling since koh phi phi, only made the boat trip to koh lanta. after doin really good snorkelling in phi phi we decided to try diving as it is really good in this area. we had a free taster session in the sea for a bit and loved it so we decided to take our PADI open water diver (certification to say that we can dive on our own with no instructor etc.). Its a four day course and today is our day off in between where we have to "study" apparently and learn all the theory from the textbook. ... read more

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